22. Mother's Day Surprise

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"Are my girls ready to go?" Sebastian asked entering the living room from the kitchen as he fixed the sleeve of his shirt.

"Ready!" he heard his ten year old daughter, Tatum, state which caused him to look up with a smile, but the sight before his eyes blew him away. Standing before him was Y/N and Tatum in matching blue and white dresses. This'll be the trio's first Mother's Day since Y/N and Sebastian got married and what Y/N didn't know is that her husband and bonus daughter have a surprise in store for her.

Y/N has been apart of Tatum's life since she was five and they've never once actually celebrated on Mother's Day or even made a big deal about it. Mainly because when Tatum was three her biological mother gave up all of her rights to her, so Y/N never wanted to make her feel comfortable or as if she had to celebrate the holiday.

Instead every year on the Saturday before Mother's Day they would spend the morning with Y/N's mom and sisters and then spend the rest of the day with Georgetta. And then when it came to the actual Mother's Day Sunday they'd just stay home and watch movies and play board games. No gifts, no big tadoo, just enjoying their time together.

"Why don't you two look beautiful," He said pulling Tatum into a hug while also leaning in to kiss Y/N.

"Then I guess that makes us one good looking family, because you're looking mighty handsome my guy," Y/N said with a wink as she pulled away.

"Ready to go?" Sebastian asked and both girls nodded their head since this year they're meeting up at a restaurant with each other their mom's and Y/N's sister for a joint brunch instead.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Tatum said smacking her dad's butt earning a glare from Sebastian and stifled laughter from Y/N because she knew exactly where she picked that up from.

"She truly is your daughter," Y/N said to Sebastian as she made her way out the front door being pulled by Tatum.

"Don't remind me," Sebastian said shaking his head following closely behind. It's become somewhat painfully evident that he had just created a miniature female version of himself. "Wanna drive?"

"You know I do," Y/N said taking the keys out of his hand and unlocking the car. Tatum let go of Y/N's hand and ran straight towards the car and got in while Y/N and Sebastian took their time walking to the car. Once inside Tatum's playlist began playing and Y/N found herself humming along to the music while Tatum was in the back seat singing along at full volume. When they got to the restaurant they parked the car and once out Tatum stood between the couple and took ahold of each other their hands.

"Don't you two look adorable," Y/M/N, said greeting them as she waited for them outside. While still holding Tatum's hand Y/N gave her mom a one side hug before stepping back so Sebastian could greet her.

"I picked it out," Tatum said smiling proudly at the fact that Y/N agreed to letting her decide what they each would be wearing to the brunch.

"You did an amazing job, my dear," Y/M/N said brushing some hair behind Tatum's ear.

"Why don't we go ahead and get seated and we can wait for the other's inside," Sebastian said sharing a knowing glance with Y/M/N before looking over at his girls.

"Sounds good," Y/N said to him before heading inside with Tatum still at her side.

"Do you think they'll have ice cream?" Sebastian overheard Tatum ask his wife followed by the familiar chuckle.

"I hope so, but if not maybe we can talk your dad into taking us to get some afterwards. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect!" Tatum said as everyone continued to walk inside. Sebastian gave the hostess his name and they were brought back to a room blocked off by a curtain. Y/N glanced back at Sebastian who just shrugged as innocently as he could. When they got to the curtain the hostess took a step to the side and Y/N pulled it aside allowing herself and Tatum to walk through and when she did she gasped.

"What are you doing here?" She asked seeing many of the Marvel women there with their children and significant others as well. Y/N and Sebastian met while she was working as a makeup artist on the set of a TV show and then he had requested her again for when he was Bucky, so through the years she's gotten close to his cast mates as well.

"We came out to celebrate Mother's Day. It's been a while since we've been able to all get together," Scarlett said being the first to come and hug Y/N.

"I've missed you," Y/N said wrapping her arms around Scarlett.

"We minded you too. I don't think a day went by when Rose didn't ask when you guys were gonna come visit us again,"

"Then I guess we have to make that happen again soon," Y/N said bending down so she could give Rose a hug. "How does that sound?" She asked tickling her friend's daughter leading to giggles filling the room.

"It sounds good," Rose managed to get out between her giggles. Soon everyone took a seat at the table and fell into polite conversations. The brunch was fulling and currently everyone was just sitting around trying to decide what they'd want for dessert.

"Hey, daddy. I forgot something in the car," Y/N heard Tatum say bringing her attention to her family.

"Alrighty, off we goo," Sebastian said standing up and pulling Tatum's chair out. He made sure to lean down and kiss Y/N's temple before leaving with Tatum. This is where the big surprise started going as planned. This was the year that Tatum, herself, decided that she wanted to get a present for Y/N and celebrate Mother's Day with her. "You're sure about this?" Sebastian asked his ten year old as she leaned in the trunk to get the two presents that they had gotten for her earlier this week.

"Positive. Are you ok with it?" she asked looking up at him with worry as she handed him one of the presents to hold. Sebastian quickly set the present on the top of the car before squatting so he was eye level with his daughter.

"I'm perfectly fine with it. This isn't my choice to make, hun. It's one hundred percent up to you," he said as they looked each other in the eye.

"Then I want to do it," Tatum stated and Sebastian nodded his head leaning forward and kissing her forehead before standing up and getting the present he had put on top of the car.

"Let's head inside then," he said closing the trunk once she had gotten the second gift. When they walked in Y/N was having a conversation with Sunny Ruffalo so she didn't notice that her husband and bonus daughter had come back in until she felt Tatum's head on her shoulder.

"What's going on, Babe?" she asked turning and looking at the ten year old. Their friends already knew what was going to happen so all the conversations got hushed and all eyes were on the two Stan females.

"This is for you," Tatum said with a smile handing her the present that she had carried in.

"You didn't have to get me anything," Y/N said glancing at Sebastian before looking back to Tatum. To be honest it felt a little awkward to Y/N just for the simple fact that this isn't something that they normally did.

"I know. I just wanted to," Tatum said with a smile as Y/N slowly unwrapped the present. The more she unwrapped it the clearer the scrapbook had become. On the cover were the words 'Our Story' and as she turned the pages Y/N found pictures of herself with Tatum and Sebastian or just herself and Tatum and she couldn't help but tear up. Tatum had grown up before Y/N's eyes these past five years and she hadn't realized how much until now.

"I love it, Tate," Y/N said wiping her tears with a small laugh and hugging the younger girl who at this point had moved onto sitting on her lap.

"I have one more," Tatum said turning and taking the present that Sebastian was handing her. She set it not the table and Y/N began to unwrap it only to find a rectangular garment box sitting there. When she opened the box all she found were papers. She picked them up to read them and the more she read the more her tears began to fall. She looked over at Sebastian who had the widest grin on his face and then looked at Tatum was was looking at her nervously.

"Is thi-Is this what I think it is?" Y/N asked still looking down at the papers.

"Yeah," Tatum said softly. Silently praying that things would go the way that she was hoping for them to.

"Tate, I-," Y/N said before cutting her own self off.

"What do you say?" Tatum asked.

"I'd love to adopt you," Y/N said looking at her daughter with tears in her eyes. As soon as the words left her mouth Tatum began to tear up as well and pictures were being taken by their friends.

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