Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: "I've never really liked the failure I've grown to be, so how can I expect myself to love others?"

There's a girl I always admired for the longest time. It's too bad she's so far above me that the divergence in our status makes everyone believe that it's impossible.

She's smart, athletic, beautiful... She even became the Student Council President this year.

Compared to that... what have I done?

What meaningful accomplishment have I achieved to counterweight that?

I could only admire her from afar. I could only hold these feeling to myself.

Furthermore, I can name thirty other guys and a few girls who want to get with her. Competition is fierce... And I'm severely outmatched.

Izuna Yukino.

That's her name.


I have to take my chances. If I fail to nab her now, I may never have a second chance. I should at least tell her how I feel about her. That's all I need. If I could my feelings across... Then maybe I could say that I have accomplished something.

I noticed her walking out the school compounds. It was a perfect opportunity. Everyone's busy at their respective clubs. So if we're outside, we should be alone.

Combing my hair, fastening my tie and adjusting my glasses, I head out with my spine straightened. I have one shot. Just one. I need it.

Stepping pass the school gates, I rush ahead to her. Her green hair flows valiantly beneath the gust of wind, and with each step I take, my heart pounds faster and faster. She doesn't notice me. She doesn't know I want to tell her something.

I gulp. I can't let the words be stuck in my throat. I have to get them out.


"Hm?" She turns around, looking at me over her shoulder. Her forehead is under wrap, I wonder if she tripped or something. "What is it?"

"Uh... The thing is..."

Don't falter. Just let the words come out. You're already there!

She taps her cheek with a finger. "Who are you again?"

Ouch. That stung. That really stung. Just don't let that get you down! "Ikazawa Junpei. I'm from the 4th class."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She blinks. "So what is it you wanted to say?"

Tightening my fists, I take a breath. Don't think. Just say it. "I really like you! And..." I look at her face which bore surprise. "I want to go out with you on a date. Just one date. Is that okay with you?"

She struggles to form a reply. Just as I expected.

It was futile from the very beginning.

"I'm sorry but..." She bites her lower lip, turning away. "I'm not interested in dating as of now. I'll have to decline."

Don't stop, Junpei. Keep pressing.

"You don't have to be interested!" I can feel my legs shaking. "Just one date, and I'll never bother you again!"

"I really can't... I mean..." She clasps her hands together. "I'm really busy these days so I can't make the time."

"I'll help you clear your schedule if you need me to! Reports? Homework? I can try to get it done!"

She clenches her teeth. "Look, I... just..."

"She doesn't want to go out with you!"


Brooding Guy, Quiet GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ