Yin and Yang, Ya know?

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Okay guys, Duff looks so fuckin sexy ya know, bend me over and fuck my ass (Not really cause ow) but you get the gist. And Slash, calm down buddy! We know that your snake is awake 😂😉. Axl just looks like he's about to go MMA on some pussy ya know? Like, "Let me beat your pussy and give you my children!" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Sorry, just I haven't slept ya know? GOD DAMN YOU DUFF! YA HAVE GOT ME USIN' FUCKIN' SEATTLE SLANG, AND "YA KNOW" AND IM NOT EVEN FROM FUCKIN WASHINGTON.  Sorry guys, I haven't slept in like four days, severe insomnia ya know? (Shit biscuits I did it again) ANYWAYS Enjoy this you fuckers (love you guys) it gets fluffy, after being angsty as hell. THANK YALL FOR SO MANY FUCKIN READS, I LOVE YOU KNOW MATTER WHAT YA KNOW! YOU CAN ALWAYS TALK TO ME. Okay, now back to the story.


       Skye's POV (finally)

     God bless, my fuckin' head is Killin me. What the fuck? How did I get home? Ow shit, my fuckin' arm. Fuck fuck fuck, damn it, I did it again. I pull the needle out, with a whimper, and throw it across the room somewhere.

    I heard familiar, cute, barely audible, snores. Oh shit, where's Duff? I look around and see him passed out, curled up around a bottle of vodka, and a small empty baggie. I had the biggest urge to wake him up, and make him come lay with me, but I knew that would be a big mistake.

      I felt like shit, I looked like shit. I felt so embarrassed that I didn't even want to go downstairs. I needed a shower, and other things. Fuck, I haven't felt this bad in months. I was cramping, and overall didn't feel like moving, I wanted to cuddle against Duff's back,he was like a heater.

    I stood up, pulling the grey comforter off of the bed, and pulling it into the floor. I crawled behind him, and pulled the blanket over us, pressing the front of my body to his back, which was nice and hot against my stomach. "Mm shit." I mumbled, closing my eyes and falling into a deep slumber once again.

    Stevens POV

   Okay so, I forgave Izzy, and I spilled to him why the situation bothered me. I told him how I was in her situation once, and how much I appreciated the people who helped me, (Slash and Axl). He understood, and we shared kisses and cuddles all night, but I couldn't help thinking about Skye and Duff.

       "Hey Izzy." I said, gently shaking him awake, his greasy black hair moving and his brown eyes looking at me. "Mmm, yeah what's up?" He said groggily, yawning and stretching his skinny body. "I'm scared for Skye and Duff. If she leaves, he's gonna go back to drinking and drugs more than ever, and if he leaves, she's gonna turn to the smack. "

     Izzy sat up, and wrapped a lanky arm around my shoulders, "Baby, they CAN'T leave each other, that's the thing. They are like yin and yang, ya know? They balance out each other's crazy. Eventually, even if they break up, they will run back to each other. "

    I leaned into him, and listened to his reasoning, and it all made fuckin' sense man, like, holy fuck, Izzy is like Budda or some shit. I smiled and kissed him deeply, "You are a fuckin' genius baby." He smiled, and yawned, resting his head against my chest. "Okay, now let me sleep.." he whined.

    ~~~Two Hours Later~~~

  Duff's POV

    "Ah shit!" I mumbled, my head throbbing and my throat hurting, but I felt someone behind me, and a blanket over me. "No fuckin' way, she didn't come back." I heard a tired giggle, "Yeah.. she came back baby, if you'll have her that is?"


     I nearly shit my pants, you have no idea. "Holy shit, I didn't think you'd ever come back to my asshole self ya know!" I turned around, and pulled her close, but she winced, and pulled her arm away. "Baby what's wrong?" Then, I saw it, I fuckin' saw it.

     "You, you're addicted to fuckin' smack?" She quickly shook her head no, "No, it's, it's complicated." She mumbled, and I saw the pained look in those beautiful baby blues. "I only do it when I'm stressed out, or something really bad happens.. I thought you were done with me." She mumbled, and I just pulled her closer to me. Then she giggled, and lifted a hand to my cheek, "Who hit you honey?"

     I thought, and for the life of me, I couldn't remember, then, it hit me. "Fuckin' Alex man, she was pissed off, that's all I remember." I felt her body shake as she laughed, and sighed, "So, are we okay now?" I knew it right then, I needed her, and she needed me ya know?

   "Ya know it baby." She smiled, and snuggled into my chest, falling asleep. I felt the urge to fall asleep as well, so I closed my eyes. But I heard the door click open, and I saw popcorn poke his head in, and he smiled.

     "Are you two okay now?" He whispered, coming into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. I nodded and chuckled, "Yeah, I just feel really shitty ya know? Plus fuckin' Alex hit me." Steven rolled his eyes, and bot in a joking manner either. I was super surprised, he actually didn't like someone. HOLY SHIT MUFFINS.

    "She pissed me off last night, I don't really care for her man. Thinkin' she fuckin' owns the place just cause Slash didn't wrap it before he slapped it. " My jaw dropped, "Steven.. I've never heard you say anything so mean, but pretty much true." He laughed and sighed, "I'll go let everyone know that you guys are good now, you get some sleep man." He said cheerily, walking out of the room.

Dance for Me? Little Dancer. [A Duff Mckagan Fan Fiction] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora