Save Me

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So I've decided that the picture in my head for Jay-J, is Hilary Duff, you dont have to agree that's just my mental picture :) So here's another chapter!! BTW The song in the chapter is in the video!!!


"Jay-J wake up, your going to be late for your first day, don't want to leave a bad impression on your teachers!" Xander says shaking me from my deep sleep. It's already school? Summer went by so fast.

"okay! Okay! Leave me alone" I moan, he leaves the room. I crawl out of my bed and walk into my closet. It's filled with clothes and wigs, that I would never wear on my own but yet here I am now getting dressed in that pale blue dress Tyler had picked out a month earlier with the same wig and shoes. Glancing in the mirror the same thought comes to mind.

Who am I?

I grab my video camera and set it up on the T.V. table like I had only once before and press record.

"Hey again camera people, it's still Jay-J" I sigh putting on a fake smile. "Well actually, People will be calling me Rose Marie for a while" I frown, Kaden had picked out a terrible name, it sounded exactly like the plant.

"It's been about a month since last time, but it feels like only a day. I took a dare that I would destroy the clique kids and this is how" I motion towards my get-up. "I basically have to give up my friends, though we will keep in touch, and I have to be fake" I whisper sadly. I've been regretting this for a while.

I toyed with my wig hair for minute. "Jannie, if you can hear me, I Love you" I whisper. I reach forward and turn off the camera. My clothing reminded me more of Jannie then Kasey. Kasey was just slutty, but Jannie wore nice clothes and looked pretty before the whole stripper thing.

I walk downstairs where Xander is. Kasey already left with her current boyfriend. They change to often to learn names. "Aw, you look so pretty Jay-J" Xander says smiling. "I'm Rose stupid" I smirk, he just nods. "Can you give me a ride?" I ask, only seniors were aloud to drive to school since there weren't enough spaces. One more year until I can drive to school!

"Course Rose" he smirked. I was tempted to raise my middle finger but refrained. He follows me outside and we both climb into his car and he drives to our school which I'm surprised is still open since it's falling apart. The school put all their extra money to things music. To be in the clique you either had to be musically talented or rich.

My phone vibrates right before I'm about to open the car door.

Kaden: Make an Entrance, We're Waiting ;)

I roll my eyes. I open the car door and get out of the car, my backpack off one shoulder. I walk just how Justin had taught me after he watched model shows for literally two days straight. He slept three days straight after that. Poor Boy.

As I 'Strut' to the main office I see my friends, and they give me 'thumbs up' signs so I continue on. Guys and girls alike stare at me as I enter the office and I'm greeted by Kaden's mom.

"Rose Marie" I say non-chalantly. She looks at me shocked as if she didn't believe me. "Really?" she breathes. I nod. "The boys did a good job on you" she whispers as she hands me my schedule. Since I was supposedly new to the school I'm the only one getting my schedule from the office and I have to have a guide. "You have two guides Rose one for before lunch, one for after, okay?" Kaden's mom asks, I nod. "Here they are now!" She say happily. I turn around and Ethan Mackar along with Mandy Lane stand in the doorway. My jaw almost drops. They were the single most popular kids in school. This was already seeming to be easy.

"Ethan is your morning guide" Kaden's mom smiles and ushers us out of the office. He nods at me, I return the gesture with a smirk.

"And Mandy Lane is your afternoon guide" Kaden's mom says through a gritted smile. The Lane's never dropped charges so they aren't on great terms. "Thank you Mrs. Becksfield." I smile.

Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now