4. Him First

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Weddings are nerve wracking for the bride, but nobody wonders what it's like for the maid of honor. It's our job to make sure that nothing panics the bride and to make sure it goes smoothly. In special cases the maid of honor has to watch the love of her life marry her best friend, but that's life isn't?

"Y/N, can you come out here for a second?" Georgeta, Sebastian's mom, asked sticking her head into the suit where I was currently styling Y/F/N's hair. I passed the curling iron over to her sister before hurrying out the door and closing it behind me. 

"What's going on momma?" I asked Georgeta. When Sebastian moved to America I was his neighbor and his first friend so over the years his mom has become my own as well. 

"He wants to talk to you. He's not letting anyone else in the room," she said and I nodded my head before hurrying to the elevator...well hurrying the best to my ability within the constricting dress that Y/F/N had picked out for us to wear. Another example of nobody thinking about the MOH or the bridesmaids! But right now that's besides the point, right now it's about getting Sebastian ready to marry the woman he loves. 

When I got to his floor I found a door that had Evans, Mackie, Crawford, Malnati, Hauser, and Egan standing around it. I cleared my throat and Evans was the first of the two Chris to approach me. 

"Thank god! He's completely freaking out, anxiety is not his friend today," Evans said as Egan gave me a hug. 

"I'm on it. You guys go get a drink and be sure to put it on RDJ's tab," I said to them with a wink and all six men laughed before hugging me one by one and then making their way to the elevator. I waited until I heard the doors shut before even knocking on his door. 

"It's be buba," I said as I rested my head against the door after knocking for the fifth time. I heard shuffling before feeling the door open and taking away my stability. I would've fallen flat on my face if Sebastian hadn't of caught me, but he does that a lot. He catches me anytime I'm about to fall whether it's metaphorically or physically. Today is my day to catch him. "What's going on in that mind?" I asked as we sat down on the couch in the suite.

"I don't know if I can do it, Y/N/N. I'm not sure if she's the one," he said and I felt my heart drop. 

"She has to be. You've been together since high school, Seb. Twenty-one years is an awful long time to spend with someone that you don't love," I said trying to get comfortable, but the dress making it completely impossible. 

"I know, but I can't help feeling like something is off. Things just don't seem the same," he said looking up at me finally and I could tell how much of a mess he had been. 

"Neither of you are the same as you were at fifteen. I know I'm not and you're still sure that I'm your best friend," I said and he nodded his head giving me a little smile.

"You'll always be my best friend, but having a best friend for life and marrying someone are two different things," he said and I nodded my head remembering my first marriage and how three years into it everything went downhill. We sat in silence as I thought of how to reassure him, but in the end I decided to go with the truth. 

"Marriage is hard and believe me it sucks when you realize you married the wrong person. But...sometimes you need to marry the wrong person to help you figure out who the right one is. But also the doubt of Y/F/N being the wrong person could just be cold feet, bubs. Weddings are nerve wracking, but so is spending a lifetime wondering what if, so if there is any part of you wondering what would happen if you did marry her then go out there and marry her. You've loved each other since we were fifteen and I've been lucky enough to watch you support each other as you grew up and into your careers. Don't let this small moment of cold feet ruin twenty-one years of happiness and love," I said brushing some of his hair out of his eyes. He just looked at me as if searching for something before letting out a small smile. 

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