Save Me

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Definatly a cliff hanger. :) Muahaha! Lol.Been screaming at the T.V. for the Seahawks to Kick Bear ass! Not working -_- I think it was 3 to 28 going onto the 4th quater.  Boo.  haha sorry bear fans! :D HA! he missed the catch after the wall! >:D lol heres the story, back to the game! ;D

[Lmao, I wrote that like 3 hours ago! Now I'm drinkin coffee and eatin a SAMMICH!!]


"Glad you could make it Rose" Mandy greeted me, pulling me into her house. Guys and girls were everywhere in her living room. And not everything was PG-13.

"Okay everyone! We're heading out to the lake now that Rose is here!" Mandy announces. Everyone starts heading for the front door, but Mandy holds me back, "Your riding with Ethan and I" she says sounding happy. A little too happy, not to be cliché. Mandy pulls me right back through the door to a truck outside where Ethan sat in the front seat, driver position. This is gonna be so much fun.

Mandy pushes me into the back seat and she climbs into the passenger seat. How come she gets shot gun? Whatever, if I pick a fight Xander might have had a good reason to ask for a hug.

"Good thing the lakes only ten minutes away" Mandy says looking at herself in the mirror. "Because my hair would be ruined in the car for much longer than that" she starts redoing her make up. Who needs that much make-up?

"Uh-Huh" Ethan mumbles, pulling out of the driveway, starting to follow the parade of cars heading done the street. I lean my forehead against the hot window, ignoring the pain searing my forehead since it went away after a minute. Which reminded me of a science lesson, but I'm not even going to think of that.

The rest of the ride was quite, only the sound of Mandy fixing her hair or makeup was hear. Which grew annoying after the first ten billion times, but hey, I like my face the way it is.

Ethan drove into a parking lot followed by the rest of the parade. How did he get in front? We left last. Odd.

We all get out of the arrangement of cars and makes our way to the boating area. One boat was considerably larger than all than all the rest, with 'Like a Star' written across the side. "Like the song" I whisper to myself as we draw closer to the boats. Tick tock.

Times up

Live or Die

Time to Shine

I take in one deep breath. Closer and closer to the water. We all start to board the boat, I keep my eyes up not looking at the water. I have to remind myself to keep breathing. Kind of like the song in Nemo, 'Just keep swimming' only instead of swimming its breathing. Mandy was behind me pushing me along, making sure I kept moving.

"Okay everyone. Talent competition! Rose is first" Mandy announces with a crooked smile, while walking to a small stage which had a guitar on a stand in the center. Is she serious? Freaking breathe Jay-J breathe.

Behind the stage was a perfect view of the lake. Nothing separating you from the water but a railing. Everyone started calling 'Rose' for me to get on the stage. I walk through the sea of teens to the stage. I don't even have a song.

"We picked a song already hun" Mandy said as if she knew what knew I was thinking. She started waving around sheet music. Where'd she get that? I climb the uneasy steps of the stage as the boat starts to move away from the shore.

I take the sheet music from her and study it. All the Way Up Acoustic Version.

I'd heard that song on the radio when Kaden and I were getting McDonalds. Damn I need to cut back before I get Xander's flab. I don't care if he says it's a ladies magnet, not a chance. What lady wants a man with flab and he's proud of his flab?

Mandy shoves the acoustic in my hands, "Good luck" she says through a gritted smile. "You'll need it."

I gulp, What have I gotten myself into.

The guitar part of the song was simple enough. So I start, looking at one person in the crowd in particular, though I could even remember their name. Just know they go to my school.

"I like to bite my nails and play the air guitar"

The guitar chords come out smooth and easy. Like my old guitar before I smashed it. I don't want to go into details.

When I finish the song, nothing happens. No Booing. No clapping. No tomatoes in the face. Nothing. Mandy makes her way back to the shining stage, heels clicking as she walks. Striking fear into the hearts of those she passes. Even her friends feared her.

Strong hands wrap around my waist, grabbing me. I try and turn around but I cant. Mandy smirks at me. "Let go of me!" I shriek while they hold me back. Mandy ascends the stairs, never breaking eye contact with who ever is behind me, holding me in place.

"Rose Rose Rose, You think I'm stupid don't you?" Mandy asks staring me down with looks that could kill. "I said let me go!" I yell, struggling against the person.

"Stop moving" they growl tightening their grip. Mandy grabs my chin jerking my face. "Do you think I'm stupid?" she asks, staring at me. "No" I lie. Okay, I remember saying something was the biggest lie I ever told, but this is a new one.

"Don't jerk me around Valentine"

Valentine. My last names Valentine. Not Rose's last name.

Awh Shit

Deja Vu Much.


Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now