Family Reunion

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That's what skyelars face and her tattoos look like, and her hair.  Plus she has contacts not glasses. °☆•¤▪

   Skyelars Pov

    I hugged Alex and walked out of the club, I was going to visit my brother. We needed a sort of, 'Family Reunion '. I stepped out and waited for a taxi, lighting a cigarette.  I'm still beyond pissed. But at the same time, I wanna curl up and cry. Well, what did I expect from a rockstar? For him to be the perfect guy with no faults? But fuck I still love him, I honestly want to go back, but I can't just let him think he can walk all over me and get away with it. 

   I finished my cigarette and stared a new one, then finally a taxi pulled up. I threw my cigarette down and stepped into the back of the cab. "Lady where are ya' wantin' to go this timma' night?"

  I sigh and give him my street name, he nods, "Well, ma'am it looks like you've had a rough night." I nod,  "Yeah, you could say that."

    The rest of the drive was silent, I leaned my head back against the head rest and sighed.  This car smelled of mildew and very cheap cigarettes.  This caused my nose to wrinkle up.  Luckily the car ride wasn't very long, and once he got to the end of my street, I got out and walked a few steps, before taking a left and going down my brothers alley.

   He jumps out and smiles, fidgeting around, he was quite high, "Hey sis! What's up?" I smile and sigh, "You got any Heroin? I've had a rough night." He smirks and nods, "Yeah, just got some fresh, from my other buddy here." He points to some guy in the corner, before quickly digging out the stuff.

   The guy in the corner grumbles, "Ain't you gonna make her pay?" My brother looks up, "Nah, she gets the family discount man." The other man stands up, "I'm your best fucking friend and you make me pay full price, but this stupid bitch comes along and she doesn't have to?"

    I rear back and smack the man as hard as I can, he then jumps up and slaps the living shit out of me, and it stung,  but I just sighed, this happened nearly everytime everything so I didn't mind it. My brother handed me the stuff and I hugged him, "Thanks bro, I love you. " he smiles and hugs back,  "I love you too."

     Duffs Pov


    "Heeyyyyyyy Steven,  can you help me uppp? I need to go piisss." Steven nods and stands up stumbling a little, but not nearly as bad as I was, I was totally shit-faced, and higher than a kite. I had almost forgotten about Skye leaving,  but not quite. I leaned on Steven,  who was a good bit shorter than me, and we somehow made it to the bathroom.

   I took a piss and Steven laughed, "Dude, you fucking missed." I look down and shrug, fixing myself and stumbling sideways, hitting a sink. "Ow shit." Steven helps me back to the table and I sit down.  Axl looks at me and sighs, "I hope Skye made it back okay." For some reason, him just mentioning hwe name pissed  me off. "Why the fuck are you so worried about it?!" He looked down and rolled his eyes, "Just don't surprised if she leaves your ass tomorrow Mckagan. " I stood up and grabbed his collar, "She's not going to fucking leave! We love eachother okay?!" I yell and look at him, then stumble backwards, sitting back down. Placing my head on the table.

   Slashs Pov

   Alex was snuggled into my arms, making me smile. "Hey Alex,  has Skye given any reason why she fell for Duff Mckagan? " Alex looks up and shakes her head no, "Probably because She's been in his shoes, she used to get shit faced like that, fuck random dudes, get high, and start again when she woke up."

   I nod and rub her back gently, "I just don't want his temper to get the best of him." Alex looks up confused and I sigh, "Well, his last real girlfriend told him she cheated,  while he was drunk like that, and he punched the fuck out of her. I'm pretty sure she carried a shiner for two weeks."

   Alex laughs, "If he did that to her, she'd hit the fuck out of him back, and it would be a full on fist fight." I smile and kiss her gently. "I'm pretty sure I have to drive Duff  and Steven back home. Alex nods and yawns softly, "That's fine babe." I nod and kiss her cheek.

  Skyelars Pov

   I walked into my apartment and grabbed my backpack, putting my heroin, some clothes, and a pair of shoes in there. I sighs and throw some cigarettes in there as well. I use the bathroom and change into my converse before leaving and locking my door.

  I walks downstairs and start walking towards the bands apartment, which was about 6 miles away.

    Duffs Pov

    I sigh and stand up, the guys decided they were ready to leave, and honestly,  I am too. Slash is driving me and Steven,  and Axl and Izzy are riding together.   Steven helped me walk outside, and I pretty much fell into my backseat, laughing while I did so.

   Once every one was in the car, slash started driving. Once we were about three miles from the apartment, I think, I saw Skye walking,  "Slash stop the carrrrr there's skyyee." Slash chuckles, "Dude, she's probably already at the house, that's not her."

  I shrug and lean my head back, then soon enough I was sitting in the living room, getting high with the guys and Alex.  Skye is probably upstairs sleeping.

    Skyelars Pov

     Of course it had to start fucking raining. I'm completely soaked,  freezing, and tired. I knock on the door to the apartment,  and I'm met by Axl. "Oh hey, we thought you were already here."  "J-just let me inside, so I can change." He nods and lets me in, I see everyone either doing heroin or coke.

    Duff looks up and his eyes go wide, "Whhoooo hit you?" I shrug and walk past him, going upstairs.  Once I got to Duffs room, I changed into a pair of shorts and a sweater.

   Then I lay on the bed, rolling up my sleeve I tie off my arm, above the bend in my elbow,  grabbing my needle and getting the heroin ready. I sigh and light a cigarette while I'm waiting. Once I see my vein, I stick the needle in, slowly injecting the drug. Almost instantly feeling better. 


Soooo, I have no idea what to do with this right now lol


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