Chapter Eight

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*mature content ahead*

Spencer stood in the doorway as Elowen made her bed for the third time this morning. Something about it just didn't look right and she didn't know what. So she had Spencer be her guide which meant she told her what to do for this time only. Spencer felt in control for ten minutes.

"This'll have to do. Now get out. I'll be in there to make porridge in about ten minutes."

Instead of listening, Spencer took a seat on her bed. The little girl gave her a wide smile before tucking her hands on her lap. Elowen knew she was going to tell her something that she should know.

"Henry told mama that you was on the phone talking to that boy past ten o'clock. She told me to keep an eye on you."

Elowen groaned before yanking her off the bed by her arm. Spencer let out a fake cry which didn't stop her older sister from dragging her out the room. "I'd be a ditz to listen to someone like you. Now go wait in the kitchen or I'll make you eat dirt." Elowen slammed her door shut before Spencer could fight her way back through.

With her siblings cracking deeper into her case, having Philip over seemed to be the worst idea. But she continued to straighten her room and flatten her dress despite it all.

Twenty minutes later and she successfully talked the kids out of the house. They went to a friends house nearby and Elowen made sure she watched them disappear down the street side by side. With one last smile, she turned to skip to her front porch.

"Elowen!" Someone whispered from the wooden railing beside her. She turned in surprise as Philip jumped over the fence and on to her porch. "I took this path to the back and for a minute I was lost but the colors of your house looked familiar."

"Who cares, get inside before my neighbors see you." She dragged him through the door in a rush. He fixed his v-neck sweater as he took in the atmosphere of her living room.

Everything was small compared to his home. She had a small tv and a three seater couch in front of a homemade coffee table. There was old newspaper in a bin near the kitchen. Her kitchen was also rusty. From the yellow counters to the wooden cabinets, everything seemed to amaze him.

"So you gonna show it off?" He asked once the current view got boring to him. "Like the bathroom in case I gotta go or your room in case... I don't."

Something in Elowen's chest felt light. As if she was given some sort of drug that lifted her off her feet. She's never had a boy in her room. Not even Marcus and he used to come over every weekend just to sit on the couch.

"My rooms in the back," she pointed with a flustered expression. They started down the hall but before she allowed him into her personal space, she stopped in front of the restroom. "In case you gotta go," she smiled.

Philip lightly pushed her forward into the room he assumed was hers. Elowen's shaky hand rested on the copper doorknob before twisting to open it.

"Wow," he gasped when he saw her closet overflowing with clothes that has been handed down from cousin to cousin. She was never a fan of giving things away but her mom already made her promise she'd leave clothes for Spencer. "You sleep in here? The bed looks so uncomfortable."

He sat down on her floral-patterned blanket and the bed creaked a bit which made him chuckle. Before he could get comfortable in one place he was up at her vanity. It was white but the paint chipped and the mirror was clouded with film and photos. What caught his eye was the collection of candles before him.

"Which one's your favorite?" He asked Elowen who was staring at his reflection through the mirror. He stared back at her with a face that showed he was more excited than he was disappointed in her living.

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