Give Mama's Fallen Angel Somethin' To Believe In

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Look at these gorgeous human beings. I love Rachel Bolan and Dave 'The Snake' Sabo. Literally all of the members of Skid Row are beautiful. I will give a fair warning that this chapter is deep as fuck y'all like, grab the Kleenex box, and please don't kill me! I promise it will be fluffy again soon.


    Duff's POV

     Axl hugged me as I started to break down, I realized that it was all my fault. Everything, her leaving, probably getting high or some shit, probably never coming back for all I fuckin' know.

   Slash and Alex just happened to walk downstairs at that time, and that's when it started to go to shit. "What the fucks wrong with Duff man?" Slash said, walking over, and looking at a concerned Axl. "He keeps mumbling things about something being his fault, I'm assuming his lovers spat with Skye. "

    Alex's eyes went wide, "You stupid fucker! Did she get out at a sleazy ass lookin' apartment building? If so, you must have really hurt her you piece of fucking shit!" Alex spat harshly, I instantly stood up, and got face to chest with her, since she's small as fuck, and pointed at her, "You'd better watch what the fuck you say! You wouldn't even be around if slash didn't get ya' fuckin' knocked up! He'd probably be bangin' some chick with huge titties right now, but fuck no, you came in and fucked that up! I basically lost my only fun friend because of some broad!"

      I screamed at her, and she had the audacity to fuckin' hit me, it took Axl, and Slash holding me back, I was drunk, and she pushed the wrong buttons. I broke away, and ran up to our bedroom, slamming and locking the door, locking myself in.

    I grabbed the little baggie that knew me better than just about anyone, other than my vodka, which I had in the bedside dresser. I grabbed both and sat in the floor, downing vodka, and pouring out the white powder, making a disorganized line, and snorting it hard, letting out a loan at the fuzzy feeling in my throat, and the burn in my nose.

      I did three, or four, or five.... I don't fuckin' know. I just know I started talkin' to myself, "Fuck em all Duff, they don't have a fuckin'clue. " Then I thought, and said, "Well neither do I fuckin' fiddle sticks man, what the hell am I doin'." Then I laughed, "Just havin' a good ole visit with Dr. Feelgood. Ah fuck you Duff, don't quote them, fuck them." I frowned at myself, "But T-Bone makes the best fuckin' Jack and Coke." Then I laughed manically, "Prolly cause he does too much coke, look at his scrawny ass!" I laughed at my own comment, and sighed, leaning down and downing the vodka, doing another line in the process. "Fuck em all Duff.." I mumbled, before promptly fuckin' passin' out

      Izzy's POV

     "God damnit I didn't fuckin' sign up for this bullshit. Dragging passed out chicks around cause their boyfriend is a fuckin' dick. " I grumbled, me and Stevie pulling her into the house, but Steven just yanked her away and carried her bridal style. "Fuckin there Is, it's not like she fuckin' weighs that much you're bitchin' like it's that big of a fuckin' deal to help your friends out!"

     This whole ordeal had bothered Steven, I don't know why, but it did, and I guess it pushed his fuckin' buttons too hard. "Okay Steven, here, you take her passed out ass to Duff, a fuckin' needle still hanging out of her arm and shit! Don't ask for my damn help with the bullshit that's for sure!" I stormed into the house, fuckin pissed off, I went into our room and slammed the door, ignoring slash and his 'girlfriend' and Axl.

    Stevens POV

      I carried Skye inside, and Alex walked over, it bothered me, "Alex, please back the fuck off of me, I'm taking her to her room, not in the mood for fuckin' girly bullshit right now, she fucked up, shit happens." Alex glared at me, and snarled, "I'm willing to sock your ass like I did Duff if you don't let me see her, now. "

     "Fuckin' do it I dare you, I'll kick you and Slash's ass, pregnant or fucking not." I stomped up the stairs, and opened the door, to find a passed out Duff, he wasn't dead at least. I gently placed Skyelar in the bed, and sighed softly. "Goodnight sweetheart, see ya' in the morning." I kissed her forehead, and I heard her whimper, "Duff..." I just went with it and left. Locking the door on my way out.


So, I listened to Dr.Feelgood while writing this, which was nice. I get the best inspiration when I can't sleep guys I swear!

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