11. What If

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Sebastian's P.O.V

"Ready to go home and see mommy and bubba?" I asked Dodie as I buckled her into her carseat. Originally her dad was supposed to pick her up for the weekend, but sometime today he had texted Y/N and bailed on Dodie once again.  Y/N's at home with Gideon, and since he hasn't been feeling well she didn't want to take him out.

"Duh!" The Five year old responded and I laughed before kissing her cheek. Over the three years that I've been in Dodie's life I've seen her grow into such a sassy and interesting little girl. I can honestly state that I think my fiance's daughter is one of my best friends and I'm not complaining. Whenever I'm home she's always following me around as if she were my shadow. "Can we have a tea party Tata?" she asked me.

"Of course we can princess," I said to her. As we drove to the house the two of us sang along to the radio at the top of our lungs and would laugh anytime my voice would crack. These are some of my favorite moments to look back on. Once at the house I put her backpack on my shoulder and carried her to the front door. As I opened the door we heard music and shared a look. 

"Should we see what mommy's up to?" I asked her and she nodded her head. I took as step in and closed the door behind me before hanging her backpack up on her hook. With Dodie still in my arms we headed towards where the music was coming from, and the closer we got we heard Y/N singing. We shared a look before rounding the kitchen to find her dancing with Gideon sitting in his high chair. Y/N's back was to us as she serenaded our one and a half year old son. I set Dodie down and took ahold of her hand before walking into the kitchen and putting my free arm around Y/N causing her to scream and drop the whisk that she was hold.

"You scared the shit out of me, Bash," she said slapping my chest after she realized it was only me. She picked up the whisk and tossed it into the sink before bending down and giving Dodie a hug and a kiss. "How was school, bug?" she asked her. 

"Good, Mrs. Cooper said that next weekend is my turn to bring home the class pet," she said to her mom as I walked past and picked up my little man Gideon. 

"Hey bubba," I said kissing his cheek before feeling his forehead with the back of my hand. 

"And what kind of pet is it?" Y/N asked skeptically. 

"It's a hamster," Dodie responded smiling as Y/N looked back as to ask if she had told me about this and I just shrugged my shoulders. 

"Looks like we're having a hamster next weekend," Y/N said before going into one of our drawers and taking out another whisk and coming over to give me a proper hello kiss. 

"Missed you today movie star," she greeted using the nick name that she's been using for me since our first date. 

"Missed my family too. What are you making?" I asked peering into her bowl and she just blocked my view and shook her head. 

"It's not for us anyways, one of the teachers at Dodes' school ordered it and since I couldn't go in because of Bub I had to make it here," she informed and I nodded my head. 

"Right, well I'll take the kids and we'll get out of your hair for a bit. Let me know when you're done and I'll start dinner," I said before giving her another kiss. 

"Will do," she responded. 

"Let's go little lady. I believe you promised me a tea party," and with that the three of us headed down to their play room in the basement. Once in the room I closed the baby gate and set Gideon down while Dodie went straight to her dress up closet.

"Here you go Tata," she said handing me "my" tutu that Y/N bought just for this occasion. Even though I do not share any DNA with this little girl, she has me completely wrapped around her finger just like her mother and her brother. For the past three years I've grown to love her as my own and I've even thought about adopting her once Y/N and I are married, but I also wouldn't ever want to interfere with her relationship with her dad (even if he is a pos who always bails on her).

"Thank you Princess Dodie," I responded before sliding it on and giving her a curtsy. Two hours later is when Y/N finished whatever she was making and came and took my spot at the royal tea party of Princess Dodie Maire Y/L/N. Of course I snuck a picture of the three of them before going into the kitchen. I looked at what we currently had in the fridge to make and I spotted chicken so I began to cook Garlic Butter Chicken. Before moving in with Dodie and Y/N I knew how to cook one dish and that didn't always end up great, but due to living with those two ladies I stepped up my cooking game. 


"And your story is done. I'll see you in the morning Princess," I said leaning down and kissing Dodie's forehead. Tonight I did story time alone because Y/N was dealing with finding someone to go in for her tomorrow now that we'll have both kids home all weekend and I still have to film over the weekend. 

"Night Tata," she said cuddling with the care bear that I had given her on her third birthday. As I left the room I turned off her lights, leaving her night light on, and leaving the door cracked a little behind me. I went to check on Gideon and he was sound asleep in his crib. 

"And all the small humans are in their beds," I said walking into mine and Y/N's room to find her on the bed with her laptop in front of her and phone in hand.

"Perfect. Thanks babe," she said as I leaned down to give her a quick peck. 

"No problem at all. Any luck?" I asked walking over to our dresser to pick out pajama bottoms for the night. 

"I have someone who can come in at noon for me, but not another opener. What time do you film tomorrow?" she asked me with a sigh and I could tell this was stressing her out. 

"I have to be on set at nine, but I can see if my call can be pushed back until 12:30," I said and she shook her head. 

"No, don't. I'll figure it out," she said with a small smile before looking back down at her phone. I felt bad so even though she told me not to, when I got into the bathroom I sent a text to my assistant asking her to get in contact with the First AD to see if I could come in later. Once I was finished with my shower my assistant had gotten back to me letting me know that I could come in at eleven at the latest. 

"Any luck?" I asked getting into bed and placing my phone on my nightstand. At this point Y/N was already under the covers still looking at her phone, but her laptop was on her nightstand. 

"Nope. I think they're gonna have to come to work with me," she sighed and I frowned. 

"I can be with them until eleven, I can see if we can drop them off with Scarlett or someone until you can get them," I suggested and she frowned. 

"I don't want to ask our friends to watch them," she sighed. 

"That's what they're here for. We support each other when it comes to the kids and you know this babe," I said and she nodded her head. 

"Fine, I'll text Scar," she responded and I nodded my head before laying down beside her. As she set her phone on the night stand I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder. 

"I love you Y/N/N," I mumbled against her shoulder. 

"I love you, Bash," she said turning to look at me. I kissed the tip of her nose causing her to scrunch it up. She gave me a kiss on the lips before turning so that her back was once again against my chest. We sat in silence for a little while before I spoke up. 

"What if I adopted Dodie?" I blurted out. 

A/N: Idk I just wanted to write a domestic Seb imagine and this is what came out. Hope you enjoyed it!

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