Chapter Forty-Seven

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She was kind of use to being left behind although it's only happened three times in her life. First it was her father, then it was Philip, and now it's Vernon. Except, this time she left Vernon behind. The pressure of an engagement was too much for her to bare. She wasn't even twenty yet and someone was already expecting her to settle down. Her first thought was if she's happy or not. Her second thought was Philip on his hands and knees begging her not to go. But she did. He came back for her so technically she left him behind. Maybe she was the real monster. Philip and Vernon were only collateral.

"Ms. Walson? Are you sleep or trying to get there because this is important information to carry over onto section two of this class for the fall."

She quickly wrote everything down that she could before class was dismissed and the teacher started erasing everything. Elowen was never one to not study so she knew she could catch up in a month of textbook readings.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Charlie asked as he watched her walk out of her class. "Canceling an engagement is nothing like running out on our wedding day or filing for a divorce. You ended it when it was easy."

Elowen could barely get the energy to shrug. "I just hurt someone I truly loved and I can't even tell myself why. It's just a bunch of maybes and what ifs."

Charlie nodded once then pulled two bus tickets out of his pocket. "I told you I'd pay for yours to cheer you up. I keep my promises." Elowen cracked the biggest smile while taking her ticket from his hand. "Tomorrow afternoon at two I will be waiting outside your dorm."

"Yes I know! I just need to make sure I locked my storage unit before we leave. So what about one in the afternoon?"

"You're going to make me hike it all the way to the storage house with you?" Elowen nodded. "You're lucky I owe you one for that hard ass test last week."

Summer break didn't feel the same. She had a lot to look forward to. One of the things was telling Philip the big news and the fact that she's no longer getting married. Although she wasn't proud to take back everything she said about him and to him. The other thing was Charlie finally getting to see his brother. She could see how anxious he was ever since he found out about Bernard being alive and back home.

They talked about Bernard's childhood the entire bus ride. When Charlie asked about Elowen finding true love at such a young age, she didn't have much to say. "I just knew."

The taxi ride was the worse. She made it to her neighborhood and things felt all too real. She was no longer a sophomore in college, life was progressing, she's made final changes to her future, and now everyone would have to know.

"Right here," she told the driver as he stomped on the breaks to avoid passing up her house. "My mom is going to love you."

"Really?" Charlie flashed a goofy grin showing how he couldn't contain his joy.

The moment they stepped out of the car, an older white lady was stepping off the front porch. Elowen looked at the new car in front of their house then back to the woman. When she looked up from her purse, she saw Elowen. "My God!" Elowen practically screamed. "Veronica?"

"Elowen, I- You should go talk to your mother. I'm leaving." She scurried to her car in her three inch heels as if she was caught having an affair. In some way, she was.

Elowen covered her face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry you're going to have to see this." Charlie stayed right on her heels as they carried their bags to the house. When she entered, she saw her entire family moving about the house like nothing was strange. One thing that caught her eye was that familiar box that her mother kept everything from money to receipts in. "So you're taking money from her now?"

Spencer whirled her head around from her homework to see Elowen standing at the front door, furious. Her mother tried to put the box back in the closet but it just fell to the ground. Papers and money scattering across the floor. "Elowen? Why you didn't tell anyone you was coming home?"

"Wanted it to be a surprise but I guess you had to one up me."

"That women's money is putting food in Yvette's mouth and clothes on her back. Philip doesn't have a dime to give so be grateful his mom is nothing like his poor spirited dad."

Elowen couldn't find a reason to argue any longer. She was only mad that no one told her Veronica was giving them money often. She knew that if they did tell her, it'd play out just like this. Elowen would be mad, but grateful at the same time.

"Someone could have at least told me sooner."

Charlie stepped past Elowen with his hand in the air. He waved at the two women before him as they stared him down as of he was about to make a wrong move. "Hi, hello. I'm Charlie." He shook both their hands. "I'm Elowen's friend. She knows of my brother who was in the same war her ex-boyfriend was in. She inspired me to return home for the summer so I can see him."

Mrs. Walson forced a smile on her face. "Oh, that's great."

"Yes. You have a smart daughter here. I know that once she graduates, she will be a beautiful addition to the working world."

"Charlie," Elowen interrupted. "You'll be staying on the couch."

Spencer rolled her eyes while dragging her behind out of the dining room chair. "Let me go get some clothes out of my room."

Once everyone was settled down, Elowen went to find her daughter who was sleeping on Mrs. Walson's bed. She gave her a kiss and even tucked her in. Every time she saw her daughter, she kept remembering all the times she missed her grow. Soon, she wouldn't feel that way any more. She would always be there with and for Yvette.

"Are you ready?" Charlie whispered as he watched Elowen's loving interactions. "You're such a mom." She smiled at him as they snuck out of the room to be sure nothing woke her up.

Mrs. Walson watched the two leave the house; Charlie a little more preppy than others. She couldn't help but laugh at how silly he looked in suspenders.

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