J.T ~ wishes 2

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Tears welled in your eyes as you tried to process everything you had just learnt. Your arm was still fading away and there's was nothing you could do about it.

Your younger brother was still staring at you only this time without any expression. Your older brother seemed to be unfazed by the interaction between the small boy and your parents just moments prior chewing on the butter slick toast in his grasp nodding along to whatever was said. And your parents just passed off everything as if it was nothing.

This wish may as well damned your entire existence altogether. You were a fool to think that wishing for something as big as this would ever have such an impact like this. You never even got the chance to say goodbye to them.

Only then did thoughts of your girlfriend rush into your mind in a flurry. Had you too seized to exist in her world? Or may have you been struck by the tiniest bit of luck saying that she remembers you.

You didn't waste another second in that house just to let yourself turn into dust when you could be saying a farewell to someone you may as well never see again.

The door slammed shut behind you as you allowed your legs to carry you as fast as they could to Jades' house. Her driveway was littered with multiple cars meaning that she probably had guests over. The front door was wide open and out stepped the brunette goddess with a group of people around her age each holding a wrapped box.

Jade stopped in her tracks as she saw you, a gasp escaped her lips as she took notice of the translucent look that had once started in your hand had spread through the entirety of your body.

"I made a mistake," you tell her voice cracking slightly, Jade passes the balloons that she had in one hand to someone in the group before practically running to envelope you into an embrace.

You reciprocate her actions immediately holding her as close to you as possible not wanting to ever let her go, but you didn't have to. The hug ended as soon as it had started and you were left falling. Falling to god only knows where without her in your arms.

Specks of colours flashed all around you just prancing around aimlessly until darkness took over everything and you were left stranded laying down on a pitch-black floor that blended with the sky.

You pushed yourself up off the ground, gaze shifting everywhere trying to spot anything remotely familiar to you, but there was nothing in sight.

Sobs racked through your body as your legs gave way beneath you once again causing you to end up back on the ground. You were alone and you didn't know how long you were going to be isolated for.

"Are you alright?" A distinct voice questions followed by a few more. You managed to quieten your sobs a bit as you lift your head up in search of whoever spoke but still all you could see was nothing.

"You're not alone" the same voice replied, you shook your head wiping your tears with the sleeve of your shirt "I am"

"No you're not, you've got us"

"You don't understand. I've lost everyone."

"Not your girlfriend" you furrow your brows at that statement.

"How do you you know about her?" You question pulling yourself off the ground once again.

"We saw your journey here. Everyone has" the same voice as before told you this time sounding much closer to you.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, the sudden action didn't even startle you, in fact, you just turned around at the touch revealing a blonde headed boy with black-rimmed glasses. "We could all tell that she loves you very much" the boy spoke sympathetically.

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