10. Hold It Together

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Earlier tonight you and Sebastian had gone out to a bar with both Chris Evans and Pratt, as well as RDJ, Renner, Scarlett, and Winston. While you and Scarlett went to get another round for everyone, Sebastian, Renner, and Winston decided it was best to pick their drunk bodies up and go onto the dance floor. Which there's nothing wrong with a few drunk men dancing, but there's everything wrong with the way that ended. 

As you headed back to the others with Scarlett you saw Sebastian dancing with another woman, and it wasn't just dancing. No these fuckers were full on grinding on each other with no shame, even as Winston was trying to pull Sebastian away from her. Sebastian ended up shaking off Winston and walking away with the woman and as Winston turned to go back to the table, the two of you made eye contact.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed to you from the distance between the two of you and you just shrugged. You delivered the drinks to the table and picked up your purse. 

"Where are you going?" Pratt asked with his arm around his wife, Katherine's, shoulders as she leaned into him.

"Not feeling so hot, gonna head home. Please make sure Seb gets home safely," you said putting on a convincing fake smile. You'd like to thank your acting experience for that, but it honestly comes from years of hidden pain. 

"I got it. See you on set tomorrow?" Evans asked referring to the new movie that the pair of you play love interests in. 

"You bet. Night everyone," you said with a final wave before walking outside. Your place wasn't too far so you decided to walk to get the fresh air, plus you have your pepper spray with you incase of anything going wrong, which thankfully it didn't. 

The original plan was for you to spend the night at Sebastian's tonight, but you ended up going to your apartment for the night. Once you were inside safe you locked the door and made your way to your room before closing that door and locking it as well. Once it was locked you began to undress and head into the bathroom for a shower. Thirty minutes of frustration tears later you were out of the shower with wet hair. You quickly put it into two dutch braids before drying off your body. Once you were dried off you walked into the room and took out one of Sebastian's baseball tees that hit you at your knee and put it on as well as a pair of underwear and shorts. 

Once you were dressed you climbed into bed and saw that you had multiple missed calls, many from Evans and Pratt. You ignored the calls and went to look at your texts and the first that appeared was Scarlett. Attached was a video and you knew where it was going before you even pressed play, but I guess you like to torture yourself because you played the video. The longer it went on the more your heart broke. As it ends you sent here a simple 'thank you' in response before completely turning your phone off for the night. 

You laid in bed thinking about what you did to deserve this. The only thing that you could think of is that you were a slut (A/N: We do not slut shame in this household!) in your past life. Whatever you did, this completely crushed you and all you wanted to do was sleep in hopes of forgetting. 

In the morning you found out that no amount of sleep could allow you to forget the fact that Sebastian had his hands on another women last night. In fact it only allows you to wonder what he did with the woman as you were asleep. And as much as you didn't want to go into work and face his best friend, you sucked it up because you're a professional independent woman who doesn't allow a many to affect her work or career. But as soon as you arrived on set you instantly wished that you'd stayed at home. 

"Have you seen the article?" Mallory, your assistant, asked as she entered your trailer as you laid on the bed in there. 

"Don't need to. Scar sent me a video. Just want to forget for the day, ok?" You asked without sitting up or looking at her. 

"Understood," she said quietly before you heard your trailer door open and shut. You let out a sigh and rolled onto your side taking ahold of the stuffy that your dad gave you before you moved to New York. The more you laid there the more your tears began to flow and before you knew it you were full on sobbing. Your sobbing was so loud that you hadn't heard anyone enter your trailer. You didn't even know that you weren't alone before you felt your bed dip. You rolled over and there were both Chrises, Winston, Anne Hathaway, and Priyanka Chopra-Jonas in your trailer. 

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked sitting up and trying to stop your tears. You absolutely hated when anyone worried about you, so them finding you in the middle of a break down was your worst nightmare. 

"Just checking on you..you know considering," Pratt trailed off with a sad smile from beside you on your bed. You looked around at your costars for the past seven months and gave them a sad smile as you tried to stop your tears. 

"I'm fine, really," you said putting on a smile even though the tears continued to flow freely. 

"You're not and it's okay not to be. You don't always have to be strong," Priyanka said leaning against the counter across from my bed. 

"She's right. Anyone would understand why you're crying right now," Anne said from the foot of my bed. I gave them weak smiles before looking over at Winston and Evans who were whispering in the corner. 

"What are you guys talking about?" you asked causing the two men to look at you. They shared a glance with each other, and you saw Winstons look harden before giving a slight shake of his head. 

"Sebastian's here," Evans said and it was like the world took a moment to freeze, your heart stopped, and you took your time taking in this bit of information. 

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!! Would you like a part two???

Just Imagine: A Book of Sebastian Stan ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara