Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Cindy sat in the dirt with her legs sprawled out from under her dress as she picked confetti from her hair. "I already knew I wasn't going to be Kaitlyn's friend for long. That controlling spaz." Elowen was less worried about the stunt Kaitlyn pulled yo get them kicked out and more worried about how Cindy would get mud stains out a white pretty dress. "I mean, did she really think we were going to let you get kicked on your own? The girl is mental."

"Fuck!" Joey dusted his jeans off and went to check on Philip who's head was deep under the hood of his car. "How's it going, dude. I have curfew in like thirty minutes."

Philip closed the hood and groaned. "Then fucking walk, man! The whole shit is fried!" Elowen looked over at the commotion and saw the two boys coming back to sit down. "It blew a fuse or something. I don't know shit about cars beside the fact they're badass."

Elowen rubbed his back to calm him down. "We can start walking and call someone in the morning?"

"The baby?" It slipped Philip's lips but before he could cover it up, Joey was on his feet with a shocked smile on his face. "The-"

"No way! You knocked little Elowen up?!" Cindy rolled her eyes at his question. "Oh my! This isn't even a surprise to me. I knew you guys were freaky like that."

Elowen stood up to defend herself. "It isn't like that." Joey began to tease her while they all tried to walk home. "So can you stop?"

Philip rubbed the back of his neck. "And I'm going... going to the war. So like it isn't that big of a deal." That's when everyone stopped walking. Elowen looked at him with a smile on his face since pure joy took over her body knowing that he finally spilled his guts. "My old man said in April."

Hearing that wiped the smile right off her face.

"Philly boy, that's less than four months away! When did he make his mind?" Everyone stared at Joey with sympathetic eyes. "When- everyone knew but me?"

Cindy tried to coddle her boyfriend but he pushed her off. "I didn't know either, Joey. Just calm down." He ripped his jacket off his body and threw it in the air. "Joey!" Cindy screamed as it landed on her head.

"No! No! Philip, you're my best fucking friend and you couldn't tell me your pops was sending you off to war!? My best fucking friend, man!" Philip turned away from Joey who was breaking into to tears. "What am I supposed to do without ya? Who am I supposed to talk to? Play fight with? Do dumb shit with? Who, huh?"

"Joey..." Philip stepped closer to his friend who didn't move a muscle. "I'm sorry man. I told him everything I could to change his mind. I couldn't. This is happening." Philip grabbed Joey's hand.

"You die and then what?" He snatched Philip's arm off him. "You die and then what, Philly?" Cindy and Elowen watched as Philip fought to hug his friend. When Joey finally was too weak to fight. He and Philip embraced each other. "What am I supposed to do without my best friend?"

"I'm sorry." Philip's voice cracked when he spoke to Joey seriously. This is the first time Elowen has seen them this affectionate towards each other. Usually they're hitting each other or arguing. But that was their friendship and she knew neither of them would trade it for anything. "I'm sorry, man."

Elowen made it home late last night. Mrs. Walson on the couch sleep with Spencer and the television playing in the background. The second the front door closed, she snapped out of her sleep. "Jesus, Elowen. It's almost one in the morning."

"I know," Elowen plopped next to her mother while draping a hand over Spencer's back and rubbed it. "We went for a drive until curfew kicked around then Philip's car broke down across town. We walked home."

"Well, how was it?" She played in Elowen's hair that became slightly frizzy from the sweat and midnight humidity. "Tell me everything."

"In the morning?" Elowen yawned while cuddling deep into her mother's body. "I'm so tired."

"Okay. In the morning, baby."

Elowen fell asleep on the couch next to Spencer while their mother went to her own bedroom. It wasn't until that next morning she woke up to the sound of everyone walking around the house and she was still in her dress.

Her mother was sitting at the kitchen table sorting through bills while watching Henry do his math homework. "Elowen, make sure you hang that up so I can press it. You can wear that to one of Sunday's services. That's a nice dress."

Elowen groaned as she wiped the drool off her cheek. Without saying another word, she went to take a shower. Being extra careful not to wash her stomach too hard.

No ones really spoken to her about being pregnant. She just knows there's a baby in her, her mother is disappointed, and Philip's family wants her dead with the baby included. Thinking about being a mother made her head pound. She practically stumbled out of the bath to reach the toilet and clear her stomach. After that she cried. She couldn't point out one specific thing since there were so many things to cry about. But that's what she did until the water ran cold.

She met back up with her mother who told her the kids were outside playing. Elowen used to be with them. Things have changed and she didn't like the speed of it all. "We can't have you pregnant at the school house." Is the first sentence that escaped Mrs. Walson's lips when Elowen sat down. "It's going to take a bit of money out of your college savings but I'm going to homeschool you. I was thinking around January or February. By then you should be showing a little, don't you think?"

"I have no idea," she responded blandly. "I have no idea about anything and you've been a mom three times and haven't told me a thing."

Mrs. Walson dropped an envelop to stare at her daughter. "What do you want to know Elowen? You wanna know that the first trimester isn't that vital since there is little to nothing in you? It's probably the size of my thumb, Elowen. You're not the size of a watermelon." She went back to tending the bills which made Elowen get up and leave the house.

Spencer was kicking a ball off the wall of the house while Henry played with his cards. "Let's play soccer?" Her two siblings looked up at her with smiles before running over to her. "Whoever makes five points gets to have control of the tv until mom gets home!"

Henry almost pushed Spencer into the dirt to get the ball. Elowen was laughing to hard at how much it meant to them instead of actually kicking the ball. This was the first time she spent quality time with her siblings and she actually enjoyed it. Of course it didn't last long. Henry kicked the ball into the street and a car came to a screeching halt to avoid running over it. That car belonged to Harry Hill but Veronica was in the drivers seat.

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