Chapter Nineteen

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Clenching the necklace tightly in her fist, Elowen sighed. Her nerves were jumbled and she couldn't think straight. Philip drove the car to his house as if there wasn't a worry in the world and there were millions. Elowen didn't know how to act and she certainly didn't want to be someone besides herself.

She turned to her boyfriend who drove freely with one hand on the wheel. He looked at her briefly with a smile then held his hand out; palm upward on her lap. She hesitated but in the end rested her hand on his before he gave her a tight squeeze.

Elowen's hand was shaking and he could feel it along with her knee bouncing in anticipation. They were now in his neighborhood and nothing could keep the food down in her stomach. There was a car similar to Philip's Cadillac in the drive way but it was tan.

"Just remember what we talked about. Talk to them sweetly and smile." She nodded hastily.

They got out of the car and neared front door. Everything in Elowen's view seemed to be moving backwards while she stood perfectly still on the sidewalk. Philip gave her hand a tug but she still didn't budge. "I can't," she whispered.

"Elowen, quit acting psycho and come on. If you're weird about it then they'll think I'm dating some sort of ditz." He gave her one last tug which brought her stumbling forward.

When they reached the door, he unlocked it with his key. The instant smell of chicken casserole hit Elowen's nose. Something similar to what her mom would cook for her dad but she knew it wasn't nothing of the same taste.

"They're here!" She heard a woman cheer as Philip stepped through the door. Seconds later, Elowen finally got a look inside the living room that came straight out of a home decor magazine. "Oh... my!" When Elowen and Veronica's eyes locked, the plate of squared sandwiches fell to the ground.

When she turned, her thick blonde hair went with her. A tall muscular man in a tight suit appeared from around the corner. He didn't look phased at all by who he saw. His frown remained evident which only made Elowen gulp.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to pull her a seat? Be a damn gentleman, Phil." He followed his father's orders and assisted Elowen to a seat. Roy was already in his normal spot and Elowen sat next to Philip.

His rents didn't come over until they finished whispering in the corner. When they were done, his mom came over and laid out all the food and even set the table. "I'm Harry Hill and this is my wife, Veronica. Our son, Roy and we have a ten month old daughter named Annabelle but she isn't doing so well."

Elowen smiled at how his voice suddenly went from course to smooth. It made her feel as if she was giving a good impression. "Philip told me that she was very sick. I pray that she finds the health to get better." She looked at Philip who was staring angrily at his father. "And also! I like your suit. The house smells lovely too."

"Oh, thank you! I'm really pleased to find out that you pray?" Veronica rose an eyebrow at the girl. "We pray too. We try and get philip to join us in church on Sundays by he's always out and about. Never can keep him still."

Elowen stared upside philip's head. She can only count on her hands how many times they've spent a weekend together. little did she know he was spending it with the friends she told him she dislikes.

"Yeah... maybe I'll go this Sunday," he muttered.

"And bring Elowen." Harry pointed a fork at her. Elowen's heart began to pound as she thought about going out in public with his family. She thought they were going to hate her but they actually want her around. "Anyway, Philip was telling me about your four month anniversary the other day." He looked to his wife and chuckled. "Nowadays you'd be lucky to make it a year and you guys are celebrating months. What sense does that make?"

Elowen looked at Philip who obviously wasn't going to comment on that. She cleared her throat which got Roy looking at her curiously. "Well, I think of it as the small things matter," she smiled. "There were many times where I thought I would leave Philip-"

"So there were many times you thought you'd be making the right choice?" His father interrupted. "Kids. Don't know how to use their brain when the opportunity is right."

His wife tapped his hand as she flashed a hard smile. "Harry. Be a bit more sensitive with your words."

"You can't see I'm trying not to be disappointed. You walked around all damn day warning me to be nice to whatever the hell he drags in here this afternoon and out of all people it's a black." He pointed at Elowen who stopped reaching for a bread roll. "I'm trying but god damn it!"

When his fist collided with the wooden table, everyone knew this dinner was over.

Harry stood up and so did Philip. "You bucking up to me boy! We're gonna have a problem Phil so sit your ass down and listen!"

"No!" He shouted louder.

Elowen almost fell out of her chair seeing both their faces red. The hate in their eyes was evident and at this point no body wanted to be in the room.

"You always do this shit to me old man! Always! You're never happy for nothin' I do and I finally quit trying to impress you and do what's on my damn heart and you're still twisted about it!"

Philip snatched Elowen up by her hand. She didn't want to admit that it hurt. He was holding her pretty tight and pulling her where ever he wanted them to go in the living room. In this case, it was the front door.

"If you get in that damn car that I signed off on-"

The couple rushed out the front door despite Philip's father telling him to come back. Elowen was terrified of him right now. Especially since he's angrier than he was when he hit her. Something she'll never forget and often feared would happen again. Now since his emotions are all over the place, she was cautious.

He swung the car door open and stood by as Elowen stared at the passengers seat. "Get in the damn car!" He pointed. She jumped when he pushed her slightly. Without another second to waste, she was buckling herself in. He slammed the door hard causing the car to vibrate. "God fucking damn it!" The vein on his neck made her gulp.

"Philip!" His father shouted while storming out of the house. "You're a piece of shit of a disappointment! You're the worst child ever and quite frankly I wish you weren't the first! You disappoint me and you disappoint your mother!"

"Then fucking kiss my ass, Harry! Fuck you! Fuck you and fuck all this!" Philip went back around the car to meet his dad face to face. "You wanna know why I'm never home? You wanna know! Well, it's because of you and your fucking rules and regulations! You're constant bickering about how I'm not good enough! Your nagging and complaining and obsession with the military who, by the way, fired you from your damn job! It's all you!"

"You piece of shit! You-"

Before anyone knew what was happening, Harry had Philip in a head lock. Elowen got out the car and approached the scene hoping that her begging would break it up. Veronica pulled on Harry's arms and despite it all, Philip continued to swear at his father even while his oxygen was being cut off.

"I'd kill you boy!" His father threatened.

Veronica continued to tug and Roy even came out with the water hose. The girls stood back as the two men got drenched and eventually broke apart. The two of them falling out into the grass. Philip jumped to his feet and Roy pointed the water directly to the side of his head.

"Quit it, roy! Shut the damn thing off!" His father commanded so he complied. "You get the hell out of my face, Philip! I don't want to see you ever again! You should be sick to your stomach!"

Philip heaved as he watched Veronica attempt to ring out Harry's clothes despite him pushing her away.

Elowen knew the timing wasn't right but she had to say it. "I'm ready to go home."

Philip looked at her and his eyes softened immediately. He then took off his shirt and rung the water out into the grass. "Get in... just get in the car, Elo."

You Should Know (BWWM) ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora