Chapter Thirty-Three

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Nobody wanted this day to come, but it was time to say goodbye. Philip told Elowen he wasn't going to cry because his "old man didn't deserve those tears." She completely understood especially by the way Harry didn't even look at Philip when he was leaving the house to say goodbye to his friends. The man looked amused in a sense.

Cindy ran to Philip's car that'll be sold and long gone by the time he gets back from the war. "What time today?" She asked out of breath.

"Train leaves at two," Philip answered. "What are you trying to do for an hour?" Elowen smiled at the side of Philip's face. It was the first time he hasn't frowned since he picked her up.

Cindy motioned them to get out the car and they did. The first thing she did was give Elowen a hug and her baby bump a kiss. Ever since she started showing, it's been Cindy's only way of greeting Elowen.

"Is Joey here?" Cindy looked at Elowen with wide eyes. Philip caught on to the stare and sighed. "Not even on my last day..."

"It's hard for everyone," Cindy reassured. "But Jane is here."

The tall girl stepped out of Cindy's house with her red tipped hair flowing in the wind. Elowen hadn't seen her in months and she swore she got taller and her hair got longer.

"Hey~ Philip! My dude, I haven't seen you in months!" They shared a rough hug before he pushed her off for messing with his hair. "Elowen? Is that you?" She put her arms over her stomach unsure if Jane knew the news. Jane got closer before she said anything else and pulled Elowen into a hug. "You worked things out. I told you that you were better for him." Jane released Elowen who seemed flustered. "And congrats," she winked.

Cindy wasn't one to gossip unless it was actually good news. Elowen had a feeling Cindy was going to tell Jane but she wasn't sure. Jane deserves to know though. She was a good friend for the little time she and Elowen did meet.

"Thank you."

"Well, Elowen can't drink and Philip has to catch a train in a few. I think the best thing we can do right now is talk." Cindy agreed with Jane before leading us straight through her brightly decorated home and to the backyard.

A treehouse and picnic table were all that was in the nice size backyard. "Help Elowen in the treehouse. Ms. Goldie waters her flowers at this time." Philip nodded.

"What does it matter?" Elowen asked as Philip lifted her up the first step.

"Elowen..." Jane started. "You know why it matters."

Not another word was said as Elowen ascended up to the first floor of the treehouse. Everyone else piled in after her and sat in a circle.

"We're here to celebrate Philip and his amazing friendship that he gave to all of us." Cindy took out a blunt from her bag then placed it in the center of the group. Philip's face lit up when he saw it. "Although not all of us could be here, it means-"

"Sorry I'm late." All necks turned to Joey who crawled up the ladder into the treehouse. Philip sat frozen as his best friend went to sit next to Cindy. Not once making eye contact with him. Cindy gave him a kiss on the cheek to lighten the mood. He then forced a smile on his face and looked at Philip. "Couldn't miss Philly's little send off."

Jane grabbed the blunt and lit it with a match. "Suck it, Joey. We're all hurt. There's no need to be all zappy about it."

Elowen rubbed her stomach as Cindy rolled her eyes and Jane sent a puff of smoke in to the air. Philip didn't look happy to see Joey.

Joey ignored Jane's comment and settled himself in deeper to the wooden floors. "For the short time we have left, let's recall any memories we have of Philip. The person who had known him the shortest can go first." He motioned to Elowen who straightened out her posture swiftly. "What's one happy memory you can remember about Philip?"

Elowen blushed as Philip looked her in the eyes. "There are so many but the one that I adored most was him standing up to his dad after telling him we were having a baby. At first, it pissed me off. I was terrified of the outcome but Philip just threw it out there. Then, after thinking about it, I realized that was the best thing he could have ever done."

Cindy cooed as the two exchanged loving eyes. "Me next!" She cheered. "I met Philip when we were freshman and we actually dated for a year after that. I just remember him always being the class clown but serious at the same time. He was the one to cheer me up when Jane moved schools and when my sister passed. Philip is a very good friend." She looked at Joey who's smile faded a long time ago.

"Jane," Joey announced.

She messaged her forehead as she tried to think of what to say as if it was a test put in front of her. "Erm... me and Philip haven't been very close. I was actually the one who introduced him to Cindy. But really, Philip just bought a ton of weed off me through the years of knowing him and he isn't a snitch. That's one good trait."

Philip rolled his eyes. "Don't get too soppy on me," he chuckled. Jane pushed him away from her.

All eyes landed on Joey once again who anxiously chewed on his thumb. Without looking at the crowd, he cleared his throat to talk. "Philip and I grew up together. Eleven years of friendship to be exact. We did everything together from adventures to beating up anyone who made fun of us. One thing... I remember about Philip was that he never flipped on you. My parents went bankrupt in '64 and when I had to give up everything I loved, he... wouldn't let me give him up."

"Joey, you don't have to share this." Jane informed.

"No no. I want to say it. I want to say that I lost everything. My house, my clothes, my lifestyle and the people I thought were my forever friends. I just felt it that I would lose Philip too but he came by every single day and played with me. Took me to school. Spoke to me. Philip was the only person I had who didn't see my wealth. He just saw me. I just knew you'd leave me and... I was right."

Philip's heart racing in his chest could be seen and heard from a mile away. He and Joey stared into each other's eyes like they were the only ones in the tree house.

"I stayed with you because I had the choice to. I don't have a choice in this. One day you'll forgive me or one day you'll forget me, I don't care what you do. I think you should know that I was never selfish when it came to our friendship. I supported you in everything even when it came to dating my ex." Cindy quickly looked away. "I just want this because I won't make it if I don't have this. Have all of you. And I mean all of you."

Philip threw his arms open in a hugging position. The first one to fall into his arms was Jane since she was closest. Elowen scurried over and Cindy followed. Joey stared into Philip's teary eyes while his was filled with brokenness.

"Come on, man." Philip whispered softly.

Joey, as stubborn as he can sometimes be, dropped his head. Before Philip could give up, his best friend completed the hug.

"Okay, but this it better than getting drunk or high," Jane informed which made everyone laugh.

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