♡| The Battle Is On

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Back to The Present

"But today is full moon night! What she is upto now?" She whispered making others anxious more.

"We need to follow him! Let's go!" She said with determination.


For one hundred and seventy three years, ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THREE years he had waited for her, to hold, to be around her, to talk to her, to apologise her for all his bad deeds.

He made the entirety new empire of business for her, to welcome her, to give her the best future she wanted for her and what she deserved; to protect her from the cruelty of this world, to save her from her.

But again he failed; she snatched her from him, for him. She became the victim of his tragic fate again.

I am not going to let you win this time, you witch! I will protect her no matter what it costs!

Even my own death!

'We will save her, don't worry!'

Yes, we have to!

After turning into a Were-Beast he had to go though many challenges to control his thirst and lust for human blood and flesh. Each and every moment of his life had spent to satisfy his uncontrollable lust; every night when moon had shined his body started to change into a beast little by little; at the full moon night he had to become the Beast fully and his power and lust grew the strongest; full body took over by his inner Beast and he had to watch the deaths of those poor souls helplessly; untill Chandramallika came with an idea of killing those who were actually the criminals in the society.

His inner Beast agreed with him and Chandramallika collected the information about the criminals; out of fear of being killed people of this area stopped stepping out from their houses after 4 o'clock of afternoon and innocent people were being saved by him with this. But surprisingly the criminals as being rule breakers never actually followed that and everyday some of them came out after night fall. Those who were lucky never got a scratch on their body; but who were not, they were found by the local people after sunrise, dead with half eaten body.

The regulation of luner cycle controlled his inner beast; only in new moon he didn't have to worry much; untill she came again into his dark life. His life started to change; the Beast came into his control and some times he even forgot his lust while she was around. As his Beast also loved her with full passion; he started to stay around her as much as possible. Day by day after her arrival into his life his control over his lust became strong and his duration of hunting got lesser.

Only in the full moon nights and that full week he had to go to the forest for hunting; but the numbers of victims became less. Her presence calmed his inner Beast down.

Though she couldn't even remember him; her not recognising him gave him and his Beast the most pain; but he was still happy.

Being a witch herself, Chandramallika only could tell him about her reincarnation but the exact time she couldn't predict.

"We, the witches can only predict to some extent. But can't tell the time of someone's birth and death; it's all on the hands of Almighty and we are not above him!"

When she first came to him as his P.A.; his Beast instantly knew her just looking at her bright brown eyes; his inner Beast could see her soul in those; even though both of them had different face and appearance. Even their personalities were different except two thing.

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