Save Me

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It's funny in the begining, but I freaking almost cried writing the ending of this chapter, but this is how the plot was planned. :( I feel bad, I'M A KILLER D:


I hold my breath in anticipation. He'd saw me walking to Mandy's house. I sit for a few minutes in somewhat silence if I ignore the shouting from the other side of the door.



Rocks are hitting the one window in the room. I stand up and walk to the window and open it.

A rock flies up and hits me square in the nose, "Oww!" I yell. "Shh!" someone whispers angrily. I look down and Kaden is standing below the window with a handful of rocks. "I'm here to save you!" he whispers. "How?" I ask exasperated. "Jump stupid!" he says dropping the rocks and holding out his arms. He must have hit his head.

"Are you insane?!"

"Little bit, not jump! Once you jump run, 'cause I have to distract them!" he says. I bite my lip. "Either die by crazy bimbo's, or jumping" I whisper to myself, "Jumping it is"

I stand out on the edge of the window, and look down where Kaden readied himself. I step out on the edge. Close my eyes. And Jump.

"Told you" Kaden smirks, me now in his arms. Since when is he this strong? He sets me on my feet. "Now, time for distraction!" he whispers happily. He already starts taking off his shirt. Oh god.

I run out of the Lane's backyard as I hear, "HEY LADIES COME OUTSIDE!" followed by screams of 'Eww! Loner boys naked!' and 'Call the cops!'.

This boy needs to learn, Clothes are GOOD!

As I cross the street, Kaden's mom opens their front door with such force it's surprising it didn't fall off, and she storms straight toward the Lane's house screaming, "Kaden Mason Becksfield, put your damn clothes on!"

I hear Kaden scream. Soon enough Kaden's being dragged by the ear through the gate, stumbling trying to put his clothes on. His mother is violently screaming profanities, he gives me a discreet thumbs up as his mother shoves him into the house. She looks at me, "Hi Sweety, how's your night going?"

"About as well as Kaden's" I sigh. "Bad night?" is all she says before going into the house. Kaden's dad's loud booming voice echoes through the neighborhood as I enter my own house.

My phone vibrates as I'm about to go to bed, 'Saved you'

I smile and fall asleep.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" wakes me up in the middle of the night. They know I'm gone now. "congratulations genius, now shut up its-" I glance at the clock, "it's freaking two in the morning let me sleep!" I moan turning over in bed. I was out of my wig and disguise. I finally felt normal, tired and pissed, but normal.

My phone screen catches my attention it read, 19 missed alerts.

I grab it, it couldn't be good. One of them was Xander saying he was at a friends house. That isn't bad at all. A good ten of them were from Mandy telling me I'm dead, leaving eight of them.

Jay-J, call me it's auntie.

Jay-J, you need to call me! I cant get a hold of your brother or Kasey.

Jay-J Alexa Valentine! Call me goddamnit!

All of them were from my aunt. I thought she was in Jamaica with my parents. Oh no.

I scramble to call the number and she picks up on the second ring. "Sweety, Your mom and dad were in an accident. They're dead" she sobbed. What? They can't be dead!

"No. No! They're not dead!" I scream into the tiny speaker of my phone. This can't be happening. "I just lost Jannie, I cant loose them too!" I scream tears burning at my face like lava. "Hon, go over to the Becksfield's, that's where your mom said for you to go right before she died" She said choking on tears. "Okay Auntie, I Love you" I said while tears choke me as well.

The connection ends and I let tears fall freely and quite madly. I couldn't get them to stop. "F-First Jannie, now mom and dad, Wh-What did I do to make you so mad" I say looking to the ceiling, wishing it was the sky. I continued to cry, but I forced myself to stop. If I had to go over to Kaden's house, He wasn't going to see me cry if I have anything to do with it.

I wipe my eyes one last time before leaving my room and walking down the stairs, and out of the now empty house. I cross the thin boundary and knock lightly on their door. I wait for a few minutes, and the door creaks open and Kaden's dad stands behind it, "Jay-J, it's late-" he starts before I start crying again. I couldn't help it. His dad was my own dad's best friend. He was my second dad.

"Oh, hun, what's wrong? I'll get Kaden and Reena"

He calls their names up the stairs, Reena, Kaden's mom, comes down quickly. "Jay-J! What's wrong?" she exclaims gathering me in a tight hug. I cry into her shoulder unable to stop.

"What the hell do you want dad?" Kaden mumbles rubbing his eyes as he stumbles down the stairs in only plaid red pajama bottoms. This boy needs more clothes.

"What does it look like, your girlfriends crying in our living room!" his dad exclaims. "How many times do I have to tell you we're not dat- wait!?" his eyes fly open and land on me, where I'm still crying into his mom's shoulder. Kaden's mom hands me off to Kaden, and now I'm crying into his bare shoulder. He waves his parents off, and they head upstairs hesitantly. He rubs small circles into my back, "What's wrong?" he whispers into my hair. I just shake my head.

How could they leave me?

"I cant help unless you tell me" he whispers, lightly squeezing my shoulder.

Where am I supposed to go?

"Please, I hate seeing you cry Jay-J" he rests his chin on my head. I burry my tear streaked face into the crook of his neck. "Tell me what's wrong babe" he mumbles. Tears burn my eyes, I just know they're blood red.

I could they leave me now, The anniversary for Jannie's death is only a month away.

"They're gone" I whisper, although I'm sure it's inaudible.


"They're gone!" I scream now. He smooth's my hair down and just hugs me. Not asking further explanation.

Let this be a joke. A cruel evil joke, but a joke.

"Who's gone babe?" he whispers into my ear. I just continue to cry into his bare shoulder. "My M-Mom, and-d Da-ad" I say between sobs. He takes a sharp breath of air in. "Shh, it's going to be alright, want to go to bed?" I nod.

He picks me up and takes me to his room and tucks me into his bed. He crawls in next to me and he snakes his arms around my waist protectively. I sob silently into the pillow. "It's okay babe, you'll be alright"

And I pass out from exhaustion.



The song on the side has absoluetly nothing to do with this at the moment but it's stuck in my head. :)

Save Me [Book One in the Broken Promises Series]Where stories live. Discover now