Save Me (Chapter 2)

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  • Dedicated to The Teacher from HELL Aka My English Teacher

Sadly, this is anotther pathetic and measly chapter :( But her you go!


"Now what do ya'll youngin's have to say for yur' selves?" The chief of police asked all five of us, sitting at his measly desk tapping his meaty fingers. 

"Can you speak English, Sir?" Justin asked sarcastically. I smirk, this chief talks like we live in the south, I mean we live in Washington it's pretty dang north, for the US. So, who's he kidding? The chief narrows his eyes on Justin, with his pathetic glare.

"As I was saying! Breaking and entering, public nudity for you young man-" he stares at Kaden "-and Vandalism! Your going to have to wait till your parents can bail you out." he sighs and ushers us out of his office and into the cell in which people stay while waiting for bail.

I take residence on the cold bench next to Joel while Justin, Kaden and Tyler sit on the cement floor. "It's still Kaden's turn to ask someone" Justin inputs out of boredom.

Kaden smirks at me, "Jay-J, Oh Dear Jay-J, we all know you refuse to do truth-" It's true, they used to always ask terrible questions like 'would you have sex with a monkey if there was one here right now' and then someone would call Tyler a monkey and tell us to get it on, never again will I do truth. "-Yes, Dear Kandy"

"I dare you, when school starts back up to infiltrate the clique and destroy them" He smirks, he always hated the clique, not only because of their stupid name but because they thought they were so much better than everyone else. Well that and one of the jocks would give him a swirley everyday all freshman year.

"That is the single worst dare that I have ever heard! Besides, it wouldn't work!" Letting my eyes roll, I shake my head. Though everyone else seems intrigued. 

"Yes it would, stupid." Kaden said, matter o' factly.

"How? It's not like I can get a personality, face, body, mind, and sex appeal transplant!"

"Leave that to us." Kaden said, looking around the room, glancing at every face. 

"You know what? Fine I will, Deal."

Kaden reaches out his pinky, and I connect mine with his and blow into my fist as does he.

"Little lady, time for your phone call." the sheriff says coming out of his office.

"Don't call me little lady." I growl as I stand up and walk out of the cell as he unlocked it. I pick up the old, and rather diseased looking phone and dial Kaden's Mom's cell phone number. She had said, even though I think she was joking, 'If you ever need me to bail you guys out of jail, call me', except she was drunk at three in the morning on New years. 

The phone rings, for what seems like forever, but the familiar voice fills the terribly fuzzy speaker.

"Hello?" She asks confused.

"Hey Mrs. Becksfield-" Kaden's head shoots toward me I just shrug, "You know when you said you'd bail us out of jail.." I trail off. I hear heavy breathing on the other line.

"Your in JAIL?!" She screams, I hold the phone away from my ear. "Why did you call me anyway? Why not your parents?" she continues to scream. This isn't exactly the first time we've been in jail. At least for Kaden and I.

"My parents are in Jamaica." I sigh, they're not coming back until the New year which is months away. I hate how busy their jobs keep them. At this point, I'd be surprised if they still knew our names.

"Oh." she breathes. "How much money?" she groans.

"Yo! Po-po, how much is bail for us all?" I yell, staring at the cheif as he looks at his clip board, trying to look busy. Though, it was terribly failing, since I saw what was on the clip board earlier. Pokemon stats. I mean, pokemons cool and all, but there is a time when you need to stop tracking stats and all. He's passed that time, by a lot.

"Since there aren't charges being filed, you just need to be picked up by a parent or guardian." he says disappointed. "Nothing, just come get us." I whisper. "You all owe me." she growls and hangs up. She may be Kaden's mother, but sometimes she acted like a teenager herself.

"Your Mommy's on the way Kandy!" I exclaim as the chief ushers me back into the cell. Kaden sighs, but nods. I take my place back on the bench, soon following, we sit in silence until only the voice of Mrs. Becksfield bounds into the police station. "You kids are in SO much trouble! And Kaden you are not sleeping at home tonight! Your father would tear you a new one!" She screams slamming her purse in front of the officer and starts signing the papers. All our parents have signed guardian ships to each other for situations like these, believe me they're common.

She drags Kaden and I out by our ears while Tyler, Justin, and Joel follow close behind. When we get to her car we all pile in, with Justin laying on top of everyone's lap since there wasn't enough room.

"Why Can't Jay-J sit on top, she's lighter!" Tyler complains, "You calling me fat?!" Joel yells fake mad. "Yes Ma'm!" Tyler yells.

"Shut up!" Kaden's mom yelled, trying to focus on the road infront of her.

"Do you guys want to spend the night?" I whisper. They all just nod. Kaden's mom drives in utter silence until pulling into her driveway, turning off the car and storming inside. We all cross the strip of rocks that separate our two houses and burst into my house. I could see Kasey's bedroom light on and there was moaning sounds coming through the wall.

"Eww!" I scream covering my ears. Joel walks up to Kasey's bedroom door and bangs on it, "Kasey it's Daddy, I'm home!" He lies through snickers.

"Uh-Hi Dad, I'm not decent!" she obviously lies through pants. He busts open the door and two screams echo through the house. All of us, excluding Kasey and her man burst out laughing as Joel shuts the door again, letting our laughter echo through out the empty house, and up the stairs as we run towards my bedroom.

Letting myself flop down on my king size bed while the rest of them pull out the second, same sized bed. We always just all sleep on them, I make a wall with pillows, because sometimes they will wake up hugging each other. Great picture opportunities there, though. When they have the mattress in the floor I get off my bed and pull onto the ground and line it up with the other one, with the help of Justin and Tyler.

"Get the blankets, they're in the closet." I say to Kaden, he nods and walks into my closet. I gather all the pillows off my bed and throw them on the mattress, then walk into Xander's empty bedroom and take his, and then put them on the make shift bed.

I wonder where Xander is, anyway.

The guys start making the beds, tossing a few extra pillows toward my side for the wall. "I'm gonna go change." I mumble grabbing a pair of way to big plaid pajama pants with a tank top. When I get back from changing they we're all just in either sweats or boxers. Where the hell did they get the sweats? Probably from their stock pile in my bottom drawer.

After we're all set up we lie on the beds, in dead silence, but it's not awkward, just pleasant silence. Absently picking at the pillows that made my wall, I find that they gave me the itchy pillows so every time I move it would scratch my skin. I destroy my wall and throw it off to the side to reveal Kaden who's arms are red since he had the other side of the wall.

"You guys suck." I growl, looking over Kaden. They all grin back.

"Go To Bed!" I hear Mrs. Becksfields voice scream from her own home, making us all laugh. "Your mom is a piece of work." I smile hitting Kaden's bare chest. "And just think, she made this piece of fine art." Kaden says winking while motioning to his body. I could already hear three sets of snoring. Kaden and I were always the last up, it doesn't help that Tyler, Justin, and Joel sleep like rocks, falling asleep as soon as they close their eyes. 

"We're gonna miss you while you're in disguise babe." Kaden grins.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, I'll be in and out in no time, besides you guys could probably say you're visiting Xander so you can come over." I smirk. Why am I so into this, all of a sudden?

I will take over these clique losers. No more swirley. No more bullying.

No more hating on Jannie.

They won't even see it coming.

I won't even see it coming.

Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now