Save Me

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I'm quickly falling in love with this story! :) The characters are fun to write:D


"Okay guys, we're going to have to disguise Jammie-Jay-J here, even though she could pass as a new person with that ratnest hair of hers" Kaden sneers standing on the kitchen table while we all eat. I smack his leg and he continues, "Anyway we're going to dress her up at the mall, knowing Justin loves doing that"

Justin and I used to play dress up at the mall when we we're little. We'd pick out clothes for each other and we'd try them on.

Justin scowls at Kaden, "So get dressed and finish eating you pigs!"

Everyone scarfs down their food and the guys go over to Kaden's house to borrow clothes, while I go upstairs and get dressed in jeans and a 'Free Hugs' t-shirt that I absolutely love. Everyone loves hugs.

Kaden comes back into the house alone and drags me outside and into his car, while everyone else gets in Justin's car since there was more room. "Why am I stuck with you?" I ask childishly, though only joking. "They said that they didn't want to be with your stinky butt" he smirked. "Hey! I just took a shower before breakfast!" I exclaim pointing to my still damp but almost dry air. "Why do you think I didn't mind driving you?" he laughs, I shrug and turn on the radio. Tyler's 'favorite song', Mine by Taylor Swift, filled the car.

"I bet he's rocking out back there" I say motioning back to behind the car where Justin's car was. Kaden just chuckles. We soon pull into the mall parking lot and we all unload.

"Who's got money?" Justin asks. I grin, I pull out a shiny black card. "There are a few perks to my parents jobs"



"Woman! Try this on" Tyler says thrusting a dress under the dressing room wall, taking the outfit count up to about a bajillion. I pull on the dress, which was pale blue, and ended mid thigh. I put on the light blonde wig and then ballet flats. I Look in the mirror before opening the door to show the guys.

Who am I?

I open the tiny plastic door and four jaws drop. My face grows red. I pull the dress up, since it was strapless. "Say something" I whisper extremely embarrassed. "You look so perddy!" Joel sings, sounding extremely girly. Everyone laughs lightening the mood. "Are you sure you aren't Kasey?" Justin asks wrinkling his nose in disgust thinking of last nights scene.

"I'm sure!" I exclaim.

"We have some rules for you missy" Kaden says, I nod. We all sit on the ground since no one else is even in here.

"Rule One, Don't have sex just to fit in babe" Tyler says patting my shoulder. I nod smirking at them. They are all kinda man-whoreish so hypocritical. They say they want better for the 'baby of the group'.

"Rule Two! You must keep in contact with us!" Joel exclaims thrusting his hands in the air for no obvious reason.

"Rule three! Don't blow your cover, my mom still works in the school office and has agreed to help with our plan, surprisingly" Kaden says happily.

Rule Four! Stay you babe!" they all say together.



After we paid and left I had a new wardrobe, basically a new life. I told Xander about what we're doing and he agreed not to tell, and we're just leaving Kasey out of the loop, she doesn't even notice me when I'm me.

I finish putting all my new clothes into my closet and put my wig on my wardrobe. I sit onto my bed and start to lose myself in thought.

What happens if I'm found out? Do I use my own name? What if something goes wrong? What if I have to swim? Do I have to do extracurricular activities? How will I keep my friends?

Who's gonna save me when things go wrong?

No one will be there to save me.

I throw myself out of the depressive thinking and stare at my bedroom door sitting in the dark. It was eleven clock at night now. Time went by so quickly. My stomach grumbles so I drag myself downstairs where Xander was playing Black Ops with his friend Danni. I wave at them and they grunt in return. I open the fridge and it's basically empty.

I take my phone out of my pocket

Me: You hungry? Well even awake?

I sent that to Kaden. I got a response quickly.

Kaden: When am I not hungry? I'm going to McDonalds now what do you want?

I smile, he always was hungry at the right times.

Me: Nuggets! Thnx, Lub you!

Kaden: Yeah yeah, you owe me 5 bucks

Me: Mkay' I'll give it 2 you when I have my nuggets!

I put my phone away, and see Xander's wallet on the counter. I take out five dollars and slip it into my pocket. "Thanks Xander!" I yell as I ascend back up the stairs to my room. I faintly hear him ask for what. He'll know soon enough.

Soon enough Kaden is in my room eating a big mac, while I'm eating chicken nuggets. He stuffs the five dollars in his back pocket as he stuffs his face.

"Kaden make me a promise" I say out of the blue. He looks up at me innocently. "Okay?" is all he says.

"Save me if something goes wrong" I whisper. He looks at me for a second. He probably thinks I'm crazy. "I Promise, as long as I can sleep over and have half of your bed!" he demands smiling. "You get the side closest to the window so ninja's can kill you first" I grin. He just nods.

We finish eating and go to bed. He sleeps on the half that's by the window but he keeps kicking me in his sleep. I lay restless staring at the ceiling. Kaden hog's the blankets, so I kick his leg awakening him. "What was that for?!"

"You were hogging the blankies" I say as if I were three years old. He growls but gives me more blankets and stares at me. "What?" I ask wrapping the blankets tighter around me. "Why were you asking if I'd save you?"

"You never know" I start, "When you need saving I guess"

Kaden shrugs and falls back asleep. He breathes in complete rhythm. In. Out. In Out. In... And I fall asleep.


Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now