Save Me *EXTRA*

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So, some people have been PMing me for backround stories on the guys or Jay-J and other chracters or just extra's Since I'm not doing a regular update today, maybe not even tomorrow, here is a glimpse at what Joel, Justin, and Tyler do in their spare time when not with Jay-J and Kaden!!

_____________________Pick Me Up? _____________________Justin's POV

[Authors Note, This was when Jannie was Alive :)]

"Let's call Kaden and Jay-J, and have our own party!" I exclaim reaching for my phone on the edge of the couch. Apparently we're not cool enough to go to Melonie Blessim's party.  "Jay-J's sick, and Kaden is playing Nurse" Tyler says putting a finger in his mouth pretending to gag. "He's so whipped" Joel says chuckling. "We all know that's not true" I laugh.

"True" Joel smirks. I lean back into the couch bored, staring at the popcorn white ceiling. "Pick up line?" Tyler asks, showing us his shiny blue phone. I launch up, "Hell yeah!" i yell snatching his phone. I dial a random number, and thankfully a girl picks up, "Hello?" She asks sounding confused. "Did you fall from heaven, because I'm sure your an angel" I say smirking. Joel and Tyler crack up laughing, It was the best i could think of! "Oh, Really now? What's your name?" She asks casually. I smile in suprise, she's one of the first girls that didnt hang up on us when we play this game.


"Well, Justin, Names Jannie. Dumbass!" she yells into the phone, Jannie? I glance at the number i dialed. Hell it is Jannie!

"Hey, Uh, Tell Jay-J and Kaden I said hi and for her to get better?" Joel and Tyler are laughing to the point of cluthing their stomach's in pain. "Tell em' yourself!" she says loudly. I hear a whirring noise unti another voice greets me, "Prank call my sister, eh?" Jay-J croaks. Her voice is raspy. She hates being sick, so she must be really sick. "I didnt mean to-oo!" I whine, dragging out my words.

"Hey Justin" now Kaden's speaking. "Hey man, hows playing nurse?"

"I get to play with Band-aids!" he says happily.He's entertained by the stupidest shit. "Anyway, get back to your game loser. I must nurse our dear Jay-J back to health so we can crash Jordan Morialaz's party tomorrow night! Bye" Kaden says, you can tell he's smirking. The connection ends.

What a loser


I love writing Extra's and Back stories :) Vote Comment Fan!

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