♡| Going Back

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A dark room was seen in the vision. No beam of light was there except a dim but noticeable rays of a perticular source in the room, a light lamp.
A woman was visible sitting on an arm chair. She was facing the light source.

"Hm. Tell me what have you found out?" She said with a rude voice on the phone which was there on her left hand.

"What! Are you sure that you saw her?"she shifted his phone to his right hand in hurry.

"Okay get the all information about her as soon as possible." She said hardening his voice tone.

She cut the call and kept she phone on the table near the light lamp.

She took a photo frame from the table which was settle bellow the light lamp; she grabbed it on her left hand and settle it near her face.

"So you have come here finally. Such a stubborn person you are. I made you lose before and again I will win. You will lost again. UNDERSTAND YOU WILL LOSE AGAIN FROM ME!!! DO YOU HEAR IT!!" She threw the photo frame on the floor hard! She was shivering with rage and strong jealousy.

The glass of the frame was broken into many pieces. But the wooden frame was still on it's shape.

The picture was not visible due to the darkness but it was quite visible that the picture was of two people!


"What now Swapna? They will never come here for me. I am none for them now. They always sacred of my father. What will I do now?" I cried out in pain. Tears were falling from my eyes.

"Clam down Neha, every thing will be fine. Just give it some time. Please drink some water and cool down." Swapna caressed my back with a gentle touch.

"I can't tolerate now Swapna. I am done with this." I standed up from the cold floor beside the bed furiously and went near the closet, took out all my cloths and threw these on the bed furiously.

"What are you going to do?" Swapna came to me hurriedly, with a worried face.

"I am going back to Dooars!" I said firmly.

"Are you mad? Tomorrow is Diwali and you are talking of going back?" She said with scared and panic voice.

"Yes Swapna I want to go now. I don't want to stay here. I will go day after tomorrow, after the first day of Diwali." I said with a cold voice.

Her face became very sad.

"But .."

"Please leave me alone for some moments." I said with teary eyes.

She left the room without any word.

I felt very bad for her. She and Pratik had tried everything to make me feel good. But I could not be happy now.

I lived here, near them. But they never bother to meet with me or to call me ones.

I wanted to go away from here as soon as possible.

I packed my luggages and kept out the necessary things only.

After packing my bags I went to my bed! It was now 12:30 of night.

The whole house was in silent mode as all were sleeping. But my sleep was far away from me.

The table lamp was still on. The whole room was slidly visible for this table lamp, which made the room quite mysterious.

I was facing the ceiling, various thoughts were coming into my head and made me more stressful.

I shifted my head's position from left side to right side, and noticed the study table, 'The Local History Of Dooars' was kept on the table and the light of the lamp fell on the golden name plate of the book and made it more bright and noticeable.

I wiped my tears and extend my left hand to grab the book.

I smiled thinking of the gift incident.

You really a nice hearted person. Always make me happy, does not matter you are with me or not. I will come very soon, very soon.

I opened the book and smiling with my own thoughts..


The moon was peeping from from the window and smiling at the at girl who was smiling in her own thoughts.

Soon there would be new moon and it would be vanished for one day, darkness would consume the earth. But it would come soon, just like after every sadness in life the happiness knocked the door in every one's life..


"What have you found out about her?" A male voice spoke with a coldness in his tone.

"I want every damn details about her. Do you get that?" He hissed with rage.

He cut the call furiously and went near a study table.

The whole room was visible a little bit due to the lamp light of the study table.

He grabbed a photo frame and took it near his face, as if he was seeing that frame delicately.

"I had lost you once because of her. But not now. I will never get you hurt again. I will protect you till my last breath." he said with a soft voice caressed the photo frame.

"I promise you!"


Its the next chapter of this story. Please hit the vote and make comments and share your thoughts.

Love you all.



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