♡| He was Still Staring At Me

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A huge palace, everyone is doing their own business. I am climbing down the stairs; after few minutes I reach to a balcony which spreads widely. A person is standing near the edge of the balcony, his back is facing towards me. I can't see his face. I keep going near the edge of the balcony, beside him. I am very happy to see him after many days. He turns his face towards me; I still can't see his face clearly, his face is hazy in my vision; suddenly he hugs me tightly, I hug him back happily and keep my face on his bold hard chest. He rests his face on my head. Then he kisses my forehead. I am very happy, I am feeling so complete in his arms. Then I lift my head to see his face...

Ti Ti Ti Ti ..

Oh this alarm!! Damn it! Always ring on wrong time. I just almost saw his face..! Ahhh!!

Yes, I used to see this dream since my early teenage days. I didn't know why always my dream broke when I just used to be so close to see his face.

This is really frustrating!!

I buried my face in my pillow and groaned. After few more minutes I woke up from my bed and I did my early morning business. After almost one hour I went to the ground floor for getting my breakfast. Today was Sunday, so the workload was very less compare to working days. I could say today was a relaxing day!

Taking my breakfast I went to my room and completed tomorrow's some work to release work pressure.

I finished work in approximately one and half hour.
After finishing I left my boring room and went to the backyard garden, flower garden, specially rose garden.

There were two gardener in this mansion. One was for fornt yard and other one for backyard.

I went to garden for refreshing my mood. I always came here to feel better from everyday's boring life.

"Uncle what is the name of this flower? " I asked the gardener with curiosity. I loved flower and I had a garden at my home (which was not mine anymore now, sadly).

"Its the mountain flower, it's very common here; you can see anywhere in this place. Every household has this plant." He replied politely.

"But how one plant carry different coloured flowers? Its so unusual!" I said with amusement in my voice.

"Its the specially of this flower" he smiled at my amusement.

"Its the specially of this flower" he smiled at my amusement

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I was very happy to get this information. Gardener uncle was very nice to me all the time. Infact we got friendly after few days of my arrival.
He saw me as his own daughter. I used to ask him about the names of plants and their quality, uses always. He answered my all question with patience.

His name was Raju; he was local and went to his house after 2pm everyday, after finishing his work. He was open minded person and always smiled, a simple happy person. He was in the age of 60's, the grey haired, darker complex , with grey and black bread and moustache in his oval face. The other employees used to call him uncle, so I also called him by uncle.

I was talking with uncle just then my eyes went to the wide windows of the top floor, which was belonged to Mr chatterjee's bed room.

Mr Chatterjee was looking at our direction. When he saw me watching him he left from the window.

He was watching us! From when? Why? May be he was checking his employees. He is the boss of all of us. Stupid me, its just a normal thing. I should not think this in other way..

Just then someone was calling me inside the mansion.

" I should go now, take care uncle!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Ok beti ( daughter) " he replied with a wide smile on his face!.

I was walking from the place and suddenly my eyes went to the windows again. Just then I saw a figure behind the curtains, staring at me with his intense blue eyes. My eyes got fix on his eyes. Before I went from his vision he was still staring at me with those intense blue eyes!

Rest of the day was spent by gossiping with others. At the night taking my dinner and wishing others good night I went to my room.

I was missing my maa and brother today very badly, specially my brother. Every Sunday night at my home we used to spend our time by watching horror movies or playing games.

I miss you brother, very much.

I felt the flow of tears on my face. I got up from my bed and went to the balcony after switching off the light of the room.

The moon was shining and spread its beams widely on the whole forest. I forgot my all sadness and tension by seeing the whole scenario of the night. Today the moon was not in its full size. But still its was looking beautiful.

I hope when I shall achieve my aim you will accept me as your daughter, father. Then we all will spent our live happily and peacefully, I just hope so.

Then I close my eyes and wiped my tears.

I have a long way to walk.


Just then from a tree of the forest, a pair of golden eyes was staring at the girl who was standing on the balcony, watching the moon. These eyes were glowing in the dark forest, while looking at the girl.
There was no hunger in those eyes. These eyes were showing a unusual softness and so much intensity of the emotions.

Many secrets are buried in those eyes. It will reveal every buried secrets only when the right moment will come...

Or may be it has come already...

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