8. Valentines with the Mackies (Pt. 1)

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"Hey, have you been to sleep yet?" Sebastian asked you as he entered the kitchen and kissing the top of your head. You've spent the night staying awake trying to figure out the perfect way to end your next book so you could meet your editor's deadline.

"I'm fine. How'd you sleep?" You asked bringing your knees up to your chest and looking up at him as your head rested on your lap.

"Would've been better with you next to me. Promise me you'll get some sleep while I'm on set," Sebastian stated as he began to start the coffee. Thankfully with your job you can travel where ever, so when SEB started filming the F&WS you were able to tag along.

"We'll see," you responded with a wink before going back and looking at your laptop.

"Then don't complain when you fall asleep during date night." He sing songed before walking to the cabinet and getting down the pancake mix in your rental. "Also, happy Valentine's Day Babe,"

"Shit! I didn't even realiz—Happy Valentine's Day, Bash."

"It's good. Just be ready tonight or I'll have to send Anthony in to rush you,"

"Now, why'd you have to threaten that?" You asked with a laugh. Within the four years that you've been dating Seb you've become super close with Anthony and his whole family. So much so that Anthony and Sheletta are going to Romania with you and Sebastian this summer.

"Because I know that's the only way to make sure you're up and ready," he said with a wink and you rolled you eyes before closing your laptop.

"I love you babes, but I need to focus. I'm gonna head outside,"

"Nope. You're gonna head up to bed and go to sleep," he said coming over and picking up your laptop.

"Fine, but I'm not gonna enjoy it," you mumbled before getting up and leaving the room.
It's five hours later and you woke up to your phone buzzing with multiple alerts and that instantly worries you. Thankfully when you looked it was just Sebastian and Anthony blowing up the groupchat that you have with the pair, Shaletta, and Chris E.

Baby Love💞
Anthony and I were thinking

Choco Zaddy😜
We were thinking of having taking
a trip to Chicago w/ the kids and y'all

Baby Love💞
Everyone in??

When is this trip taking place?

Letta Love💖
Kids have school🤷🏾‍♀️

Choco Zaddy😜
A month or so from now.

Doll Face👸💕
Shut up! You're going on mute.

Baby Love💞
Yes. You sleep. Love youuuu

And even though you said you were going to sleep it didn't work out that way. You ended up spending the next fifteen minutes laying there staring at the ceiling hoping to fall back asleep. When you didn't you got out of bed and walked back into the kitchen for water. As you entered you were greeted with a huge stuffed bear sitting in a chair with your favorite candies surrounding it and a card. The sight brought an instant smile to your face, because Sebastian is honestly the best at giving gifts and he takes time into figuring out what to give. Once you got closer you opened the card and inside was a note from Sebastian.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty,
     It's our fifth Valentine's Day together and I think by far it's been my favorite. It's the first one that we're in the same city for (even if I do have to work). We get to spend it with two of our best friends, but most importantly after dinner it'll just be you an I. Snuggling and loving the hell out of each other. You work too hard, so I want you to take today off to relax because you deserve that and more. I love you Princess and can't wait to see you again later!
Your Baby Love"

After reading the card you instantly took out your phone and called Sebastian.

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Anthony's voice greeted as the phone was answered.

"Isn't this supposed to be Seb's phone?" You shot back.

"Fair enough. Fair enough, but Sexy sea bass is shooting a scene so you're stuck with me. What can I help you with?"

"Can you tell him that I love my presents and that I can't wait to see him later?"

"You got it. Also please call my lady because she wants to know what you're wearing and she's bugging me about it," he whined and you laughed.

"Oh I know. I've gotten the texts asking," you said before hanging up and getting the water from the fridge.

A/N: Should I do a part 2???? Also Happy Valentine's Day babes!!!!

Just Imagine: A Book of Sebastian Stan ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang