Chapter Twenty-Four

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The necklace didn't go with the dress and that's what made her put it back. "It's like the tenth one, Elo. What are you trying to find? A wedding dress?" Kellie stared at Elowen's reflection and noticed her friend seemed a little stressed. "This ain't prom, Elowen. He'll love you in whatever you wear." She rested her hands on Elowen's shoulders.

"That ain't it," she looked down at her hands shamefully. "I ain't been feeling too well, kellie. And I know it ain't the flu."

"It's normal to get a stomach ache at a time like this. You're going to winter formal with a white boy!"

"No! It ain't a stomach ache either. It's been weeks since I..." Kellie's face went from supportive to complete disappointment. "I don't know what I'm gonna do. I can't hate him for doing this to me. Maybe I'm mad because I hate myself for letting it happen."

"Well this explain the constant frown on your face." Kellie put a dress down on the chair before taking a seat behind her friend. "Elowen... you gotta go to the doctors. A baby is a serious thing. Especially since you're only fifteen."

Elowen bursted out in tears. "I know! You think I don't know!" She sobbed into her hands. "Philip is going to hate me and oh god, my mother! She'll disown me, Kellie!"

Kellie got up to look around at the workers organizing things on the racks and assisting customers. She then closed the stall and locked it. Elowen looked to her friend who seemed mad at her. "We can't talk about this in here. Just pick a dress and let's go."

"Okay... I want the necklace to match." Kellie smiled softly then left. Elowen knew she wouldn't let her down.

"You're not going to tell anyone." Kellie nodded. "Not even Marcus. I want to tell him." She nodded again. "Okay, thanks Kellie."

Elowen got out of the car and went straight to her room to prepare for the weekend. Friday night was winter formal and she was worried that a week would pass and she wouldn't be able to fit in her dress.

Elowen didn't know much about the growth of a baby since no one had ever talked to her about it. She just knew it was unacceptable and that's what her mother would tell her.

She also know she would have to tell her mom. She's seen pregnant women before and they can grow up to the size of a mature watermelon. Elowen didn't have time to hide. Soon she'd be exposed to the world and everyone would know she's pregnant.

"That dance this Friday." She jumped when her mother popped up at her bedroom door. "You going with that Philip boy?" Elowen nodded. "His parents alright with that?"

"Ever since he got back home not much has changed. They're just really glad to have him back." Her mother nodded as Elowen smiled confidently to hide her sulking. "You want to see me in my dress when I put it on?"

Her mother nodded then closed the door for privacy. Elowen didn't want to take her uniform off. Soon she wouldn't be able to fit in it. Her stomach was nowhere near on display but she felt like tomorrow morning she'd wake up five months pregnant. This made Elowen cry which was something she needed to do.

The next day, Elowen and Kellie went to a clinic after school. It was open for all which was decent enough for the girls. Elowen walked in first and the white lady at the counter greeted them. "How may I help you today?"

"We want to check up on our baby." Kellie looked at Elowen who smiled up at her then to the lady. "We want to know everything about the baby but first to make sure she's actually pregnant."

"Okay... is either of you a legal adult?" Kellie's mouth fell open. "Eighteen years of age or older?"

Elowen tried not to freak out but this new information wasn't helping. "No ma'am but why do we need an adult?"

"We can't assist minors without a legal adult present or a guardian's permission." She smiled at them and slid the paperwork back behind the desk. "I'm so sorry."

Elowen and Kellie scurried out the building and stopped on the sidewalk. "What the fuck are we going to do now. If we get your mother involved then she'll kill you and the baby."

"I'm not killing my baby!" Elowen shouted at her. Kellie threw her hands up to surrender. "I don't want to do this but... I have to ask Cindy."

"Cindy Rodrigues? I thought you weren't her friend?"

"You must mean Kaitlyn. Cindy is chill or whatever. But she's going to hate me because she was also the one who called me a dumb bitch for staying with Philip."

"Now since you're having his baby, there is a slight chance she'll call you out on this."

It was a chance Elowen wouldn't mind taking. She just hoped Cindy wouldn't tell anyone.

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