By yourself

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"Hobi."   Zola whispers over the phone, it was night time two days after what happened. Hoseok hasn't been home but he made sure to stay on the phone with Zola as much as he could. On the other side of the line Hoseok sat in his chair in his office as he trailed his fingers against the detailing of his desk.

He sighs knowing how stressful this is for her since she has to once again take care of the baby by herself while worrying for Hoseok and he felt bad about it.

"It's gonna be okay, okay sweetheart?"

He hears her breathing, that being the only sound since she took time to reply.

"Why can't we meet at a hotel or something? Babe we really miss you, nola misses her daddy."

At this Hoseok smiles, "although I wanna see you guys bad, it'll seem suspicious if you go to hotel when you already have a house."

"Well hurry and get this over with."


She hums.

"Are you sure it's not you who misses daddy?"

Zola was in the kitchen cooking dinner, music resinating through the room as she used this as a way to forget about her worries for a few moments, while at the stove her baby nola sat in her high chair sucking on her little Cheetos that were the right size to where she didn't choke on them.

"Daylight, I wake up feeling like you won't play right." She sang the words to the song while flipping both steaks. Hissing when she was pooped at by the oil, putting the fork down she grabs a spoon to mix the corn before checking on her mashed potatoes.

Looks all good. Hoseok had a lot of traditional Korean food but tonight she really wanted her own style of food. Turning around she laughs at the scene of nola with Cheeto dust all over her face and hands.

"You're all dirty, you're gonna need a bath huh?" She giggled down at her, nola watches her talk to her before grinning up at her mom. Hands waving in air as if to show Zola the Cheeto in her hand.

"Appa." Nola says but it was not clear, word a little jumbled but she knew what nola said. Nola looked up at her with a glint in her eye before shoving the Cheeto into her mouth.

"Daddy isn't here baby." She mumbles.

"Hello?" A mans voice rang through the house as a door shutting sounded right after. Zola immediately goes for the knife and placed it in front of her. When the man came in view he widened his eyes and raised his arms.

"Woah there tiger. It's just me, Jimin." The male with the short black hair slowly pulled his hands down as Zola sighed, placing the knife back onto the counter.

"What are you doing here?"

Jimin sighs before gesturing her to turn down the music, instead she turns it off.

"Hoseok sent me to watch over you and the baby. Said something about making sure no one tries to break in."

She nods, "well since you're here, are you hungry?"

Jimin eyes the food she has set out, raising his eyebrows. "Starved actually."

A few hours later

Zola and the baby were asleep while a freaking out Jimin was heading his way towards her room not really ready to give her the news.

He was kind of nervous for her reaction, hand pushing back his hair Jimin gathers up his nerves and pushed open the door. There she lied peacefully asleep while Nola was in her crib cutely sleeping in the same style as her mother. Instead of just standing there, Jimin quietly walks over to Zola trying not to wake up the baby.

"Zola." He gently shakes her shoulder. It wasn't hard for to wake up since she's now a light sleeper because of nola.


"We have to talk."

At this she was up immediately, hand rubbing her eyes trying to adjust to her sight. Jimin crouched over and placed a hand on her shoulder, to comfort her though.

"What is it? What's going on?"

"Hoseok......Hoseok he got...—

His words were cut off by Zola who was almost frantic.

"Please don't tell me he got shot or something." Her hand was layed out on her chest feeling her rapidly beating heart.

"Oh no! Hoseok got arrested." He says waiting for her reaction. Sighing he puts his head in his hands. "We don't know what to do."

"Fuck this isn't good."

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