J.N ~ welcome to wonderland

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Warning: intersex reader or as some like to say g! p reader


You knew that she was the one for you from the moment you had first met. She had this control over you, control that you were able to break free from, but you didn't feel like you had to.

So when she walked into the restaurant in that stunning navy blue dress, you had only begun to realise that you were dating a goddess. A goddess that had captured your heart, a goddess that made you feel things that no one else ever had, a goddess that you knew loved you just as much as you loved her.

You stood up from the table and pulled out her chair. The brunette smiled at you, her eyes twinkling in the dim light. You tucked the chair in and sat back down in your chair, taking a small sip from the water that you got while you were waiting.

"You look stunning," You tell her watching as a small blush creeps up her neck

"The same goes for you" She replies taking hold of your hand

You smiled a toothy smile at her


"Don't worry. They'll love you" She reassures you knocking on the wooden door.

"But what if they don't?"

"They will N/n"

Before you could speak anymore the door swings open revealing a perky blonde with a pearly white smile, "Jesy!" She screams in excitement engulfing the girl in a hug. The blonde turns to you "You must be Y/n" it was now your turn to be taken in a hug. You stagger back slightly in surprise going unnoticed by the oblivious blonde.

"We have been dying to meet you!" She smiles and drags the two girls into her house. "Jade! Leigh!" She continues to call out leading them into a lounge, "They're here!".

The two other girls perk their heads up from the chairs they were sitting on before continuing to get up and bring the both of you into a hug

"Hi! You must be Y/n" The two brunettes say at the same time making you giggle

Maybe Jesy was right. They did love you.


You let out a shaky breath as you watched your fiancée walk down the aisle arms interlocked with her dad's.

She had her hair tied neatly in a plait which was then put in a bun. Her white dress was the most beautiful dress you had ever seen, you felt almost jealous that you didn't choose to wear the dress

You looked at her with adoration in your eyes, a bright smile stuck on your face the entire time. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as she stood in front of you.

You had made the best decision in your entire life


Her fingers trembled as she gazed down at the stick, two thick red lines placed directly in the middle of it. A shaky breath escapes her lips as she exits the bathroom in search of you.

"Y/n" she knocks on the wooden frame gaining your attention, you tear your attention away from your illustrations to look at your wife smiling.

However, that smile was short-lived as you see the sombre look on her face. "Jesy? What's wrong?" You question the girl.

Jesy doesn't say anything, she just slowly slides the pink and white stick towards you. Confused you pick it up, eyes going wide as you realise what it is, a small grin grows on your face as you jump up from your chair excited.

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