Save Me

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And Also, does anyone play Piano and want to help me make the song i posted,(Last part back) into a real song? My piano is pissing me off and i cant get it right! So either play the piano and put it on yotube, then give me the link. OR Email me the video at  I'll love you FOREVER! <3 :)


Jay-J's POV

"Who called me in?" I ask the doctor, who had just explained that I was extremely dehydrated and a cold. He also explained the importance of staying hydrated since a heat wave is predicted to be coming some time this weekend, around the time of the incitation. "We didn't catch the name, but it was a male"

Xander? Kaden? It doesn't matter, they're gone now.

"Your going to need a parent or guardian to sign you out" the doctor informs me. That means only the guys parents could sign me out. Looks like I'm here for a while.

The doctor leaves the room so I reach for the phone on the strangely shaped side table. Justin's mom basically hates all of us so she's out. Joel's parent's said they are never bailing us out again after being arrested by mall cops. That leaves Kaden's parents or Tyler's parents.

Kaden's parents wont lecture me. But I'm kinda afraid of them right now, maybe they're mad for whatever I did to Kaden and the guys. Tyler doesn't tell his parents anything. I call Kaden's mom's cell phone anyway.

"Hello? Reena Becksfield speaking" My chest tenses.

"Could you come get me?" I ask in a whisper. "Jay-J?"

I let out a ragged breath. "Yeah"

"Where are you? Are you okay? You sound upset! What did those boys do to you!?" she says loudly into the phone

"Hospital. No. I am. They did nothing" I say answering all her questions.

"Hospital? Why?! I'm coming to get you as we speak, Kaden can wait at practice a little longer" She says hanging up. I let the phone drop on the receiver.

Tomorrow is my parents funeral. They had to 'Ship their bodies' to the states. The idea of that disgusts me. But I get to see them one last time I suppose. Last Hooray.

I watch the wall waiting for Reena to arrive. She walks into the door fast as she rushes to my side. "What happened?!"

"I guess I was dehydrated, I slept for two days."

"Two days?!" She exclaims shocked. I had insomnia after Jannie died I could stay up days straight and function well. I feel tears well up behind my eyes. Everything in perspective I suppose.

Everyone's gone

I have nothing.

And I broke my promise not to cry.

I shake my head fiercely tears spilling. Reena looks to me scared. I need to toughen up but I can't. My family is either dead, MIA, or completely changed. My friends hate me. All I have is me. I guess the quotes right, "The only person you can rely on is yourself"

Reena gathers me into a hug as I cry. "What did they do to you?" she asks.

"More like what did I do to them" I mumble into her shirt choking on the burning tears that I promised to never cry again.

~~Tyler's POV~~

From; Kaden's Mother

What the hell did you guys do to her?

Guilt bubbles up inside. I throw my phone across the room where it hits my pillow of my bed. "What it say?" Joel asks looking to me. Then his own phone rings. So does Justin's. Kaden's rings last, but all the messages are the same.

Kaden's phone rings again and it's a phone call from his mother. "Hello?" he asks putting it on speaker.

"What did you do to her!?" his mother screams. There was a girl pleading in the back round to hang up. Jay-J.

Kaden's face crinkles in remorse. "I'm so sorry" he whispers into the tiny microphone. "Answer my question Kaden Mason Becksfield" his mother growled.

"I promised-" he stopped, then hung up before continuing. "I promised I'd protect her. I told her to trust me. I told her she'd be safe." he says not looking at anyone.

"Just Yell man" Justin said. Kaden let out a gut wrenching scream. I cover my ears mockingly. Joel hucks a pillow toward me. "Are we going to the funeral tomorrow?" I ask now being utterly serious. The Valentine's are basically family.

"Do you really think Jay-J is going to be happy if she see's us there?" Kaden says angrily.

"We're not welcome"

"Doubt we ever will be"

Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now