18. Strangers Again

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The pub that Sebastian was fighting his way to make room in was clouded with smoke. Chris had sent him text telling him to make his way there, as a weekend relaxation and to get his mind off of his ex, Y/N. Sebastian and Y/N broke up a month ago, and it all came down to lack of time but more importantly, lack of communication mainly on Sebastian's part. When they were apart Y/N would constantly try to reach out and connect with the man that she loves but wouldn't get the same in return so she just got tired of it. 

"Hey, man," Chris said greeting Sebastian as he approached the table where he was sitting along with Anthony, Jeremy, and Winston. 

"Hey," Seb responded taking a seat before looking around and taking in his surroundings for the first time since actually entering the bar. As Sebastian took in his surroundings Y/N was backstage getting ready to perform with her band. Y/N isn't really a main stream artist, in fact her day job is at a childcare center, but music is her second passion so on the weekends she and her band play in bars, pubs, clubs, festivals, etc. 

"Ready to perform our new song?" for Y/N the best way for her to express what she's currently struggling with is for song. It's the only way that things have a remote chance of making sense to her. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," she mumbled before they walked onstage. As everyone picked got to their instruments she went and took a seat on a stool in front of the mic as a light shown on the stage partially blinding her. As everyone was getting settled Chris spotted the Y/H/C on stage and instantly began to wonder who he hadn't been more careful. Even though they split Chris still talks to Y/N and he knows that this break up is hurting her as much as it's hurting Sebastian, and it was never his intention to bring them into the same room just to further that pain. 

"We should get out of here. Check out  another place," Chris said standing up and taking his coat off his chair. 

"Why? I just got here," Sebastian responded with a questioning eyebrow raise. 

"We haven't been here that long. Why don't we just chill for a bit and then we can hop to another bar?" Jeremy suggested as Anthony's eyes traveled over the room and landed directly on Y/N.

"You know what. This place just doesn't have the right vibe, we should head out," he said standing up and putting his coat on. The other three men shared a look before just standing up and getting ready to follow them, but just as they were about to leave their table Y/N's voice came over the speaker and Sebastian instantly turned around to look at the woman he thought he lost months ago. 

"Hey guys, we're Spark of Madness and we hope you enjoy our set. Our first song is called You Are Losing and well I guess the topic is kind of self explanatory," Y/N said into the mic before looking back at Brooks, her drummer. 

"If I could take back what I said I wouldn't. 'Cause this doesn't feel like love as I understood it. And I can't afford to throw you a line when I shouldn't. 'Cause you are losing m," Y/N sang and as she sang Sebastian found himself making his way to the dance floor that was closer to the stage. The four other men were just looking between each other trying to figure out what their next move should be. 

"Should we go get him?" Winston asked. Chris looked over at his best friend and shook his head. 

"Crazy as this may sound, they both need this to happen," Chris respond before taking a seat back at their table. The three other men followed and sat down, but watching the stage as well as Sebastian to see what the next move was. 

Usually when Y/N performs she doesn't look out into the audience, but something about today's audience led her to look out when she sang and that's when her eyes landed onto Sebastian and his eyes. When their eyes met Sebastian gave her a sad smile as she began to sing and Y/N did her best to avoid his eyes anymore. It took everything within her to stay on the stage to finish out the set, but as soon as their set was over she rushed off the stage and to their dressing room. She knew that she'd have a few minutes alone since the band has to take down their instruments and everything, so she took this moment to just breath and allow herself to feel all the emotions that came up when she saw Sebastian in the crowd. 

When they were dating and Sebastian was home, he always made it a point to come out and support her whether he was tired or not. And seeing him out there amongst the crowd just brought back a ton go amazing memories, which then lead to a feeling of pain. As she was sitting in her chair looking at herself in her mirror urging herself not to cry there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" Y/N shouted wiping away a tear as the door opened to reveal Sebastian. The pair took a moment to take in the other's presence through the mirror. 

"What are you doing back here?" Y/N asked pulling her sweater's selves over her hands so that she could fidget with the end of them. 

"I needed to see you," Sebastian said taking a step into the room and closing the door behind him. 

"Here I am, you saw me. You can go now," Y/N said looking at him through the mirror. 

"You were great out there, Y/NN,"

"Thanks," Y/N mumbled back before they feel into a very uncomfortable silence. It was during that silence where the rest of Y/N's band walked in laughing but instantly stopping in their tracks when they saw the pair knowing what had went down. 

"We're just gonna-" "We should-" "What the-" the three other members said over each there before leaving the room and closing the door again. Y/N turned to look at the door, the same as Sebastian, but she wasn't anticipating him turning around. 

"How've you been?" Sebastian asked and this set off a match within Y/N.

"You don't get to do this. You don't get to create small talk between us, as if the past three years of our lives weren't intwined. You don't get to connect with me now, after I tired for months to connect with you only to fail miserably. You don't get to look at me as if I was the love of your life, now. You don't get to make my heart skip a beat. And you especially don't get to make me fall for you again. What you do get to do? You get to leave this room and act like I don't exist, because that's what I'm gonna do as soon as you leave," Y/N said without breaking eye contact with him. As she spoke all of her words hit Sebastian like a knife and he was being stabbed with each syllable. 

Sebastian didn't even respond, he just took one last look at her and left. To him it was clear that whatever they had was done, but to Y/N it was clear that he never wanted her anyones. He had a second chance to fight for her, and just like the first time he walked out. That's the moment were Y/N knew that they were destined to be strangers again. 

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