Dating Jesy includes:

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°Her telling you not to do stupid things all the damn time. And your like woman let me do my own damn thing
°She loves her kisses and when I say love, she LOVES them. Even though she may come off as that type of person that hates PDA, she secretly loves it.
°Movie nights!
°Her cackling when you get scared
°But glaring at you when you get her back
°Dinner dates
°Saying I love you like a gazillion times
°You telling her corny pick up lines
° "It's a good thing I have my library card because I am totally checking you out."
°You being really proud and supportive of her when she did the Odd One Out Documentary, and reminding her every day that she is the most beautiful human being in the world and that no one will ever take you away from her
°Except for your mom- since she brought you into this world, she can take you right out before you could even say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
°Her saying she's not adorable even though she loves it when you call her it

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