preference: what they call you

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Muffin and squishy

She started calling you muffin, when you expressed your love for muffins to everyone in the band and made them all a batch. Squishy because she loves to squeeze your cheeks and quote one of Dory's iconic lines from the Disney film while doing so "i shall call her SQUISHY and she shall be MINE and she shall be MY squishy!" After that she would place a kiss on your nose


Honeybear and Giggles

She calls you honeybear because of the bear you gave her when you first met, your perfume had rubbed off you and onto the bear, making it smell like honey. Giggles because you find absolutely everything amusing even if she only said hi, it would leave you in a fit of giggles.


Marshmallow and sometimes muppet

She calls you muppet when you annoy her or do something idiotic for instance the shopping incident, you had tried to make her laugh but ended up getting kicked out the store as you knocked over three clothing racks. Marshmallow because sometimes you can actually be sweet and soft-hearted


Humming bird and sugar cookie

She started calling you sugar cookie, when she walked in on you 'sneakily' pouring sugar over chocolate chip cookies. Humming bird because you would always be humming your favourite tune no matter what time or how important the situation would be, you would always hum like a bird

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