Save Me

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I got new glasses! Arg, i look more nerdy than i did >_< Oh well match the personality right? well if i did that my glasses wiuld have pics of Munro Chambers and Andy Sixx all over them. Smexi? ;) Oh well, I was wondering if anyone would like to make a cover for the sequel 'Check-Mate' ? Anybody? Blah, anyway I hope you've noticed Jay-J isn't as much of an emotional mess! Gosh i hate her like this! I write short stories about her and the guys as friends again, shes so much finner to write about when shes happy. Dont worry she'll be happy soon enough! Dude, I'm really hungry. My sister is making me food, but she's eleven so i dont exactly trust her completely ya know?

Awh Shit...What did she do? O_O Wait she said she's okay. Phew. Lol, oh fun fact! Kasey in the story, was named after my eleven year old sister! Lmao okay your all pissed that I'm rambling, i havent done it in a while so chiiiilllll ;)


I push my legs back in forth trying to take off the ground from the swings. It's only five o'clock so little kids weren't exactly happy I was taking up there swings. And parents were pissed I told them to shove it.

I'm ready for me to wake up and me to be back in jail with the guys. Kaden would ask me "Truth of Dare" and I'd say truth instead. He'd ask me something like "Are you lying about you innocence?" I'd get embarrassed and throw something at him. Everyone would laugh and I'd skip the question without another word.

I sigh staring at the sun still high in the sky. Summer weather should be coming to an end soon, it's only the end of September amazingly. So much has happened you'd think it's Christmas.

I stare at the sky, until the stars come out. It feels like only seconds. I look around the park which is now empty. I don't have my phone, so I cant check the time or call Xander to come get me. I suddenly regret not wearing shoes. Even more so, changing onto pajama's. Bad call Jay-J, I curse myself.

It's almost my birthday isn't it? Today's the twenty sixth. Hell, tomorrows my birthday. I wonder why Kasey hasn't said anything. Well she has only been home for a few hours. First birthday without the guys I guess.

"Time for Hell, I suppose" I mumble. I get off the swings gently, and I start walking towards the sidewalk. I feel myself shiver, it's so freaking cold; I think to myself. I try and stretch my shorts to make them cover more, but I fail.

After walking a block, a car pulls up next to me. The window rolls down quickly and the driver leans out to speak to me.


"Get in the car"

"Why should I listen to you, Becksfield?" I snap not bothering to look at him.

"Please?" He begs. Sincerity in his voice. God, why can't he leave me alone. First he breaks my heart. Yes I'm 'man enough' to say that. But then he leaves me alone just hanging.

A song blasts from his car speakers. Midnight Romeo. Weird, or stalkerish. I don't feel like figuring out which. "Leave Me alone Kaden. I don't need you" I say, breaking my own heart into even more pieces than it already was in. Why did he have to make things so hard?

"Your going to get hurt, you have no shoes and its late Jay-J" He struck a chord.

"You do not call me Jay-J. Only my friends can call me Jay-J. You Kaden, are not one. Hell I don't have any" I nearly scream. I hear Kaden sigh. "Please?" he repeats.

I get into the car, I have no other choice. "Don't take this as me forgiving you" is all I say. I glace at the radio clock. One in the morning, good thing I'm skipping tomorrow for the party thing. When was I supposed to meet them again? Eleven, oh yeah.

"Wouldn't expect you to ever forgive me" he says honestly. He starts the fifteen minute drive back to my house.

I watch out the window, everything passing by in slow motion. When Kaden pulls into the drive way I get out of the car, not a second glance nor a thank you. I walk into my house, blowing off the scolding's from Xander and the questions from Kasey.

At least I'm not fighting tears.

I open, then slam my bedroom door. I crawl into bed without another thought. Sleep was the only thing my mind screamed for.


My alarm rings out like every Tuesday morning. Loud and annoying, now that I mention it, it's just like Xander. I laugh at my lame joke even if I'm the only one who heard it.

I get out of bed and walk into my closet. Today, I had to look my best. It's the 'Par-tay' every time I hear that I think a brain cell dies. I take the long, white flowing dress from the back of my closet and put it up to me. It looked pretty amazing. I put it on over a white swim suit, and then my wig. It itched my head, but I'd begun to adjust.

When I walk downstairs, Xander is passed out on the couch, whip cream can in hand. Damn him, I was gonna use that on pancakes! I'll just have pop-tarts. I put pop-tarts into the toaster before waking Xander up.

"Leave Me Alone" He growls. I check to see if theres still whip cream in the can, lucky him there is. I shake it for a few moments before spraying everything that's left in the can on his face.

He just continues to sleep. Damn boy.

I hear my pop-tarts, well pop. I go back to the kitchen and grab them out of the toaster quickly to avoid being burned.

I hear Xander yell some wonderful profanity as I munch my pop-tart. Good start to a possible good day. But it could be hell, only god knows.


I was gonna write more but I'm TIRED GUYS! I'll eat and shit, then i might update more. No promises! At least by sunday though, I'm home alone all day since my family is going to my cousin Nikko's birthday party! Sorry i cant go buddy! Stupid over-stimulation makes me go *Faints*! And my side but thats beside the point. I Love his name though. He's six so he'll probably never see this epscially since he's a guy. But anway, my family will be gone all day, giving me freedom to stay in bed and write all day! Well I've done that all week anyway -_- God I've been such a loser this week! lol rambling again. I miss rambling! Garsh anyway you guys need to check out

-xXThoseNightsXx (Its MEE! ;))

-BookGirl1997 (Good Fraaand of mind! :))

-Cheesyrice (MY SISTA! Kasey! She's a good writer, just not easily motivated!)

Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now