-Kid's Movie (pt 2)

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"Just me and you, buddy," I said to my fish the morning after the premiere. I'm not really sure if Seb came home last night, but I do know that he didn't sleep in our bed. I left as soon as the movie ended, and though my mom and sister offered to tag along with me I turned them down since I just needed the time alone to process everything. Do I think he meant everything he said last night? No, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. Once I finished feeding my fish I went into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal, and as I began to eat it my phone began ringing non stop no matter how much I tired to ignore it.

"What, Ris?"  I asked with a sigh finally answering my sister's calls.

"Have you been on any social media today?" She asked.


"Look. Now, but don't hang up," she said and I rolled my eyes putting her on speaker and then going to Instagram. Nothing too eye popping was on my feed so I got very confused.

"And what exactly and I supposed to be seeing?" I asked her as I scrolled a bit.

"Ugg, go to your boyfriend's page," she instructed so I did just that. As his page loaded I got nervous about what I could possibly be looking at, and once it was finally loaded my hands began to shake. I clicked on his most recent post, which happened to be a picture of me that he had taken last week when we had gone on a picnic and I read the caption 'There's something about my girl that makes my heart beat'.

"Holy shit," I mumbled staring at the post.

"I know! Did you guys work things about last night once he got home?" Karissa questioned.

"No. He didn't even come home last night," I said as I heard the front door open and close.

"Damn, sis. I don't know. Have you forgiven him?" She asked just as Sebastian rounded the corner coming face to face with me. In his hands were flowers and a stuffed dolphin.

"I gotta call you back, Ris." Was all I said before hanging up. Once I hung up the phone I locked it and set it down onto the table before looking at Sebastian.

"Morning," he said with a small smile, but I didn't return it. In fact I didn't say anything, not because I didn't want to, but more because I didn't know what to say. "Did you see my post?"

"I did. Why'd you post it?" I asked bringing my knees up to my chest completely forgetting about the cereal in front of me.

"Because I felt that it was time the world knew about my amazing girlfriend, who is also really good a forgiveness," he said holding up the dolphin and flowers. Normally the gester would make my heart swoon, but this time it didn't do anything for me.

"Do you believe everything that you said last night?" I questioned.

"No. I know you have insecurities and you're working through them, I never should've thrown them in your face last night. I don't care if anyone knows about our age gap, jus that they know you're mine and I'm your's. I love you beyond words,and I'm sorry for calling you a kid," he said setting the flowers and dolphin down on the table before walking over to me and turning my chair and squatting in front of me.

"I do have insecurities, and we both know how hard I've been working. That's why it hurt so much that it was brought up. I refuse to stay in this relationship if every time we fight you call me a kid or make small comments about my age, it's not healthy Seb," I said looking in his eyes.

"I know, and I don't do it ev-" he started and I shook my head.

"But you do. Every time we're in an argument you make a comment about my age, even if it happens to be a small comment about it you still make it. If this age gap is too much for you let's end it now, because I refuse to allow you to resent and and vice versa. I'm an adult, I can take it," I said sternly and he sighed.

"I don't want to give up on us. I promise that I'll stop with the age comments. If you want to go to couple's counseling we can, I just don't want to give up," he said and I could tell he meant it, but last night I had time to thinks about everything.

"I love you, we both know I love you more than words, but before we can work on us I have to completely work on me. I need space between us so I can grow and be the woman and you clearly want and are searching for within me. You and everyone else are right, I do have growing to do, but it has to happen on my own. I'd never ask you to wait for me, but I do ask that you remember I love you," I said brining my hand up to his cheek and cupping it.

"No, were not breaking up," he said sternly as he fought back his tears. "I'm not losing you!"

"And you're not. I promise that in a year's time if you're still single and your heart is still open to me I'll come find you. But I have to grow, and I do my best growing on my own. You have other things to worry about, the biggest being your career. I can't distract you from that,"

"God damnit, Y/N! You're not a distraction. You're the woman I love and I want to be there to watch and help you grow. That's what a partner is for, that's what I've been doing for the past year and a half!"

"I know and I thank you. I just don't want you to make me an obligation,"

"You're more than an obligation to me. You're the woman I love and the one I want to marry. Don't do this now," he pleaded just letting his tears fall freely.

"I'm sorry, Bash. I love you," I said before standing up and picking up my bowl. I carried it into the kitchen, cleaned it, and put it away. I walked back past him and upstairs to pack a bag of my stuff to take to either my parents' house or my sister's. When I came back downstairs with the bag he was sitting on the couch head in his hands and I watched him cry. Habit kicked in and I instantly walked over and took him in my arms as she cried.

"Please, babe. Don't leave me. I was an idiot yesterday, I shouldn't have said any of it, I know. I can't lose you, not like this," he said as I held onto him.

"You're not losing me," I reassured him.

"But I am, you're leaving me. I don't want you to leave and I know you don't want to leave. We can work on this together, we're worth it. You're worth it. Please, Y/N/N," he pleaded. I didn't respond I just sat there and held him until he fell asleep in my arms.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it!! Currently debating on wether to make a part three or just leave it here? Please comment your thoughts!

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