Save Me

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Though this may be the end of book one. Their story is Defiantly not over. How could it be? 


((Kaden's POV))

Two minutes too late. Watching her in a hospital for two days now sitting motionless. The beeping of her heart monitor. The dare was stupid and it almost gets her killed. I was stupid. I almost got her killed.

I grasp my guitar. I'd been playing for her a lot since she came here. Keeping me sane I guess. I've written more songs the past week than I have my whole life. It's easy to keep a beat today, since Jay-J's heart beat's regular unlike yesterday.

I lay my guitar on the ground and grasp Jay-J's hand. If I could have any wish right now, it be for her to wake up.

"Whoever is playing with the puppet strings up there. One wish is all I need. I'll do anything just let her wake up" I say looking to the ceiling. Sure I looking like a buffoon, but a buffoon who just wanted his best friend to wake up.

I pick up my guitar to play her a song. Airplanes by B.O.B and Hayley Williams.

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night, like shootings stars. I could really use a wish right now"

Jay-J's heart beat starts a little faster, growing closer to the normal speed. Doctors and Nurses rush into the room, in hopes she'd awake. They were their miracle patient this week. Everyone was rooting for her to wake up.

"Keep playing, sometimes it encourages the patients who are in a coma" a nurse informs me.

Coma. Just the word is discouraging, but I continue to play. This is the answer to my wishes. My prayers. I'm not the kind of person who prays every night and all, but I had to do something when they said all I could do was wait and see.

I continue to play, and Jay-J's heart rate is to normal standards, no all she has to do is wake up. "Common Jay-J, wake up" I urge while on a guitar portion of the song.

"Eye movement!" One of the nurses exclaims. A doctor start writing notes. The song ends and Jay-J's heart starts to slow down. "Play another song!" A nurse says encouragingly. On the spot I start playing What hurts the most. Jay-J's dad and my own used to try and sing this on rockband. There's a reason we stopped playing while they were home.

"What hurts the most, Was being so close. And having so much to say. Then watching you walk away" Sure I don't know the lyrics perfectly. I only heard the song when our dad's sang it and they didn't know the lyrics at all.

Jay-J's heart beat faster again. "What hurt the most was being so close!" I sing out, staring at Jay-J in the white hospital gown. In the white hospital room. Windows staring out to somewhere she may never see again.

I walk to the side of the hospital bed where there was no one else. I continue to play the song, but I draw closer to her. I press my lips to her forehead. I wasn't going to steal her first kiss, while she's in a coma. Especially since she doesn't love me.

Her eyes flutter open as I draw back. The doctors and nurses start exchanging information. I walk away from the bed, still singing, "Being so-o close!" I strum the tiny strings on my guitar until the song finishes. I can't even look to Jay-J. She might know what I did.

"Vitals are good, amazingly" One doctor says looming over Jay-J. "You really are our Miracle Patient" A nurse says smiling at Jay-J.

Jay-J gives the nurse her famous small crooked smile. She uses her smile to advantage. Getting people to do things they don't want to. Getting out of things. Anything she could. Her smile was my weakness.

Move on

But I can't. I fell in love with her the moment I met her. Sure we were little, babies practically, but I just knew.

You need to let her go. She's your best friend

I had no chance. Guys fawned over her every time we went in public, not that she notices but one day she will. She'll leave me out to dry. I can't let that happen. I have to move on.

The doctors come over to me, saying I could take her home. Xander had taken care of it apparently. I sign the papers while Jay-J gets dressed in the clothes Kasey brought by yesterday just in case. Before Jay-J comes out of the bathroom I call Xander.

"Hello?" he asks when he answers. "It's Kaden. She's awake. Get the party supplies out" Jay-J comes out of the bathroom and she stares at me with a peculiar expression.

Xander starts yelling on the other side of the phone. "She's awake! Guys she's awake! There coming over! Get the supplies out!" he ends the phone call before I can say anything.

"Hey Jamie-Jay-J. Haven't seen you awake and standing for a while"

Two almost three days.

"Why the fuck did you do it?" She asks, looking more hurt than anytime I'd ever seen her. I could tell it took everything in her not to cry.

"I had to keep you safe" Is all I can manage. "Great job Sherlock. Why'd you all just do that? I don't get it. What did I do?" she asks pouring her words from her mouth.

They'd threatened to hurt her. It was all I could do, but they did it anyway. They hurt her.

I shake my head to avoid my own tears. "Mandy threatened to hurt you. I couldn't let it happen, this was the only way I could stop her. Apparently it didn't work anyway"

She shakes her head, trying to take in the information.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

I advert my eyes from her, trying to work through the mess of thoughts I had going through my head. "I'm a stupid guy" I state simply. She just shrugs, "I figured that on my own"

"Forgive me?" I plead staring her in the eye.

"It's in the best friend code to forgive you. I kinda have too remember the ear rings?" She says gripping her ear lobe showing a little duck ear ring.

"Okay, we both get these ear rings in promise to be best friends forever right?" I ask giving her, her part of the ear ring. We were buying one set of ear rings that were ducks. We each get one to show we're best friends. She picked them out. I thought she grew out of the duck phase after thirteen but nope.

"Course." We both had never pierced our ears.

I smile at her. "Mines at home, I remember my dad flipping out saying his son shouldn't have pierced ears no less a duck ear ring" I smirk. Jay-J walks forward and grasps me in a hug.

"I missed you guys so much" she murmurs into my jacket. "We missed you too"

We head out of the hospital soon following, and head to Jay-J's house, me driving as slowly as possible trying to give everyone time to get the party ready. Jay-J flips through the limited radio stations trying to find something she likes. I couldn't help but glance at her periodically, noticing how beautiful she looked.

Knock it off Kaden

"So what did I miss with you guys?" Jay-J asks finally deciding on a station and leaning back in her chair.

"Justin finally called that girl you know, the McDonalds one. Apparently she has no personality" I inform her, she nods. I tap my fingers on the steering wheel while driving down our street.

I pull into her drive way, and then help her out of the car. We walk up the driveway and I open the front door.

"Welcome Home!"

Finally, things are getting back to normal.

I got my one wish.


So? Are you as sad as i am?! Well I'm already writing the second bookie xD You guys rule, i wouldnt have finished this book if it werent for your guy's encouragement! This was meant to be a side project and look at it now! Thank you so much for reading, comment vote fan!:)

Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now