16. At the Concert

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"What do you think you're doing?" Sebastian shouted from behind me as his hands met my side, completely startling me. I playfully hit his chest and he laughed before giving me a kiss. "I thought I told you I'd put together that bookcase,"  he said letting go of my side and sitting down on the couch. 

Sebastian and I just moved in with each other a week ago and we're still getting items delivered and put together. He's been filming so I've taken the lead on getting our house together as well as everything put away into it's place. Before moving in together I decided that it'd be best for me to take some time off work anyways so it works out perfectly. 

"I couldn't wait, sorry," I said with a shy smile and he gave me a smile before shrugging. 

"It's okay. I now know I have a girl who can build, that's pretty hot," he said being completely flirty and I cringed. 

"Please. Never, never do that again," I teased and he laughed before nodding his head and taking his buzzing phone out of his pocket. 

"Vanilla Ice!" Anthony Mackie's voice rang through his phone's speaker. I smiled and went back to focusing on the bookcase in front of me so that the two men could talk about whatever they were planning. When it comes to them and Chris, there's always something going on. 

"I don't know, let me ask her," I heard Sebastian said a few minutes later as I was finishing up the bookcase. Before he could say my name I was looking at him waiting for whatever it was. 

"Hey, babe. Anthony wants to know if we wanted to go out tonight,"

"Describe go out. Are we going to dinner, a movie, a club, a park, a drive in movie? What are we doing?" I asked. 

"I'm glad you asked Mrs. Vanilla Ice. We would be going to a Harry Styles concert," Anthony respond for him and as soon as he said Harry Styles I let out a scream. 

"And you're not just fucking with me? Like we're actually going?" I asked in shock. 

"I'm not fucking with you. My manager's daughter is a fan and she couldn't go and so he had four tickets and gave them to me. I figured that you'd want to go," Anthony responded. 

"Hell yeah I do! But, wait. Who's the fourth person?" I asked knowing that this all seemed to be way too easy. 

"Emily," Anthony said and Sebastian's eyes got wide. 

"Well shit, I'm suddenly sick. Can't make it sorry," I responded. Everyone in the Marvel family knows that Emily VanCamp and I don't get along. In fact we've never gotten along all because I have something she wants, and that something happens to be a someone named Sebastian Stan. 

"Come on, Y/N/N. Don't let her ruin what's supposed to be a fun night for us," Sebastian said coming over and sitting across from me on the ground. 

"Not happening. I refuse, Harry will understand," I responded and he rolled his eyes. 

"How about this, we will sit stand whatever with the two of us between them. She won't get near him in anyway," Anthony said and I thought about it. After all it was a Harry Styles concert, and that man issss my second husband. 

"You're lucky it's Harry Styles," I mumble and the two let our a cheer. I sighed and stood up before walking down the hall to our bed room flopping back onto the bed and thinking about what the hell I just agreed to. 

"Hey," Sebastian spoke causing me to turn my head so I was looking at him leaning against the door frame. "Tonight is just you, me, and Anthony in my mind. I got my favorite girl and one o fly best friends. It's gonna be fun," he said. 

"Until she flirts with you,"

"And if she does I'll just kiss you to remind you both that I'm your's and nobody else's," 

"You can't kiss me at a Harry Styles concert, Seb,"

"Why not?" he asked completely confused at this point. 

"Becauseeeee then he'll think I'm in a relationshippp. I'm trying to secure a ring from him," I said and Sebastian instantly let out a laugh. Ever since before we started dating I haven't been so shy about expressing my adoration for Mr. Harry Styles. 

"Orrrr, you could secure this ring instead," Sebastian said after going into his beside table drawer and pulling out a black velvet box. I sat up in shock and crossed my legs looking at him shock. 

"You're kidding," I said feeling myself shake, but Sebastian shook his head as he got down at one knee. It was once he was on his knee my tears feel and I was left speechless. 

"Sooo?" he asked and I just nodded my head and he instantly got on the bed and slid the ring onto my ring finger and was tackled by a hug. "I was planning on doing this at the concert, but since I'm not even allowed to kiss you there, figured I had to do it here," 

"Oh now you can definitely kiss me at the concert," I responded before bringing his lips to meet mine. 

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