Chapter Fourteen

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"My mom told me as I get older, I'll find my way in this world. Whether it's by force or common knowledge." Elowen ate on her popcorn and listened. She knew better than to think they were going to the drive in just to watch a movie. Philip could never keep his mouth closed for too long. "Well I think I found mine. At seventeen years old, it's not common."

She looked away from the screen to stare at her boyfriend who sat uncomfortably still in the drivers seat. He was staring straight ahead but not at the flick. Just his inner thoughts.

"What do you mean?" She asked softly. "What way are you finding?"

"College for me is after next year. I'll be going in for business then doing something my hearts always wanted me to do. I know I'll be thinking about you the entire time. Even if I do find someone else. I'll still be thinking about you."

"College... is it something you're excited about?"

Elowen didn't ask because she was curious. She asked because it's something she's never thought about. She never had a dream job or a dream future. She took life as it was given to her and that's what she went with. Now she sat here and listened to Philip talk about the field he wanted to take. So she asked herself... what does she want to do?

"Yeah, I guess. It's always been a rule growing up. Go to college and be successful. There was no in between. There was no choice. I guess that's me finding my path... by force."

"Why are we talking about this now? The climax is about to show on the screen." She pointed gleefully. "Look!"

Philip gawked at her behavior which caused her to look him in the eyes once again. "You're such a kid. I'm talking to you seriously and you wanna watch a movie?" Elowen gulped. "Freshman and their simple minds. Embarrassing." He threw his car door open which caused elowen to jump. "I need more pop. You want something?"

"No..." with that, he left and Elowen was alone. The horror movie blaring before her eyes. The kids on screen were being murdered one by one in the woods. Philip parked his car off in the dark corner which didn't help Elowen's sudden fear of dying a painful death.

She waited painfully for about ten minutes and grew worried. Using Philip's jacket, she covered her skin from the nights cool air. She then left in search for him. To her surprise he was still at the food booth but talking to Joey, Cindy, and Kaitlyn.

"Hey~ Elowen." Cindy smiled sideways at her. "Funny that the both of you are here. Lady I heard you and Philip weren't even on talking terms."

She started to sound more and more like Kaitlyn as the days passed. So intrusive on everyone's lives and had to be the first to know everything. Her feelings towards Cindy began to shift the moment she heard they threw a party and invited Philip because he told everyone he was on the dating scene.

"But it doesn't shock me 'cause Philip had girls falling to his feet left and right and rejected all of them." Kaitlyn commented with a slight pout. "You come crawling back because she finally let you inside the her unbroken box?"

Elowen almost threw up at the thought of Kaitlyn knowing she is still a virgin. She also couldn't believe Philip told them especially when he made a big deal about a letter going around. When they decided to keep their relationship private Elowen never spoke a word about Philip unless to tell people they were no longer talking.

As for Philip, he's only been bad mouthing her to make himself look better.

"It's her birthday you guys. You can relax and let us breathe for one night."

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