♡| The Fullmoon Night

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I was working here from a week now. And yeah I was satisfied with this job.
Mainly I work were to arrange the everyday schedules of my boss and kept an eye on the work of the employees and of course to arrange files.
After my joining this job, I had met my boss only once, that was on the first day. He stayed in his room which was on top floor, I meant third floor in maximum time. Even he had done his breakfast, lunch, dinner his his own room.
In this one week I had met the employees of this mension they all were nice to me. After my work i used to gossip with them. But from all of them I became more close to Maladi, she was the chief chef of this mansion. She was a very nice lady, always polite to everyone. She was in 40 now; Slim figure, fair, straight long and thick black hair; this lady was really beautiful but her luck betrayed her as she had suffered from domestic violence. Her husband was a alcoholic, used to beat her every night. So she escaped from that hell one day and started this job here. She had a son, Shoubik; he was studying in 10th standard. He come to her mother every vacation as he was a hosteller.
My works always finished after 4 hours and them I went to help Maladi in kitchen. Maladi knew my situation and why I am here. She was very concern for me.

This place was very nice as the people were very nice. They took my care always.

We all had to follow one rule very strictly and that was we couldn't step out from this mansion after 5 o'clock of evening, even the garden also. As the mansion was surrounded by the forest so there were many dangerous animal roaming around this area every evening. So we couldn't step out from this house. Many people died for not following the rule.
This was really a bad news for me because I had a habit of night work.
Anyways, I used that time to make the next day schedule for my boss.


At that nigh, I suddenly woke up from my deep sleep; I heard a noise coming from outside I checked the time on my digital watch, it showed 3:30am.

What is the noise of! I need to check it out.

So, I went to the window like door and stepped out to the balcony which was with my room.
I couldn't see anything or anybody.

May be I have mistaken. There is nothing. Me and my silly thoughts; I should stop reading horror book. Aghhh!! I should sleep now.

But I could not stop myself to appreciated the beauty of this moonlit night.
The moon had spread its beams on the whole forest area. The whole surrounding was so peaceful and silent. Just like all the animals was sleeping peacefully. Only the crickets were doing their job. And few fireflies were also roaming in the air. The whole forest was enjoying the silvery rays of the moon.
This senario the fullmoon night was very affective for me. I couldn't take my eye off from this.
Hearing the sound of my digital watch I quickly remembered my works for today's morning. So giving a last glimpse I entered my room and went to bed for more sleep.

Around 6 o'clock I woke up from many voices, it was like something had occurred outside.

I got up from the bed and went to my balcony to see the whole matter. When I went there I saw many people were standing just below my balcony, on the backyard garden, talking to each other about something, very seriously.

Whats going on there? Is something wrong? I should go.

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