Save Me

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Dont hate me, but we're getting close to the climax guys!! D: I'm just as sad as you guys, but I'm happy that I'm gonna finish the story at least! :)

I totally had to use spell check to spell cupboards DX

Well I'm off to bed once i post this! :P


At lunch I start talking with Mandy and her little barbies.

"So Rose we have to put you through initiation, as you probably know. We're having a part on my yacht next weekend, that's your initiation, Mkay'?" Mandy said sounding demanding.

"Yes of course!" I say trying to sound excited. "Mhm" she mumbles while filing her nails. Cliché much. "You'll come over to my house at six in the morning be in a swim suit with clothes over" She says without even looking at me. I nod while taking a bite of a salad. It's all they eat. And boy does it get boring, and I even like salad just not everyday.

After lunch, I have gym with Tyler. Maybe I can ask--No. I enter the locker room and girls glare at me. I get dressed in the uniform, bright red shorts and blue t-shirt with running shoes.

"Ladies and Gents! Ten laps around the track!" My gym teacher yells once we're all outside.

I start into a dead sprint, pulling in front of most of the girls.

'Right, Left, Right, Left'

I think to myself. Right, Left, Right, Left'

Tyler drops back to my side, keeping my pace. "Oh, so you can talk to me now?" I growl not looking at him. He just shakes his head as he drops back even more.

I let a few stray tears fall down my face.


I slam the front door shut when I get home. I drop my bag by the door and head into the kitchen. There's a sticky note on my fridge.

Love me for who I am

Forgive me for what I've done

And Let me Save you

I crumple it up and chuck it over my shoulder. I could care less right now, all I want is some real food which we probably don't have. Xander usually did all the grocery shopping while my parents were away.

McDonalds it is.

How much McDonalds do I eat a year? I mean god, I just realized how many times a freaking week I eat it. I must be there favorite customer by now.

I get the phone book from one of the cupboards. Hey, we store things differently.

"Pizza Parlor Pizza Parlor" I say to myself scanning down the 'P' page. Party Organizers. Pep-boys. Peppies Lingerie.

Why does Peppie need Lingerie exactly?

"Ah! Pizza of May County!" I say happily, now dialing the number. I don't need McDonalds the rest of my life.

I order a large Bacon Onion pizza with 'white sauce'.

I shut the phone, "Oh, no guys" I say. "I'll just eat it for a couple days" I walk over to my computer on the counter and sit on the swivel stool while turning it on.

"Welcome to Jay-J and Kaden's Wonderland!" My computer you were able to customize the opening message. "Welcome to my hell" I mumble while opening webcam. The most recent photo displays at the bottom of the window. It was Kaden and I just acting strange. He was wearing his nerdy glasses, and I was just pointing at him with a weird ass face.

I look away from the picture and press record.

"Hey Webcam people. Initiation next weekend. Pizza tonight! Yay" I say with fake excitement. It's a new trend I have started by accident. I don't want to be unhappy, but that's just how the tables have turned. It'll be my turn to be happy soon.

"Initiations on a Yacht, So honestly I'm dead scared. I don't remember if I told you this, but I can't swim worth dirt"

[Play Video Now]

"Common Jay-J! Jump! Swimming isn't that hard!" Xander shouted from the pool wadding in the shallow end. I inch towards the edge of the diving board.

"You'll let me drown!" I whine picking at my duck inflatable tube around my waist. I'm only seven, so it actually fits.

"Sweetie it's alright" my dad coo's from the water. "You can do anything you set your mind to, just got to believe. Trust Me"

"Your fathers right hun, just jump!" my mother encourages me from a tanning chair where she was reading. Pride and Prejudice. She'd read that book, over and over. It was her favorite. She'd even read it to me, it's my favorite too.

"Babe! Xander will catch you or I'll squash his pea brain" Jannie calls from her place in the hammock. She'd finished swimming and had started reading. She was reading to me before I wanted Xander to teach me to swim. 'Everyones a Star' the book was called. Sure I don't understand everything, but it's my big sister. She's my hero.

Soon I find myself plunging into the cold water, with Kasey laughing above me. I choke on water for only a few seconds before Xander is yanking me back above the surface. Everyone is yelling at Kasey, and asking if I'm alright. All I can manage is a few tears and cries for my mom who soon is holding my wet shivering body in her comforting arms.

Jannie rushes to my side, and gathers me into her arms after asking my mom to let her hold me. "Shh" she coo's. "It's okay Jay-J, I'll never let anything hurt you as long as I live" she smiles at me pulling away.

"Promise?" I ask sticking out my pinkie. She connects her. "I wouldn't be a big sister if I didn't"


I look at my pinkie. We shared so many promises. 'Don't grow up to fast kid', 'Live well', 'Stick to it, you'll be the master of it eventually', 'Don't ditch those friends of your's their pretty cool', 'Stay you kid'.

She was only five years older, but she was like a second mom. Xander was my second Dad until Jr. High. Then he thought he was 'Too cool for Family'.

"Jannie, I know I broke my promise of sticking with the guys. I don't know what I did. I hope your kickin' back with Jesus like you always said you would. I hope you know I set your face book status as that. I love you more everyday. Miss you every second. Tell Mom and Dad I love them. You'll be with me, where ever I go" I say staring at my pinkie. I shut my webcam off as the doorbell rings. I pay for the pizza and sit down to eat. Sitting in silence.

"Live well guys"


Have to say, I'm proud at the length! The song inspired me and it fit well. Kay farewell! until next time guys!

Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن