♡| Recovering

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It had been two weeks since that terrible incident. I was better now and all credit goes to my female colleagues of this workplace, specially Maladi and of course Mr Aditya Narayan Chatterjee.

Mr Sen was now in police custody. Mr Chatterjee made it sure that he would rot there.

I was recovering from my trauma slowly slowly everyday.
It was the most terrific incident of my life.
Patrick and Swapna wanted me to come back to them as soon as they hard about that incident.

I did not inform them firstly.
But a week ago when Swapna called me to know about me as usually, she sensed my sadness in my tone and asked me so many questions as generally the police did when they kept any suspect in their custody.

So I had to say everything about this mess and after listening this she started to force me to leave this job and place as soon as possible.

Even Pratik supported Swapna in this.
But I tried to assure them about my security and MrChatterjee's step for Mr Sen.

It took one hour to satisfy them about my security.

Uff!! Their protectiveness!

Now after two weeks of this incident I finally felt much better.

Mr Chatterjee also gave me very less work for my condition and apologised to me almost 100 times for this terrific incident as he thought that it was his fault.

Anyways I was fine now and took my normal workloads from last day.

In my workplace everyone was very supportive and lovely, Specially Maladi. Because of her I started to get over from the trauma.

"Nandini it's your assignment for today, sir asked me to give you." Sandip sir said.

"Ok sir, thank you sir." I smiled.

Ok, so I needed to be ready for the next deal's documentation presentation.

"Let's do it." I said to myself with a smile.

Now it was 8 o' clock of evening. I needed only 2 hours to get it ready.


At The Same Time In The Dense Forest

A Person was running as fast as he could. It seemed like he was running for his life from someone or something!

Just a few metres back a large figure was visible in this dim moonlight who was running like a storm.

Was this figure of a person?

After sometime when the density of the tress got less the dim light of the moon made the figure clear.

No! It was not a figure of any person!
How could be!

This could not be a figure of a person. It was the figure of a large beast who was chasing after the poor human to satisfy its hunger!

After some moment the poor, weak human surrendered himself to this large beast by reducing his speed.

The beast jumped to the poor, unfortunate, weak human and within a moment it smashed his body and made it's body into thousands and thousands pieces! The blood was flowing from that murder place like the water of any river!

The beast was licking his blood which was on it's giant hands and legs.

All the surroundings of the forest was become the witness of the barbaric scenario!

The moon was over mid sky now.
The beast turned it's head towards the clear sky and let out a loud growl. The sound of the growl was echoing through out the mountains of the dense forest of Dooars.

The reflection of the moon was visible on the wild eyes of the beast.

The reflection of the moon was visible on two golden eyes of the giant deadly beast, who's hands were still wet with the crimson red liquid, blood; with so much hatred into its eyes for some unknown and secret reasons...!

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