So Why Don't Ya Just Fuck Off?

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LOOK AT IZZY HE IS SO FUCKIN CUTE, YA KNOW, IVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING MORE CUTE (AT LEAST TODAY) I WANNA CUDDLE HIM. Oh, and sorry for the long ass A/N last chapter, I hadn't slept and when I don't sleep I get weird as hell. I wish I could go back in time ya' know? Plus, I've decided I want to live in Seattle (Because of smallville and Duff Mckagan, and Nikki Sixx) Anywhore, back to the story


   Steven's POV

    I was so happy that they made up, I basically skipped down the stairs and into mine and Izzy's room. Izzy was actually awake, and he was smoking a cigarette and reading a magazine, that had our bands picture on it, announcing our tour.

    "Hey, babe guess what?" Izzy looked up, and sat his magazine on the table. "What?" He said, a smile on his face. I sat beside him and smiled, "Wellllllll, I walked into their bedroom, and they were on the floor together talking, they made up!" Izzy hugged me close and kissed my forehead. "That's great popcorn. Let me guess, you are going to announce it to the whole house?"

    I nodded, and stood up, "C'mon, I want you to make me some food anyways!" Izzy sighed, and rolled his eyes playfully. Then, he stood up and followed me to the kitchen.

Izzy chuckled and went inti the kitchen, starting to cook what bacon was left, meanwhile, we heard yelling from upstairs, sounds like slash and his girl, not gonna lie.

Slashs POV

"You can't just go around dissing my fucking friends! Just because you got pregnant doesn't mean I have to keep a bitch around all of the time!" I was angry, beyond angry because she just kept on talking shit about Duff, what was I supposed to do? Not take up for him and act like a whipped little bitch? That's not me at all, Duff is my best and only friend.


Im sorry this is so short, sorry I've been gone so long, I've been busy, had to delete the app, been stressed my mom is sick.. so I don't know when I'll update again guys sorry i suck


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