J.T ~ i thought i was going to lose you

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You had always known this day was to come, you saw all the signs that they showed, their passionate hate for the school, the constant being sent out and the way others treated him. You were waiting for it to happen just so you could be prepared to protect as many people as you possibly could but there was one problem, you didn't know when it would happen


You had always known this day was to come, you saw all the signs that they showed, their passionate hate for the school, the constant being sent out and the way others treated him. You always looked at him in sympathy when he would get pushed up the stairs, tripped in the hallway or mocked for his interest in buckets. Not once did you ever think of helping him.

When the day came, you weren't really surprised when you saw him casually walked into the cafeteria armed with an AK-47 in his grip and a pistol in a gun holster on his hip. Not once did you hesitate to stand up on your chair and scream at the top of your lungs warning everyone.

"Everyone get down!" Not a single person listened, they just stared at you like you were crazy, until that dreadful noise was heard, round after round of bullets was shot up into the roof, puncturing holes through it.

You jumped off your chair and grabbed both Jesy and Jade by the neck and stuck them under the table before you peeked over the top watching the room full of once calm cheerful pupils turn into a chaotic swarm of frightened deer trying to get cover or at least escape. Only a few managed to escape before the body's started dropping to the floor, whimpers sounded next to you. You glanced over at a shaking Jade, tears were streaming down her cheeks as soft whimpers escaped her mouth.

"I'm scared y/n" she sobbed

"I know I am too" you rubbed her back giving a side-glanced towards Jesy who seemed fixated on the gunner, phone in hand, her fingers bounced around the screen as a tear trickled down her cheek, she was crouched in a position that looked as if she was planning to run. You know she wasn't planning to run at least not anytime soon as it would be a very risky and dangerous choice.

The spray of bullets stopped puncturing the last frantic soul letting them fall to the ground with a bang, the room was dead silent, the only thing that could be heard was the silent sobs of various students, the footsteps of the gunner and the sound of the gun clicking together echoed off the partial blood-stained creamed walls

"Look what you made me do!" He screamed out in rage, "look what you all made me do! I didn't want to have to do this but you all made me do it" he howled "why? Why did you?" his infuriated shouts turned into loud audible weeps whilst he fell to his knees

"A..a..are you okay?" Jade hesitantly asked voice soft

The boy snapped his head towards the brunette causing her to cower away behind you

"Does it look like I'm okay?" He snapped standing back up, his grip on the weapon tightened as he aimed it at Jade. You stood up quickly stepping in front of the girl trying to give her some sort of protection, you raised your hands up in a surrendering motion showing you mean no harm when the boy changed the aim to lock onto you

"Don't point it at her, point it at me okay?" You say slowly, watching as he shifts the gun between the two of you

"Why? Why must I point it at you?" He questioned

"Because she means no harm okay, no-one here do-"

"No! Every single one of you has done harm to me!" He screeched causing some to flinch, the cries of some students seemed to get louder at the sudden shift in tone, making him more aggravated. "Shut up! Just shut up all of you!"

"Hey hey calm down okay? They mean no harm to you, I do." you knew what you were doing would end up in two possible ways. 1, you would get killed or 2, you would be able to at least get some to safety and possibly dying in the process. Both ways are still dangerous but you didn't care

"Y/n no please don't do this" Jesy pleads holding onto a shaking Jade

"I'm the one you should be mad at, I'm the one you should be doing this to not anyone else just me" your voice was shaky but you stood your ground ready to do anything to get out of this situation

He laughed just laughed, laughed a half-hearted chuckle, "and why would I do that ey? You've done nothing wrong to me-"

"Which is why you have to be mad at me, I know that may not make sense but I never helped you when you needed help the most, I was just a bystander and God I hate that I just watched them harass you like that"

"Nobody here helped me!" He roared stomping his foot on the ground, you flinch at the sudden movement, "do you even know my name?" He whispered lowering his gun eyes filling with tears once again, you nod your head

"Then what is it? What's my name"

"Jasper, Jasper Lee is your name" he gives you a smile, a smile that you thought might be the end to this nightmare, however that smile was short-lived when a gunshot sounded puncturing through the glass window of the wooden door penetrating into the boys' skull sending him flying off his feet.

The cafeteria door swung open revealing a three-person swat team, "it's all clear" one shouted scanning the room gun raised, "everybody up now! And run!" He gestures for us to leave

In small groups, everyone hesitantly got up and walked out the door before sprinting away,

"Y/n" a voice whispered, you turn around to face both Jesy and Jade stuck in their previous positions, without a second thought you wrapped the two into an emotional embrace letting all the tears you held back out, "I thought I was going to lose you" Jade sobbed into your shoulder

"You won't be losing me anytime soon"


Sorry if it's trash, just so you know Perrie and Leigh-Anne were not hurt in this imagine they were just 'sick' that day

I also got the inspiration to write this after listening to pumped up kicks

I hoped you enjoyed reading this my amazing Brainless Shippers

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