17. Pre-k Graduate

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"Are you ready for the first glimpse of our pre-k graduate?" I shouted out to my living room full of Marvel men. Mine and Sebastian's daughter, Sophia, is graduating pre-k  tonight and Sebastian wasn't able to make it due to his filming schedule. Don't worry we've planned to FaceTime so he could see her, but as soon as they found out that Sebastian wasn't able to make it; Evans, Mackie, Ruffalo, and Holland cleared their schedules (and if needed booked flights) just so they could be here to support her tonight. That's one of the things I love most is that anyone in the Marvel "family" is there for one another at the drop of a dime. Sophia loves all her uncles so when they all showed up at the house her mood brightened up. 

"Bring out our girl!" Tom's voice responded back, followed by cheering from the others. 

"Ready to go show your uncles?" I asked moving a stray hair from in front of her face. She smiled up at me and nodded her head before taking a hold of my hand. We walked out out the room and down the hall. I was the first person they men saw, and the excitement on their faces made my heart melt, but what really killed me were their reactions when they finally saw Sophia. 

"Do I look like a princess?" Sophia asked letting go of my hand and spinning around. I looked down at my little girl and began to tear up because it hit me that she's not so little anymore. It's almost as if time had flown by and there's no way I can get that time back either. 

"You're the prettiest princess I've ever seen," Chris said and as I looked at him I noticed that he was tearing up. All of the Marvel cast have treated myself and Sophia amazingly throughout the years, but the four men currently standing in my house each have their own special bond and connection to her. She's the closest to the four of them and I know that they would do anything to make her happy. 

"Prettier than Ariel?" she asked him.

"Way prettier, Soph," Chris responded coming and getting down on his knees so that she could hug him. After they hugged she went on to hug Anthony, Tom, and Mark. 

"You guys are gonna come with mommy, right?" she asked them as I got my keys, purse, and phone together.

"Of course, little lady. Wouldn't want to miss it," Anthony said from where he was holding her in his arms. When I gave birth to Sophia, Anthony was the first one to visit us and it was a no-brainier for Sebastian on making him her god-father. We all headed out the house and to the cars. It was decided that Tom and Anthony would ride with me and Soph, while Chris and Mark would ride together to her preschool. When we arrived all the men put on hats and glasses and we walked in with Sophia holding my hand. 

"Sophia!" Ms.Lilly, her pre-k teacher, greeted her upon entry into the building. Sophia let go of my hand and ran to give her a hug as myself and the four goons approached them. "You look very pretty," 

"Thank you! My Bunica got it for me," she said smiling down at it. 

"Well she has great taste. Do you want to give your mommy a hug and then we can go back to the classroom and get ready," Ms. Lilly said. Sophia ran to give me a hug and I kissed her cheek. 

"I love you," I told her before we did our secret handshake that only she, myself, and Sebastian know.

"I love you too," she said and with that she was gone. I looked down at my phone to see if Sebastian had responded to the picture of Sophia I sent him, only to see that I was left on read. 

"I'm sure he'll respond," Mark said putting an arm around my shoulder and I sighed. 

"I hope so," I mumbled before the five of us walked in. When we walked in I looked around at all the amazing work that the preschool had put into decorating for tonight's occasion, and just as I went to look at the children's art work that was covering the walls an all too familiar Romanian figure was standing there. I honestly thought I was seeing things, but when he turned around and smiled as we made eye contact I knew that it had to be real.

Just Imagine: A Book of Sebastian Stan ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz