Chapter Forty-Four

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She placed the large ring on her nightstand in the short break she took from packing all of her clothes. When the bedroom door creaked open, she didn't bother to look at who it was because she could recognize that perfume from anyone. "Spencer."

The young girl fixed her pajama top as she cautiously entered her bedroom that always became Elowen's old room when she visited from college. "Just wanted to see you before you leave tomorrow morning. I'll be sleep but I know I won't be able to wake up."

Elowen sat on the bed and motioned for Spencer to sit next to her. She did as motioned and cuddled up to her older sister. Spencer's head on Elowen's shoulder and Elowen's head on Spencer's head. "You know. I never got the chance to ask you about this Jared guy. I mean, I've heard bits and pieces. Like how he's the cutest you've ever seen and his smile lights up the sky!" Elowen poked Spencer's cheeks teasingly.

Spencer swatted her older sisters hand away from her face. "That Jared guy is old news. I don't even know why I wasted my time."

"Oh! What? But you were so in the groove with him. Puppy love in short shorts and half tops. I've never seen you show so much skin in sixty degree weather."

Spencer blushed as she pushed her hair deeper into the loose bun she forced it in after wearing it in a wild fro. "It's almost like you didn't exist up until recently. You used to talk to me everyday and then Philip came along-"

"Spencer, I was the dumbest little girl. I try so hard to forget about those times where I neglected my family and myself. I have to change for Yvette. I have to."

"Then why do you keep it?"

Elowen looked over at the ring she wore once since she traveled home alone and that was only to have Vernon think she was wearing it. "The ring? I mean, I still said yes."

"Not the ring. The necklace he gave you."

Elowen quickly lifted her head away from Spencer who was now looking up at her. "How do you know about the necklace?"

"I was up for laundry and it fell out of your skirt." Elowen suddenly remembered how she'd been looking for the necklace but figured she left it in her dorm. "I thought I'd never see that thing again but there it was. Still shiny and there."

"I honestly don't know. I don't like him. You know that's over? That's what I went and told him today that I don't like him and we'll never work."

Spencer simply smiled. "Yeah. You can keep telling yourself that. But you've carried around Philip's necklace more than you've worn Vernon's ring."

"And you know for a fact that it's Bernard?" Elowen nodded. "My God. You've got to see my brother before me. I have to come back with you for the summer. He probably thinks I've forgotten about him."

Elowen flipped a page in her book as Charlie rambled in her ear. He then started writing something down in his journal that was supposed to be used for taking notes. Elowen took small glances just to see him writing something similar to a letter.

"I doubt he thinks you've forgotten about him." Charlie snapped his finger and started writing quicker. "We're supposed to be doing homework."

The chair next to Elowen was then pulled out. She turned her head slightly and saw Vernon beaming down at her. "Gorgeous."

"You really came all the way across campus to watch Charlie and I read The Promise?" Vernon nodded as he gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Alright then."

It took Vernon no time to notice something was missing. He wrapped his hand around Elowen's hand and traced right above her knuckles where a ring should be. "Where is it?" He whispered.

She balled her fist and he released her. "Didn't want to lose it. It's not good to have shiny things laying around my dorm or just in case it falls off in class. I put it somewhere safe. When I told my mother she recommended that I do that." She gave Vernon a kiss on the cheek since he was that close to her.

"That's smart." The attention then went to Charlie who loudly ripped a piece of paper out of his journal. "What's on your mind, Charlie?"

"Elowen's ex is living with my brother. She actually saw him so I'm writing him a letter for when we visit him over summer break." He folded the paper up as he whistled.

"Charlie?!" Elowen shouted.

"Super sorry, Elo! I'm just excited! I have to go revise this letter now!" Charlie zipped out of his seat before Elowen could say anything else to him.

Vernon pushed away from her as he processed what came out of Charlie's mouth. "You mean the ex that you said was dead?"

Elowen whirled around to face him as if he was going to disappear into thin air. "I said I don't know if he's dead or alive. I saw him but only to tell him that whatever we had is over."

"If it meant so little, why didn't you tell me instead of having to hear it from Charlie?"

She stuttered. "I- I don't know. I really don't know. I just didn't want to argue with you anymore, Vernon. I flipped out last time and now I want this time to work."

"It can't work if there isn't any honesty. Where is the ring? Did you wear the ring?"

"I did when I saw Philip... but, not before or after that. I'm being honest."

Vernon smiled at her then gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You're just scared. Once we graduate and start thinking of wedding ideas then it'll all go away. He will go away too. You just can't ever see him again."

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