Shadow of Your Love

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A/n guys i am so sorry that it’s been too long since i’ve updated this book and i really hope you guys enjoy this update, i really appreciate your guys’ patience.  Oh and sorry my wattpad is being wack and i couldnt add the picture the right way whoops

Skyelars pov

    I was honestly really excited, not to mention me and Duff were in much better moods than we were when we had gone to sleep.  I honestly couldn't believe that he had invited me to go on tour with him, it made me feel really special, more than he would ever know. While we were in the shower I thought I heard slash and alex arguing, but who really knows with those two. We knew that we had heard Izzy and Steven up cooking and laughing with each other, which was always good to hear, it's something nice for a change. 

   Duff and i needed to pack, that was something i knew that we needed to do for sure, it was already almost one and we needed to be on the tour bus at four. We also needed to eat some breakfast, so we decided to go downstairs to eat some grub before we started packing up. We made our way towards the small kitchen to see Slash sitting there like a big grouchy ass, which confirmed my earlier suspicions about him and Alex fighting earlier in the day. I wasn't really worried though, they will figure it out, and if they don't then it is what it is i guess. 

  Duff gave my hand a squeeze before he went over to sit by Slash and figure out what was going on, or at least that's what I assumed. He is a grown man and can do what he wants. I went over to the stove, where Steven had made a huge mess while cooking homemade pancakes. “God Steven, could you have made any bigger of a mess?” I asked in a joking manner, I was actually happy that he cooked and i didnt have to. “Oh shut the hell up, I know you didn't want to cook.”  I couldn't help but chuckle at him and grab some syrup before sitting down beside him and Izzy since Duff was talking with Slash. 

Duffs pov

I had to find out why slash had that look on his face, like he was about to explode with anger, which was never good with him, he's honestly worse than I am, which is hard to beat. I sat down with my food and looked at him, “Hey man whats wrong, i thought i heard you and your girl fighting earlier, i was just coming to check up on you.” He gave a deep, heavy sigh and nodded in reply to the last part of my statement. “We fought because i got mad about how she was treating you and she felt like she did nothing wrong, i also ended up saying some really bad things that i shouldn't have said to her and i regret it, but i am still really mad at her. No offense, but Skye was in the wrong too, not just you, she shouldn't have done or said some of the things that she did. But at the same time, you weren't completely in the right either.” 

I really wish he hadn't brought that up, mostly because i was just now trying not to be upset about how i treated my girlfriend, i mean, what kind of douchebag does that? Anyways, i looked at him and sighed, “Sounds to me like you either need to stick to your guns or give her another chance man, i mean there's nothing you can really do if she doesn't want to go. There is always the option of having her flown out if she changes her mind in any way.” I gave a shrug and a small sigh, I didn't really know what to say. I'm not very good at this love thing if you couldn't tell. Slash gave me a bro hug and then a soft smile, “Thanks, i'll go see what she wants to do and then report back with either good news or bad news.” 

I gave him a small smile and then chuckled a little bit, “Good luck man, if its too bad of news all of us can drink in sadness tonight?” Slash chuckled and gave a small smile before disappearing out of the kitchen and towards the room him and Alex shared. The moment Slash left, Skye came over and sat across from me at the small dining table and gave me a small smile, “How did it go?” she asked with a soft tone, like she was trying to keep it quiet. “Eh, i think they will figure it out, one way or another, it's kind of serious, but they will get over it hopefully and if not, then it was never meant to be.” 

Slash’s pov

I think talking to Duff helped me, but at the same time he's not very good with these things so who really knows how good his advice is, but oh well, he's my best friend. I walked into our room to see her packing up her things angrily. “Hey babe, I'm sorry for earlier.. Uh, i think we both said things we didn't mean, and that we should just try to forget about it and move on. I know that we both love each other, and that should come above all of our minor problems like this one.” She finally linked back at me, and gave a soft eye roll, “If you ever say anything like you did earlier to me again, i'm leaving and you will never meet your child, is that understood?” I nodded, and went over to give her a hug, but she just turned away and kept packing up. “I haven't decided if i'm going yet, you'll find out if i'm on the bus at four.” 

I sort of felt disappointed, she was being so cold and monotone, but at the same time i was glad she wasn't just leaving and never coming back, so that was a plus i guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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