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Lately Zola has been feeling weird when in public, she felt like she was being watched and as if people were judging her. When she would go places with Hoseok a lot of people's heads would turn. When they first started dating she just assumed that they looked at her because of her skin color and that she was acting all cute with her boyfriend but now she had a weird feeling, people would give the male dirty looks all of the time not just her. Usually she'd just bury her face into his arm as she held onto him to ignore there stairs but one time she caught them glaring at him and gave her a pitiful look.

Zola thought back to the one time where they were at a club and Hoseok had been ordering their drinks while she sat at a booth and whilst he was gone a Korean woman around her age had came up to her with a weird look.

      The girl had came up to her, she wore a knee length black dress that looked kind of too fancy for a club but other than that she looked gorgeous. She had gave Zola a small smile before stopping at her booth.

            "Hello, are you with that man over there at the bar? The one in all black, long black hair?"

   Her voice was low and secret, she leaned down as if no one was allowed to hear what she was saying while pointing right at Hoseok. Zola looked her in the eyes with a slight curious look. Why would she wanna know that?


After that encounter the girl didn't say much except that she had known him and that he was in a big business deal and it was kind of dangerous. Zola didn't know this but the woman realized that zola didn't know who the man really was so she ended up dismissing the situation before going away. Zola strikes it kind of weird that she had asked about him but after that things kind of made her stomach feel weird, she all time had a gut feelings about something but she didn't exactly know what it was about.

Recently Zola had hung out with her friends too and they were strangely talking about big huge gangs that were going around the country, she really wouldn't have listened in on their conversation but what struck her attention was the tattoos they were talking about, her friends were always interested in these type of things but she never really cared since she never really encountered anything gang related. But how they explained the tattoo was very interesting to her, they said that the tattoo was what people who are highly ranked in the mob had tatted on their hip, it was a white snake that wrapped within itself, Zola thought it was a coincidence but she was pretty sure that Hoseok had a snake tattoo on his hip.

Zola did end up asking them to show her what the tattoo looked like, once she seen it she made sure to remember what it looked like just in case. Zola was pretty sure she was just thinking crazy but it didn't stop her from being curious if the tattoo they had showed her was the same one Hoseok had. So when Hoseok had told her that Yoongi was having a small get together at his house which involves getting in a pool, she took this chance to find out if that's the tattoo Hoseok had.

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