12. Hold Your Hand

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"Not gonna lie, I'm actually happy that you guys talked me into coming out. I needed it," Emilia said as she and her best friends in Central Park. For the past week she's only either gone to class or stayed in her room working on a project that's due in class.

"Figured as much. You can't stay in your room all day everyday," Katie said turning on the blanket to look at Emilia.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she responded before sitting up and putting on her sunglasses and looking at her phone. The friends have been out in the park for an hour hour so just taking in the sun and enjoying each other's company and avoiding all mentions of school and/or homework.

"Change the song please," Thomas asked turning to look at Eddie, who was in charge of the music for their afternoon relaxation. Eddie agreed and the longer they sat the more restless Emilia got. So much so that she eventually stood up, sliding her phone into her pocket and putting on her backpack purse and taking out her head phones.

"I'm gonna go for a walk," she said easing her friends' concerned glances.

"Be safe!" Thomas said and she nodded her head before pressing play. When Emilia was listening to music she was in her own little world. The outside world was shut out for that amount of time, and nothing could go wrong.

Until it did.

As she was walking she happened to bump into someone, and just from the body structure she knew it was a man. What she wasn't expecting was for that man to be Sebastian Stan. It took everything within her to hide her inner fangirl. She's is painfully aware of the existence of Sebastian as well as how much of a dork he was. That's why his response after her apology shocked her.

"Here's a hint when walking in public, watch where you're going," he said stunning her into stillness. It took her a moment to process and during that time he had move to walk around her so she shouted after him.

"Here's a hint. Don't be a dick," she said and that made him stop in his tracks and turn to face her. As he did her heart rate picked up, because she wasn't entirely sure where within her that it came from, but it's out there and Sebastian had heard her.

"What did you say?" he asked approaching her. Emilia is never one to really back down no matter how anxious a situation makes her. She she squared up and looked him in his eyes.

"I said, don't be a dick,"

"Honey, I have one, I'm not one. Anyways the world is full of them, and if you can't handle them then mommy and daddy should hold your hand and help you around," he said without missing a beat. Those words replaced her anxiety with anger.

"Actually this world is filled with decent people. You should try and be one of them," she said before turning and continuing her walk. As she put her head phones in she continued to walk to help calm herself down before going back to her friends. They could instantly tell something had happened to but their best friend in a bad mood, but they could also tell that she didn't want to talk about it.

When Emilia turned to walk away Sebastian just stood there shocked at her words. He wasn't expecting any of what she said to bother him, yet it did. He was already having a shitty day because he didn't get the role he really wanted and then his eyes called him once again. Hearing from an ex can piss of anyone and make anyone's day bad. But he is also aware that as a celebrity he's held up to a different standard than the everyday person (A/N: which a part of me find to be complete bullshit). He is entitled to a bad day and never intended to take it out on her, but he did, and as she was walking away he regretted it.

Three Months Later

"Your birthday surprise is..." Eddie said turning to look at Emilia as the four of us sat in his car. They'd had insisted on taking her on a birthday roadtrip without really telling her where the hell the were actually going until we got there. The three shared a look before they each shouted "Sebastian Stan". The mention of the man's name caused her face to fall and that instantly worried her friends, so she finally filled them in on their interaction three months ago.

"Shit, Em," Katie responded.

"Soooo are we not going in there?" Thomas asked after a moment of silence. Emilia didn't want her experience with Sebastian to ruin her friends' chances of getting him so she sighed and shook her head.

"Let's go," she said. Once inside she got her wrist band, her platinum VIP badge, and the four walked in and were instantly shown to a room where an exclusive meet and greet was being held. Her friends all walked in a head of her, but she needed to use the rest room so she rushed to use it quickly before they closed the doors. As she was walking out of the bathroom she once again bumped into a male figure and sighed remembering how the outcome was last time.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't loo-" the voice started and she instantly recognized the Romanian's voice. She stood up on her own, despite his outreached hand, and looked up at him then around them. The only other people in the hall were the two security guards following Sebastian around.

"It's fine. I should go," she said turning around to go into the room, but he took a hold of her arm.

Sebastian's P.O.V

As soon as I looked won at who I bumped into I instantly recognized her as the same woman I bumped into back in the city. I remember her, because it's not everyday that someone actually reprimands a celebrity. Not everyone is bold enough to put me in my place, even when I deserve it. So when they do, it's hard to forget their face.

"Wait," I said after I took ahold of her arm. She turned around and looked at me and I could tell she was nervous, and I would be too if someone had done what I did to her to me. "I'm sorry," I said looking her in her eyes and she got confused.

"You already said that," she responded with a light smile and I shook my head.

"No, I mean. I'm sorry about New York. You were right, I was a dick," I said and her smile turned into a smirk.

"At least you realized it," she said with a shrug and I laughed.

"True, but I'd still like to make it up to you in someway. I know this is kind of a douchy thing to ask, but would you like a selfie?" I asked.

"Actually, my friends kind of surprised me with the meet and greet as well as photo and autograph sessions for my birthday...so I don't really," she said trailing off and I nodded my head.

"Right, well would you maybe want to get some coffee?" I asked not really knowing how else to make it up to her. One of y guards whispered in my ear that I need to get in the room for the meet and greet, and she must of noticed because she gave me a small smile.

"It's fine. The apology is enough," she responded before turning and walking into the room that I was soon to walk into.

A/N: This is for one of Emilia and I have no idea if that is what she had in mind and I'm sorry if it's not the best! It's just kind of what flowed out, so I hope you enjoyed it still <3 Requests are still open, see the previous chapter for details!

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