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"Zola." Hoseoks says deeply, his voice almost booming from the other side of the door. "Let me in the room."

Zola say on the queen sized bed with her baby in her lap, hand running through nola's hair to comfort her although she wasn't aware of her parents fight. A few hours earlier, Zola managed to escape from him and make it into the babies room and lock the door on him. Although how long it's been, Hoseok still stood outside the door as he slowly lost his patience.

"I swear to god if you don't open this fucking door Zola."

"Go away asshole!" She finally speaks up. There was silence from the other side before a bang rang through the room since he punched it from the other side.

"Goddamnit! Baby, please just open the fucking door! I just want to see my family."

She could hear the desperation in his voice as he basically begged her but Zola didn't say anything as she lied down on the bed while pulling the baby closer to her chest, noticing how Nola was almost in a deep sleep as her eyelashes fluttered. Zola was almost distracted by her beauty but the door slamming open caused her to flinch and shoot her head up to see Hoseok. Seeing the sight in front of him, Hoseok closes the door as he watched the panicked look on her face.

"Baby, please I just need my two girls. Alright?" Slowly he moved over to where she lied and started to crawl over her body so he was holding her from behind. Hoseok pushes himself closer so his chest was now tightly squeezed against her back while his arm went over her waist so he could caress the babies cheek.

"I love you." He whispers into her ear, "I love our baby but I'm upset that I didn't get to see her from the beginning."

Zola doesn't dare to look back at him as she stares at her beautiful creation trying to ignore the man behind her. Since she didn't reply, Hoseok continues on.

    "You have to understand that all I want is to see you carry my baby. That's all I want, i missed shit a father shouldn't have missed."

Hand pulling away from the babies face, Hoseok places a hand on her waist causing Zola to place hers on top of his to push it away but Hoseok keeps his grip.

   "Stop, I'm not going to try anything. Especially with our baby in the same room."

Zola rolls her eyes, snatching her hand away in annoyance. "You must be crazy to think I'd give you another baby."

Hoseok was quiet at her words, finger tips tracing her skin. Zola felt Hoseok nuzzle his head into her neck as he placed light kisses on her sweet spot.

   "Just think about it baby."

She didn't know how to get it through his head, if she told him how she feels he'd probably ignore it and try to tell her how it was in his way and quite frankly she didn't like the new him. Before he used to be so sweet yet now he seems extra controlling and mean, Zola really hated how he acted like he could tell her what to do knowing she was her own person.

    "You don't understand how I feel. You turned into a complete controlling asshole that I can barely stand anymore. Sometimes I'm afraid you'll start abusing me from how you act now. That's why I don't want to give you another baby." Zola sighs, "If I get pregnant and you so happen to get more physical then I don't want another one with you."

Hoseok just listens, after she was done ranting he brought his hand up to her cheek before turning her head towards him.

   "I don't hit woman. If I did, don't you think I would've hit you after that stunt you pulled? Hell no. I'm not a woman beater, anything but that. I love you too much to actually hurt you." He explains, concerned when tears start to run down her face.

   "Y-you might say that...t-hat you wouldn't hurt me physically but it hurts me mentally. I hate the way think you can control me, i am a fucking human being not your pet." Zola cries softly, a lump in her throat as her face starts to heat up. Hoseok couldn't help but to kiss her lips as he leans his forehead against her own.

   "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry", lips press against hers again, "I'm trying not to be an asshole but I just don't want to lose you again."

Hoseoks cracks as he thinks about when she told him she was leaving him. Just the thought of her leaving frustrated her to no end.

    "I fucking love you and I'd do anything for you."

Zola turns her head more facing him before raising her hand backwards to place it on his cheek to pull him closer.

   "Please just....try for me baby." She says before rising her head up to kiss his lips firmly. "You know i love you too but I can't live like this."

I forgive too early.

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