Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He can't make everyone proud, but he knows he could make Elowen excited. He begged her to be by his side during winter formal and here they are. Getting ready to show the school his girl and how they dance as if no one cares. "A beauty like her deserves that from a good guy like him," he thought. And who knows, maybe one day they can tell their kid that they made a lasting impression on all their peers.

"She's freaking out about her hair." He looked to his left to see Spencer sitting right next to him. She was quiet the entire time which made him forget about her.

"I'm sure however it looks it is absolutely..." His eyes widened and jaw dropped as he saw Elowen cascading down the hall in a green dress and beautiful heels. The necklace he got her was the first thing he noticed though. "...boss." Philip jumped up from the couch with the flowers tightly in his hands. Elowen saw the nervousness on his face and smiled. "You look amazing, Elo."

Her mother adjusted her dress in the back while quickly running her fingers through her freshly pressed hair. That was another thing that Philip has never seen. She's only worn her hair kinky and wild. It was a different sight and he actually enjoyed it.

"You two huddle up and let me get a picture."

Elowen stood next to Philip as he passed her the flowers. She smiled brightly for the camera and so did Philip. Spencer watched the scene on the couch trying to avoid being in the photo. "We are running kind of late," Elowen announced as her mother tried to squeeze in a few more photos but instead ended up fumbling with the camera. "We can take more when I get back."

Mrs. Walson threw her hand at Elowen and giggled. "Oh, okay. You just look so beautiful, Elowen." Her mother gave her a hug as they inched towards the door.

Philip looked her up and down with tinted cheeks. "Doesn't she?" This made Elowen's face go pale. Philip looked at her in a way that told her goodbye and yet he'd be there forever. They both knew exactly why they needed this day to go perfectly. It might be the last special moment they share together.

He held Elowen's hand as they walked down the stairs carefully since she appeared to be a bit wobbly in heels. "Come on! Book it! You two were in their making love or wah?" Philip cringed when he saw the frown of Elowen's face when she saw Joey hanging out of Philip's backseat window. "Ooh~ Elowen! You look totally awesome man!"

"Was I supposed to let him take Cindy to winter formal on his motorbike?" Philip questioned when her frown was now aimed at him. She rolled her eyes while going around to the driver's side of his hog.

Cindy was sitting right behind her in a white sparkly dress. Her wavy hair was straight and her make up was bold with the help of the red lipstick. Elowen turned in her seat and gave Cindy a compliment. Philip watched their encounter closely since he was still unsure of their friendship.

"You dress up nice," Elowen said softly.


Once everyone was settled in their seats, Philip began his trip to school. The music blared through his radio and everyone sang along to whatever was playing. Joey passed around his flask which everyone but Elowen drank out of. Philip makde sure of that. "We need to go bananas on graduation night! Philip gets all his psycho rents out the house and that little chump of a brother who I swear resembles the devil!"

Philip wouldn't be at graduation. His father made it clear that he would be enlisting Philip as soon as he can when he turns eighteen. Elowen knew that. For some reason, Philip can't bring himself to tell his friends about his enlistment, but he knew he'd have to really soon.

The parking lot was full of cars and students standing around talking and drinking to kick the night off. Joey and Cindy held hands as they walked ahead of him and Elowen. He looked down at his date and slid his hands into her grasp. Nervously, she grabbed him back as they approached the double doors. The teachers allowed anyone in which was beneficial to Elowen since she wasn't technically allowed to be in there.

"That was gravy!" Philip sighed and quickly rushed to the gym where the dance floor was.

The first thing everyone saw was the great divide. Blacks on one side and whites on the other. There was a large space on the floor where no one stood which was like an invisible line. Philip looked at Elowen who saw no one she knew since she only knew people in her grade or Philip's white and older friends. "What now?" She looked up at him for answers and he had none

He shrugged. "Take turns?" Before Elowen could register what he meant, Philip was dancing in the mix of black people.

They gave him weird looks when he crashed their party. But some didn't mind. Philip motioned for Elowen to come over and she did with much embarrassment on her face. He twirled her around and made her dizzy. His facial expressions made her laugh and slowly it became fun for the both of them. The eyes that watched them move about didn't take any pressure off the two. For the next six songs, the two ran back and forth across the invisible line into the crowds who thought they were lunatics. Philip knew he wasn't a good dancer, he just followed Elowen's rhythm to every beat. When he got bored, he did something crazy like roll around on the ground and almost rip his suit.

It was all fine until a certain someone came and ruined the vibe Philip tried to force onto Elowen so she wouldn't feel shy. "People are calling you a nigger lover." Kaitlyn smiled at Philip when he stopped dancing when that word escaped her mouth. She then looked at Elowen who was holding her arms and avoiding eye contact with the crowd. "They're just calling you a nigger."

Philip pushed Kaitlyn back by her shoulder as soft as he could to avoid her making a scene and acting as if he decked her in the face. "What is your problem? Go back to fucking Steven McCoyly who can't even catch a freaking basketball. It's the biggest ball in any sport!"

Kaitlyn scoffed when he shouted that out to the small crowd that was now filling in the invisible line. "Don't you ever put your hands on me, Philip Hill! Unlike someone I know, I am not your personal punching bag!"

Philip sighed while holding his hand out in front of Kaitlyn to make sure she didn't go past arm's length of them. "Kaitlyn, just go and ruin someone else's night, alright?"

She stomped her pink heel on the ground when she didn't get the reaction she hoped for. "I'm telling the faculty that she's a sophomore." When Kaitlyn swirled around into the crowd of white students, the invisible line went back to normal since students went to their rightful sides.

Elowen, now humiliated, walked away from Philip causing him to chase after her. "I knew it was a stupid idea. I knew I should have just broken up with you and said no!" Philip forced her to face him so she could see the hurt on his face. "They're never going to stop, Philip. No matter where we dance or where we hide, there will always be a Kaitlyn lurking in the dark."

"Why are you going in on me? I did everything right to make you enjoy this night. Kaitlyn's so stunned all on her own." Elowen tried to fight his hands off her body but his grip got tighter so she gave up. "Look at me." Doing as told, the couple were now staring into each other's eyes. "It's me and you, alright? This entire place is empty and it's just me and you." Philip pulled her into his embrace and slowly started to rock side to side. "I might not ever see you again for God knows how long," he whispered in her ear softly. "I'll miss the birth of our baby. I'll miss the rest of their life. You're the last person I have that is even close to that. I don't want you to be angry with me because maybe the little thing can feel that anger. And maybe they'll be angry with me too."

Elowen released a giggle that swiftly turned into a sob. This caused Philip to pull her closer than he possibly could. He then kissed her forehead before opening his eyes to see where they were.

"Hey, Elowen?"

"Hmm?" She sniffled into his chest.

"We are the invisible line."

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