Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: "If you're ready to hit someone, you should be ready to get hit yourself."


Oho, you've done it now, you little piece of shit.

A smarting cheek for your smartass crap. How fitting. You deserved as much.


Did I go too far? I went blank. Everything went blank. And before I knew it, I was lashing out at this girl whose name I still don't remember.

And before I came to, a palm was smacked straight across my face. Everything in the room just froze right then and there, as if time stood still. A slap that hard... Boy, has it been a while since someone other than Yukino hit me like that.

I roll my eyes, a feeling of dread creeping up as I look at my attacker. A furrow between her eyes from her arching eyebrows, tears streaming down her face, born from pure undiluted rage...

I managed to piss off Alice of all people.

The look of anger, especially when it's directed at me, is a common sight. But when something like that breaks the norm, it becomes terrifying. The expression of unrestrained wrath, on the face of a spineless girl like Alice...

It's the stuff of nightmares.

And all without a word. Without a breath. Without warning. I didn't even see her till her hand touched my cheek. It's like she frickin' teleported the moment I stopped to blink. All I have is this memory and image of her anger. And for once, I feel a chill running down my spine, all the way to my heels.

I've faced a shitload of crap, but this is... probably the first time I've actually felt like... this...

I glance at her face again, but this time, the anger is gone. Instead, what I see are a pair of pitiful eyes. I blink, and then I realize that pity was being aimed at me. Tears are running down my face. Son of a bitch... Not now...

Dead, dead and dead.

That's all I know. That's all I remember...! Don't come back now... You're dead! Frickin' dead! I don't know you! I never knew you! Go away, you stupid piece of...! Clutching my aching head, I cringe, shutting myself off from the girls.

"2001: A Space Odyssey? That's what you recommend? I've never been a fan of sci-fi novels, but if you say it's interesting, I might try finishing it. I prefer romance novels though. Give me a good love story next time around."

You're dead.

"Eeeeh? What do you mean you didn't like The Fault In Our Stars? You're stone cold, aren't you? Hmph. Or maybe I'm too easily taken in by romance. I don't know, maybe I'm interested in it because I want to understand that feeling when I'm in love with someone."

You're dead.

"Talking with you is fun. You always show such a cold exterior, but deep down inside, you're quite a soft person, aren't you? I think if you smiled a bit more, you'd be very popular with the girls. I know I like you, Reiji-kun."

You're fucking dead!

Yesterday's dinner is climbing up my oesophagus...! I'm gonna hurl! Dammit... Just go away. I don't need you. I don't want you. So don't come back to me. These sweet memories are nothing but a pile of thorns digging into me...

I take another glance at Alice. Those damn pitying eyes... Don't look at me like I'm a stray dog! Don't give me your pity, you're just insulting me with it!


"Aww, don't act tough."


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