Boardwalks and Bored Walks

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    Skyelars Pov

     Duff led me to his car and I got inside. He shut the door and jogged around, getting inside and starting up the corvette.  "So, do you want ice cream or pizza first baby?" I chuckle and hold his hand as he drives away, "Hmmmm I think I want pizza first if that's okay?" He nods and then I hear this God awful sound, "What the fiddly fuck was that?"

    He starts to laugh and pats his stomach, "That was my belly, after our previous activities, he is very hungry." He winks at me and I let out a small chuckle, then decide to light a cigarette.

     Stevens Pov

    After Duff And Skye left, I decided to ask Izzy if he wanted to go for a walk. I go and knock on the door to a room that we have to share. "Come in." I hear him say softly. I step inside, and see him laying on his back, smoking. "Hey Izzy,  wanna go for a walk?"

    He sits up and smiles, putting his cigarette out, "Where do you get all of this energy popcorn? I swear.." He says jokingly, throwing on his coat and grabbing his cigarettes, "Lets go Blondie. " he says, walking out of the room.

    "Hey Izzy,  wait up I need to grab my coat." I run over to tye couch and put my coat on, then grab an extra lighter, before following Izzy out of the door. This is the first time we've been alone together in a while, and we needed to talk. I know I have feelings for him, but I'm not sure how he feels about me.

    Once we were a little bit away from the apartment, I sigh.  "Hey iz, can we talk?" He turns towards me and sighs, "I know how you feel about me popcorn, I heard duff talking to you."

   I heard the words come out of his mouth and I thought I was going to fall against the nearest tree. "W-what?" Was all I could spit out. He smirks and steps closer to me, "I said, I know how you feel about me.." He trails a finger up my chest, then he leans forward and pressed his lips to mine. I thought I was going to faint, but I kissed back. "And Mr. Adler, I think I feel the same."

     Skyelars Pov

    We had eaten four or five slices of pizza all together. Duff had his arm around my waist as we walked up and down the boardwalk, looking at all of the lights and stands, and at the beach. It was beautiful. Duff ordered us some Ice cream and we sat on a bench. I was eating mine when I felt something cold on my cheek.

    "What the hell?" I looked over and saw duff smirking,  "Looks like you have something on your face, lemme get that for You baby girl. " he leans in and licks my cheek.

   "Hey, my little girl doesn't need to see that shit." I look up and see some woman with her tits hanging out of a tight crop top, "And my boyfriend doesn't need to see your wrinkly, skanky ass tits hanging out." I say, covering Duffs eyes. I hear him laugh and say, "I need bleach quick, I'm having ptsd!"

   We both started to laugh as she huffed up and walked away from us, we kissed and ate our ice cream,  driving home at about three o'clock in the afternoon,  seeing that Axl was gone. "Axl really couldnt handle your foot long shlong could he?"



Love you guys ♡

Dance for Me? Little Dancer. [A Duff Mckagan Fan Fiction] Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα